MovieChat Forums > Charlie Watts Discussion > Rest in peace Charlie ...

Rest in peace Charlie ...

... thanks for all the great drumming as part of a great band. We'll miss you.

From Wikipedia today, Aug. 24th, 2021:
Charlie Watts died in London on 24 August 2021, at the age of 80.[28]

(Sheesh, the old I get the younger 80 seems. He was just a lad)


He was one of the greatest drummer of all time.




Rest in Peace Charlie!


He was a great drummer. He didn't show too much flair but his style was very recognizable.

Rest In Peace Charlie. Thank you for the memories.


Charlie was like the George Harrison of the Rolling Stones ... the quiet one who everyone loved.


He reminded me of Dave Tough, a drummer highly respected by fellow musicians during the swing era of the 1930s and 1940s. Not pyrotechnic like Gene Krupa or Buddy Rich, but a great understated accompanist and driver of the rhythm.
