Future Doctor Who?

I just watched him in the Doctor Who episode "Human Nature", and I was thinking he could be The Doctor in a few years!
He has such an interesting look about him, and he speaks very well.


Good idea, it'd be kinda neat



After I'd watched the episode, I read the entry for it on the Doctor Who Wiki, and there was this line under 'Continuity':
• When Hutchinson calls Latimer a "filthy coward" Latimer responds by saying, "Oh, yes, sir! Every time!" this is a reference to DW: The Parting of the Ways. It is revealed in the Doctor Who Confidential for these two episodes that they wanted to make Latimer a bit Doctor-ish in his character, so they included this as a nod to that quality of his.
Made me feel good that I wasn't the first to be thinking along those lines!


Well, that's just plain clever :)
I wouldn't have ever noticed it, though :)

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it put this as your signature.


He'd be an awesome Doctor
