MCU Johnny Storm

I'm in the middle of binging The Office and, if (or even when) Marvel gets the film rights for F4 from Fox, I really want to see Krasinski play the Human Torch. Based on his portrayal of Jim, Krasinski is old enough, has the right amount of charm, and is somewhat cocky yet still caring enough for his friends, teammates, and civilians.

FUN FACT: Krasinski had the role of Captain America in the bag but for some reason didn't end up playing, so maybe Marvel will Krasinski another chance!


That would be cool, I like John Krasinski. I think given a good script he can play the part well, he just doesn't;'t get any breaks.

"Young White Tall European Green eye Girl born in the US that Loves Movies"

yes my signature LOL


He would make a good Reed Richards.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Or Reed Richards, Moon Knight. Maybe in the DC Comics Universe, he could play Booster Gold or Starman.
