Her First Name ...

Hi ! I just would like to know how "Samaire" must be pronounced ?


I'm french, so please excuse me for my bad english. Thanks.


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If her name is in fact Gaelic then it should be pronounced Sah-moy-rah and there isn't necessarily a rolled r.
But nobody ever gets these things right.

I wish my hair was Emo so that it would cut itself


If that is actually how it's pronounced it's interesting, because there is a Persian name that is pronounced the same way—although it's usually spelled differently.

"Sam-air"—why do I keep thinking of a dog/monkey movie, running shoes, or basketball?



From her page:

"Her name is pronounced Sah-mee-rah

Her parents initially pronounced her name "Sam-air" for 3 months until they were taught how to pronounce it in its proper Gaelic form"

yes I've read that but seeing as I am fluent in Gaelic I know how its pronounced

I wish my hair was Emo so that it would cut itself


Then it makes sense, sah-mee-rah is Persian, sah-moy-rah is Gaelic.



Not that I've ever heard that name Samaire before. Nor does it actually sound like any words that I'm familiar with on Gaelic. I'm just going on traditional pronunciations of those sequences of letters and that would more than likely be how it is pronounced if the name is in fact gaelic which I have my doubts about.

I wish my hair was Emo so that it would cut itself
