27 club

What is it with this age bracket and celebrity deaths? To all celebrities involved in the music industry yet to turn 27, when you do cover yourself in bubble wrap until you turn 28


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If all you need to do is be involved in music, then Anton is part of the 27 club, but so far as I know, you really need to rock, so he just died at 27.


A rapper is included in the list so Anton counts


I can't stand this talk about the 27 club. Anton doesn't belong in it just because he happened to be this age when he died. I thought it is for those who have been involved in self-destructive behaviour - mainly taking drugs - and thus died that young.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."


What is it with this age bracket and celebrity deaths? To all celebrities involved in the music industry yet to turn 27, when you do cover yourself in bubble wrap until you turn 28

Lots of names on that list.

Same as a previous poster, I always thought it was those who died as a result of their own personal weakness(es), or by their own hands; but I see it's not.

Seems as if all they needed was the age.

“Enduring commercials is the price you pay for free television.”


Actually some of the musicians in the 27 club were murdered, died in a plane crash, had cancer, poisoned, committed suicide or died from some sort of health issue
