MovieChat Forums > Bradley Whitford Discussion > Role he will be most remembered for.

Role he will be most remembered for.

So far, without a doubt, i would have to say Eric Gordon in Billy Madison. Classic weasley villain in a classic Sandler flick. "Eric is PREGNANT! I think hes gonna be a soccer player. he is.."

other opinions?


It's sad, but I will always remember him as Eric too. I mean, he's done so much better work, but I just cannot get that image of him in Billy Madison out of my makes me depressed.

"I lost to Barry Manilow!" - Stephen Colbert


no shows his comedic chops. he was hilarious doing shakespeare!


Billy Madison


The West Wing. But he's still young and a great actor. Hopefully he'll have several more great opportunities ahead of him.

Billy Madison? C'mon!!!!


yeah he's gonna be rembered as Josh Lyman. Besides I prefered Happy Gilmore.


Josh Lyman now and forever

The era of great televison is over!
The West Wing 1999-2006


Billy Madison will always come to mind for this guy as will Happy Gilmore for Chris (I little pieces of *beep* for breakfast) Mcdonald.


Josh Lyman without a doubt... its what really brought him to the forefront as a leading man....

"I don't want anything to happen to him while my mother's alive."
