MovieChat Forums > Emma Watson Discussion > TIL that speaking up for Women's Rights ...

TIL that speaking up for Women's Rights means you 'hate men'.

LOL it's so amusing that the response a lot of women who openly identify as feminists and have spoken up in favor women and their rights is the response of intense hatred, anger, and yes...more misogyny. It's like these men want to be victims of hate and want to play the victim role to the hilt, yet accuse feminists of have victim complexes. It's both amusing and scary.

Women like Emma have to call attention to womens rights and such, they have to keep the conversation going. The past and present speak for themselves. Women have historically been oppressed and mistreated since the dawn of time. Yes there has been progress in the western world but there's still room for more. The angry response and backlash that Emma received for her HeForShe campaign is just all the more proof of that.


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Well said.

To you, Baldrick, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?


You do hate men. Just admit it.

Who is reading this that I care about offending?


"LOL it's so amusing that the response a lot of women who openly identify as feminists and have spoken up in favor women and their rights is the response of intense hatred, anger, and yes...more misogyny. It's like these men want to be victims of hate and want to play the victim role to the hilt, yet accuse feminists of have victim complexes. It's both amusing and scary.

Women like Emma have to call attention to womens rights and such, they have to keep the conversation going. The past and present speak for themselves. Women have historically been oppressed and mistreated since the dawn of time. Yes there has been progress in the western world but there's still room for more. The angry response and backlash that Emma received for her HeForShe campaign is just all the more proof of that. "

What "rights" do women not have????

Please enlighten me.


Their reproductive rights for starters is on shaky ground, always has been. In fact, you can say that for a lot of things women have now but could lose in the future if certain people have their way. The pay gap is also glaringly obvious, with women making just 16% less than their male counter parts. Globally, women make 77% less than men. There's been plenty of progress for women over all but that doesn't mean it's time to just 'shut up' and sit on our hands and not keep the fight going and spread awareness. As I said, the past speaks for itself and if certain people get their way, it can come back to rear it's ugly head again. Even though we've made plenty of progress in the Western world doesn't take away the fact that there is also plenty of progress to be made in other countries where women have little or no voice at all. It's sad but true, and we need to be their voice, because we can't just stop just because women in the US have a majority of rights, we have to stand by the women in other countries too that don't have any rights at all. To say how women are treated in other countries is brutal would to be putting it mildly.


1. The 'pay gap' is a myth that has been debunked over and over and over again. Do your research. The discrepancy only appears when you ignore hours worked (men work longer hours on average), ignore who has more experience on the job (women often take years out to raise a family), and ignore the nature of the job itself, e.g. comparing surgeons (typically men) to pediatricians (typically women) and then coming out with the sweeping statement that male doctors earn more than female doctors is asinine.

When you control all these variables, women actually earn slightly more than men, though the difference is barely significant. Men are 97% more likely to DIE on the job than women. Why do feminists never bring up that statistic?

2. Women in other countries who have suffered genuine oppression under misogynistic regimes have been banned from speaking in the West by feminists! Don't believe me? Look up Ayaan Hirsi Ali and then get back to me.

As the previous poster asked, what right do men have in Western society that women don't have? You bring up reproductive rights, so are you somehow trying to suggest men have MORE reproductive rights than women? Please explain.

If you want to talk about the need for feminism in backward countries that we are currently treading on eggshells to avoid 'offending' then I'm on board. But it's a question of priorities, and most women in the West have it backwards.

Emma Watson is one of the most privileged and entitled people on the planet, who has had her life handed to her on a platter from day one. How dare she conflate the suffering of women in third world countries with her own 'troubles' of being called 'bossy' when she was a kid. She's an immature brat who hasn't lived in the real world. She was a child star who was idolized for playing the role of a heroine in a mega-famous book series, and the media have now put her on a pedestal to exploit her image. She not even a good actress!


First off,  on your entire reply.

Women in other countries who have suffered genuine oppression under misogynistic regimes
Hmmm... Now what "misogynistic regime" might you be referring to?

^^^ The cognitive dissonance on display there is off the charts!

As the previous poster asked, what right do men have in Western society that women don't have?

They say genius skips a generation. Mom's a genius, so I guess I'm a genius too


Hear, hear. And besides, I'm sick and tired of so-called "feminists" making false claims like how women couldn't even become literate until the 1960s. I'm not sure whether to blame Emma Watson getting a big head from the media focus, or on being brainwashed by Brown University and continuing to focus on education, because I myself have been through the education environment where they did try to brainwash people into adopting liberal causes.

That said, Emma Watson's a moderate compared to Linda Woolverton. At least Emma Watson would not try to have Belle not bake a cake just so she'd remain liberated, and at least Emma Watson does make a sincere effort to reconcile women and men rather than demonize the latter every dang time, unlike with Linda Woolverton (really, just look at what Woolverton had to say about her reason for designing Belle, where she specifically modeled Belle after the Women's Movement during the 1960s and 1970s, or heck, just look at her hatchetjob on Sleeping Beauty with the Maleficent movie, which the Federalist pretty much made clear was almost Marxist in nature, and certainly anti-male: And honestly, as long as it's the kind of fight that Susan B. Anthony tried to fight, I have no problem with Emma Watson fighting for women's rights, and hopefully she'll see the light and actually ATTEMPT to help women in the Middle East.
