MovieChat Forums > Bellamy Young Discussion > Worst choice for Scandal

Worst choice for Scandal

Difficult to imagine someone cheating on such a beautiful woman!

-You may have a coronary..
- A coronary? My heart wouldn't dare attack me!


Did she purposely style her character to look like Jackie O?
I could see mellie trying to model herself after such an iconic First Lady.


I know, right? It just seems unbelievable that Fitz would cheat on her with Olivia. Mellie is leagues above Olivia is sexiness.



Haha I so agree! I am a straight woman but I find myself very attracted to her.. I just don't know what would possess Fitz to cheat on her. They also keep calling her "cold" and "frigid" but to me Melly is adorable and warm.. she wants affection.. anything but cold.


Bellamy Young and Kerry Washington are both gorgeous and I'd hate to have to decide who is more so in a contest.

Trouble is, the Fitz character romanticizes idealism even as he behaves self-indulgently and occasionally engages in criminal acts (as do nearly all the characters on the show). He views his wife as corrupt and projects his own self-loathing onto her. For at least four seasons, the Olivia character represents idealism and escape from the office he somehow doesn't want or care about, as adviser characters make clear in private responses. Olivia is also younger than his wife and in a supporting role employment-wise, however elevated it is and brilliant she might be. Historically, men in power tend to have affairs with younger women, whom they sometimes get to know in a work capacity.

The frustrating thing about Scandal is that two whip-smart, degree-wielding women on powerful career tracks are kept on hold throughout the series by an impractical and even self-destructive man.

That character is definitely capable of sabotaging his marriage with Mellie. That he does it it willfully and relentlessly throughout his presidency, inviting scandal not once but endlessly, is the part that requires a suspension of disbelief.
