MovieChat Forums > Loretta Young Discussion > Time to put this b!tch on trial here...

Time to put this b!tch on trial here...

Arch Christian who had love child with a married Clark Gable, raised their daughter as "adopted", told her she was a mortal sin, denied the child a chance to know her dad even though he lived just a few blocks away.

Horrible, selfcentered, hypocritical vermin....

I've said my piece.


BFD. She had what seemed to her to be good reasons at the time. Nobody's perfect.


She was a product of her times, and protecting her daughter. But I never knew she called her a " mortal sin". That was wrong, but she was deeply religious.


Yep. This bitch was the worst kind of foul, religious hypocrite. Cannot stand her ass, and no amount of whitewashing of what she did will ever change that.


Later in life she told her daughter that she had been in love with Gable, but like the good Christian virgin she was, she wanted to keep the romance strictly platonic.

But he'd raped her. At least, the first time.
