MovieChat Forums > Nicole Scherzinger Discussion > Why do people think she's talentless?

Why do people think she's talentless?

Seriously? Have people actually heard her single live? Her vocal ability is superb:

Don't Cry For Me Argentina:

US National Anthem:

Italian Opera:


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I've always admired her vocal ability. It's a shame she can't catch a break.


She's a great singer! I really enjoyed her rendition of Don't Cry For Me Argentina. 


People who think Nicole is talentless know nothing about music, voice or singing. I wouldn't know how incredible she is if not for You Tube.

Nicole has tremendous range and amazing vocal control. She's where she is in the 'business' because her angelic vocals haven't been used to the best of her ability singing poppy tunes like 'Don't Cha' with the likes of the Pussy Cat Dolls (although they're fine). She'd be a superstar if she'd taken the Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Josh Groban route of love songs, power ballads, songs of inspiration, and maybe the occassional light pop tune. Beautiful lady, perfect voice, wrong music, stinky career.

Alot is NOT a word
