MovieChat Forums > Bellamy Young Discussion > Bellamy Please Read

Bellamy Please Read

OK Bellamy if you ever look at this then please respond! could you please get a couple of posters and calendar's released (especially considering that nobody's and people that cannot ACT! release them all the time!) we (the hopefully commented below!) really need a good Bellamy fix (set up major website! release calendars! etc..)


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Ok one she probably doesn't even read this site moron and 2 for her to do all of those things would cost a lot of money. So why the hell would she waste her time doing crap like that instead of focusing on acting.


You can check out the website for some pics, and videos of some of her work. It also has a contact page for her agent. I am a friend of the family in North Carolina and as far as I know she has not looked at her page on IMDB.


How pathetic. Get your whack material elsewhere.
