MovieChat Forums > Jesse Williams Discussion > let's be real here. a lot of the upset ...

let's be real here. a lot of the upset are probably trump supporters.

and trump has said far worse things. AND he is running for president.

I'm just saying that a lot of you guys have your priorities mixed up.

You can't persuade fanboys. You'd be better off trying to convince a wall. ~CodeNamePlasmaSnake~


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Oh, I believe that---some idiot on another thread actually had the nerve to claim that what Mr. Williams said was similar to Hitler---which is so damn stupid, ignorant, and so clueless about history, that I had to put this same idiot in check. Way too many of the people (including the idiot who started a petition to get him off GREY'S ANATOMY-yeah, right,whatever) seem to have completely ignored what he said about police brutality and anything else in his speech and just focused in only on what he said about white folks have historically and are still doing to black folks in terms of racism. None of the people who hated his speech understood anything about the historical context from which he spoke. trumpf ( I will not capitalize that bastard's name) has said FAR worse s*** and clearly shown that he is nothing but an arrogant narcissistic selfish, old school style-racist, sexist a**hole who will say anything to get a rise out of people. And yet a lot of idiots on this board claim Williams is a racist, jsut because he called white folks out of THEIR racism? That is truly some twisted s*** right there. As usual, some white people are claiming that just talking about racism is racist in itself (which is some straight-up bull****,and anyone with any damn common sense knows that.

Anyway, here's a good article Mr. Williams wrote for CNN a couple of years ago about the film DJANGO UNCHAINED and the issues he had with the film itself. (He's a former high school history teacher, so he definitely knows his history, as he showed through his speech.) I had similar problems/issues with the film myself, so it was good to read about how screwed up its narrative was:



I am sure you didn't have a problem with Inglorious Basterds though? Since it wasn't your people being portrayed. And I am a white conservative democrat who voted for Obama twice and I happen to hate Trump. The thought of a billionaire reality show host being the most powerful man in the world doesn't give me much hope lol. I wish I could vote for Obama a 3rd time lol.


What so called worse things has a Trump said?

I think Jesse and people like him have their priorities mixed up. Black on black or black on any other race is a much bigger problem.
Cops tend to treat lower income people of any race worse because they can't lawyer up. Let's be real. Jesse blacked it up for the BET awards and a room full of mostly rich black people loved the whole pro black speech and white people suck. Blaming the white men card has expired and black people need to be called oit like the rest of us.


I've learned that a lot of black people (and, no, I don't mean foolish Republicans likes Stacey Dash) have a problem with elements -- but not all -- of Jesse's BET speech.

There's always a lot of pressure in any community, though, not to break with the group. Black folks experience those same pressures.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


Gee, reaching much? I'm no Trump supporter and I find what he said and how he said it to be offensive. I guess those who don't, such as you, must be a Hillary supporter? Why make assumptions?
