He's a great actor

Check out his performance in Ride With the Devil. Hopefully he'll get the recognition he deserves before he dies.


Agreed. Denzel Washington might have a little competition. Mr. Wright is fantastic. I have loved him in just about everything I have seen him in. The film itself may not be good but he is always doing his best in it.


Yup! One of the greatest actors of our generation!


He blows me away.

This guy is the best actor of all time. He literally changes in to his character so completely I can barely recognize him. In many of his roles, I have to look here (IMDB) to make sure for myself!

I think that some times actors this great are too good to receive the recognition because you never remember him, just the character. He transcends his owm presence, which is what any actor wants, but so few can achieve.

I can name other actors who do this to some degree, but this dude is in a class of his own. He just blows me away.

Luckily, he is so good that industry insiders must know this too. At some point he will get the recognition. At some point his name will come up (for nomination) and once this is discussed openly, nobody can deny it.

He just blows me away.

Its weird because in film with the racial biases in the early decades evolve but continue and even here in 2010 we have people like "Tom Cruise", who for whatever reason is just a dude who has the same flat presentation where the character IS Tom Cruise. They shouldn't even bother naming the movie character anything special. Just call him "Tom". Everyone knows he sucks, but the tickets still sell?

OK, whatever...so as a rule you have fewer roles for racial diverse characters. What can you do? But this has the effect that some races with darker skin and a certain look compete for fewer roles. But the truth is that there is no real difference in race, there is only 1 race. But if you have certain look to the hair that one associates with African continent or its descendants, these guys must have to be great just to get a break. All of the actors (not counting hip hop stars) are just amazing. I could be wrong about the racial angle, I don't really know.

I don't know what Jeffrey considers his race to be, but he just blows me away. Watch him as "Muddy Waters" and then check him out in "Angels in America", and then "Syriana" and so forth. Those are all extremely diverse characters.

There are only a few that can be discussed in this class and I think it takes a huge level of genius to go down that road, but to accomplish it so consistently just amazes me. The only actor that even comes close is a woman, but she has makeup and hair styles that tweak, so I think it would be easier for her to accomplish. He does it with relatively minor changes in hair styles, but the way he stands, walks, his whole memeanor and "body language"...

The dude is a GENIUS!!


His performance in Cadillac Records...A+++
