For the love of god

I don't think that Andy becoming Lilly should be a big deal, let alone be getting the amount of attention it has been getting. Good for you on becoming who you want. I think, hopefully, now that they're all settled and found they're identity or whatever, they'll make a good movie because that's all they can focus on. No offense but their best films came from when they were men. For the love of God MAKE A GOOD FILM. I'm probably alone on still believing that they have it in them to make a good one. Like the ideas are there, it's just execution. I thought cloud atlas was very interesting and could have been great. They haven't completely pulled an M Night Shamaylan yet, right? Jupiter ascending was just unwatchable but I hope they still have one idea they can put out and shock everyone.


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Cloud Atlas was brilliant to anyone who really watched it


Yup yup yup yup yup


Honestly, I couldn't care less for the film, seeing as the book as a post-modernist masterpiece. If you like the film, more power to you; I personally don't care for it.


Lol! A post-modernist masterpiece? I'm a huge lit fan and even I think you sound like a masterdouche. I hope you don't talk like that around real human beings or other animals.


Their best movie post-Matrix 1.

I'm not sure that's a compliment.

Working in the movie business since -92


Hey he's a PROFESSOR that is how they talk! You a Professorphobe???


You're easy to impress then
