In love with him.

I really am. He's not exactly my normal 'type'...for as long as I remember starting to see more and more of him, he's got something. Not just handsome but more charismatic, seems like he would be a nice person, and he's got this average guy look about him. I will watch anything he's in so if anyone's got any less obvious recommendations (I've seen the conjuring and insidious) feel free to send them my way :)


I really like his work as well. I need to see more of his films, but ones I've seen that I highly recommend are the following:

Angels in America
The Little Children
Lakeview Terrace

I also saw Hard Candy, which he was good in, but, I don't know if you'd like the film. It's a bit hard to watch. He's a great actor, though. He was also pleasing in the one or two episodes of "Girls" he did.



Saying I'm in love with him is an understatement.

He is so damn charming.


Thank you so much for these recommendations! I've seen bits and pieces of hard candy...I actually don't think I realized at the time he was in it, so I'll need to give it another shot. You're right about it being a bit hard to watch I remember that. Little Children was incredible. That was the movie where I realized how much I really love his work. I'm excited to check out the others you listed. Has anyone see Gifted Man? That's one I reaaaally want to see, but am reluctant because I hear it was cancelled unexpectedly :'( either way thanks so much...glad it seems I'm among many of love this guy :)


Also I loved Lakeview Terrace pretty much solely based on his roll. I loved his cigarette smoking gangster rap listening super awesome white boy role.


Gosh I could not agree more. Charming is the perfect word to describe this sexy man. He's just totally got it.


After seeing The Conjuring and Insidious chapter 2, I found Patrick is really handsome and charming. James Wan and he went along so well and hope they can cooperate later.

So I go back to look for his former movies and tvs, wow, what a great actor he is!

A gifted man, Dr. Holt is so charismatic and I feel really sorry about the cancel.

Angels in America, his first job beyond stage, but he did quite a good job.

Watchmen, he is so versatile to be an ex-superhero. He put up weight and hard to be recognized.

Barry Munday, this man can do comedy!


Looking forward the following 2014, cause there a at least 8 projects waiting for us and it's so great that he is the leading role in most of them. This man deserves better roles and more awards.


I thought he was so damn adorable in Watchmen! He looked cute with a bit of extra weight! ^_^
