MovieChat Forums > Steve Howey Discussion > Whats Your Favorite Line?

Whats Your Favorite Line?

I know this probably won't get many readers but I thought I'd post it anyway! So I was wondering what was ya'll guys favorite line that he said on Reba? Mine would definitely have to be Buzzard I know its only one word but his expessions and the way he said it was so hilarious! So yeah please post! Laterz!!
Major Hannah and Josh fan here!


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haha yep that is a great line/word. There's too many for him. I could never choose one.

"Our conversations change from words to blah, blah, BLAAH"
True Relient K Fan


My favorite is how he was going to open up a can of whoop a** on dr. delicious! lol and when he says Cheyenne I need you to come upstairs and clean the lamp that I broke with the sombrero on! LOL I am sure there are others too.


"Don't worry Elizabeth, Mommy's home and Daddy's going to be OKAY!"

I think it was something like that. It's in the episode where Cheyenne wants to become a dentist and was gone all day while Van was home with the baby. He couldn't find Elizabeth's binky or baba and was freaking out until Cheyenne got home and fixed everything. haha. I love this show!


mine is van in the mini van


mine is the whole "hot dog on a stick" thing and when he dressed up as a dad with that ugly sweater and the pipe


Reba goes "I have stones" and throws Van's banana in the trash. Then Van walks over and says "No this takes stones" and reaches in the trash and pulls out the banana and takes a bite, " grindy and egg shelly." I just watched that episode and it was funny.

"The Spiders, The Spiders want me to tapdance"


"Do you think I like looking like the mayor of Munchin Land?"
