MovieChat Forums > Samaire Armstrong Discussion > Info ref RadioAttractive, a band Samaire...

Info ref RadioAttractive, a band Samaire is in for her fans

(Copied & pasted from -- entry dated 07/05/2010)

"I learned this weekend that "rock outfit" no doesn't mean what you wear whilst rocking, is another term for band.

I have a rock outfit. It is called Radio Attractive. It includes Kendra Krull and myself as the front-women... With Asher Simon on drums. Paul Morris from Pablonious Funk on guitar, organ, bass and whatever else he can get his freaking hands on, and Michael Ruiz from Roboticon as key engineer & producer of many track hits.

We are also going to be working with Bryan Alexander from Gamet in the up coming weeks."

RadioAttractive is on Twitter @RadioAttractive & is also in Facebook:


Forgot to post the band's website URL:
