MovieChat Forums > Anton Yelchin Discussion > I'm sorry your life was so short, Penny ...

I'm sorry your life was so short, Penny (From Odd Thomas).

Now I say the same thing to you Anton, I'm so sorry.
I remember the first time I saw him, it was in Taken, I was 12 or 13 years old, I saw him and I though he was cute.
As I grew older I kept watching his films, sometimes I'd forget about him, and then he would appear in my tv.
Every time I saw him, I would think the same thing, what a extraordinary and cute actor.
3 years ago, I got married, (Now I'm 27, the same age as Anton) I would joke with my husband saying that Anton was my free pass.

When an actor passes away, is sad, but it never hurts, at least to me. But when I found out, I was very sad, maybe because I felt like I had grow up with him a bit, being the same age and all. Maybe because I lost my mom a month ago and everything hits me hard.
Either way, this is so sad, I don't think I can go to see the new Star Trek.
They say, he didn't suffer long, I hope it was true.
He was talented, versatile and professional.

I wish his family the streng they need to survive this tragic moment.

English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistake.
And if you can, write a memory you have of him.


Maybe don't watch Odd Thomas now.

A: "She's the Crazy-Ex-Girlfriend" R:That's a sexist term! A: "She's so broken insideeeeeeee"


Yeah, definitely not. I tried and when I got to that moment when he talks to Penny and says, "I'm sorry your life was so short, Penny." I just lost it. I then immediately stopped watching it, knowing I wasn't ready.


I couldn't stop crying after that, but I needed to keep watching.

I'm starting to re watch all his movies.


Penny was played by Ashley Sommers, daughter of OT director Stephen Sommers.


Nothing more comical than those who think or try to channel dead people on social threads.
HEY!!! They are dead! Get it?


We're just expressing ourselves, or do you prefer that people won't express how they feel? In which case, maybe don't use the boards?
No one is thinking that is talking to Anton, this is mostly about what we would like to say to him, or to his family.

What is gone is not forgotten
