Awful actress

She's also box office poison and now that studio suits avoid her like the plague, all the offers she gets is tv shows and now she's gonna ruin Fargo with that hammy acting of hers :(


First of all, no. I know it's not really an argument, but I don't care.

She's also box office poison

Secondly : what about 10 Cloverfield Lane ? She didn't poison sh*t this time.

Thirdly, she's not gonna ruin anything. She was awesome in Braindead. If the show's weak, it was the writers' fault, certainly not hers. Between MEW and Carrie Coon... the female cast of season 3 is awesome. Can't wait.

"We're not bad people... we just come from a bad place."
Sissy Sullivan, Shame.


what about 10 Cloverfield Lane ? She didn't poison sh*t this time.

So you DO at least acknowledge the fact that almost of all her movies have flopped or at least underperformed at B.O.(both financially and critically)

Between MEW and Carrie Coon... the female cast of season 3 is awesome. Can't wait.

Well Coon is the female lead this season so that gives me a glimmer of hope season 3 won't be a complete trainwreck then again she has to put up with Winstead's "acting"


So you DO at least acknowledge the fact that almost of all her movies have flopped or at least underperformed at B.O.(both financially and critically)

Acknowledging a fact ? Well, yes, it seems like a rational thing to do, doesn't it ? I know she has had a hard time making it big. But it has nothing to do with my appreciation of her OR her acting skills. Up until Scott Pilgrim, she was just an eye-candy (and what an eye-candy !), a scream queen at best. But since then, she has done some great work, especially in Smashed and Faults, even in The Thing, which I found totally watchable. Not being successful in Hollywood doesn't mean you aren't good, otherwise, 99% of the actors in the world would suck, and Ashton Kutcher would be a paragon of acting just because he's famous.

"We're not bad people... we just come from a bad place."
Sissy Sullivan, Shame.


I'm sorry, The Thing was watchable?? No. Just no.


Keep bringing Smashed as if that will help your argument. Winstead fanboys were hyping up that to be her breakthrough role, her first Oscar nom and whatnot. She, still, was terrible, she acted like a sad sick puppy throughout the entire movie, it was pitiful and her drunken scenes were unintentionally bad, and don't even get me started at the scene where she flips out at her husband Oh gawd  no wonder most critics awards ignored her that year, can you say FAILED oscar-bait?. Ryan Gosling in Half Nelson is a much better and more realistic portrayal of an addiction.

There's a simple reason why actresses like her never achieve success as her other peers, they lack the talent. People like Kutcher only get lucky 'cause he dated Demi Moore and was in a popular sitcom which boosted his popularity, but don't fool yourself he's no better than Winstead talent-wise.
I also have no intention to watch Faults. But then again roles in her husband's movies are probably the only work she'll ever find from now on, so I know which movies to avoid in the future.


Man, you're investing a lot of energy into bashing on an actress you clearly despise. Since all this is about our own private and arbitrary appreciations of an actress, arguments are worthless, SO I suggest we end this by agreeing to disagree. ^^

"We're not bad people... we just come from a bad place."
Sissy Sullivan, Shame.
