MovieChat Forums > Steve Howey Discussion > THE NEXT 'JIM CAREY' ?


Steve Howey ... Van on WB's REBA show ... is SOOOOO TALANTED!!! And soooo many times, with his various facial expressions & mannerisms, he so much reminds me of the comedian Jim Carey. Steve is HOT, SEXY, and has a true talent for acting.
GOOD LUCK in all of your future adventures, and keep the laughs comming on REBA!
Look forward to seeing more of you on the BIG SCREEN as well!


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He does have what it takes...half the battle to comedy is timing...and he is great at that...but I wouldn't say he is the next Jim Carey...


What are you babbling about....!! He isnt that good an actor and will never be anything other than an actor in a bad comedy show... (Which isnt a bad gig)


Since I first saw him act I thought he was the next Jim Carey. He is extrememly talented even if you don't like the character he plays or the show Reba. I will admit I never ever thought I would watch this show but one day when there was nothing else on I did and I continue to watch it only because of him and because I know he is going to be a huge star and it's interesting to watch him on this show as his 'jumping off point'. It's like watching a professional warm up before the big game.


I don't see him being as big as Jim Carey, but everytime I watch him on Reba...I see him maybe playing...Jim Carey's son in a movie because I do see some similar talent's they share.


If memory serves, there was a time when many thought Jim wouldn't move beyond lame stand-up and In Living Color. Well, here we are in the new millenium and he's critically acclaimed. So If you want to draw comparisons between Steve and Jim, then give Steve a chance. He may surprise the naysayers again.


I came on here to say exactly the same thing. I was watching the show today and he does remind me of Jim Carey. I don't know if he'll ever be as sucessful,but he does remind me a lot of Jim. He's very funny and I hope he does well in the future.

