MovieChat Forums > Amelia Warner Discussion > Very pretty and talented

Very pretty and talented

It's a shame we are force fed "actresses" like Jessica Alba (pretty girl with no talent)when there are women like Amelia. She's very pretty and talented...I hope to see more of her soon.


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She is pretty and has a very Scandinavian look to her (those eyes, that mouth, those cheeks) which betrays her Nordic heritage. Wonderful!



I agree I liked her a lot as Simone in Quills.
Her role was small but really interesting.

I loved how at the Begining looked like a poor innocent girl but then we see she is way smarter than the doctor thought she was.
Loved her trick to hide her novel it was geanious, she just needed to change the cover and there was no suspicion of her trick.

Her role in this movie reminds me a lot to Holyday Grainger in the Borgias when she was married with Giovanny.
Their tricks to do what they wanted were pretty similar.
Actually amelia would have been a great Lucretzia


She has Welsh and Irish ancestry too (and the Welsh is actually the larger part, her father is Welsh, her mother is Swedish/Irish).
