MovieChat Forums > Gore Verbinski Discussion > So how does a man out of nothing, create...

So how does a man out of nothing, create the most epic adventure?

Pirates of the carribean 1&2 are movies with hearty substance and humour way too rare in any other movies, while being interesting and thrilling at the same time.

How can a man create these movies without big pre-history and kick hollywood's butt?

How does a guy, out of nothing, create Star Wars, when he only made a handfull half-baked movies before (THX 11??, american grafitti)

It's the coincidence of several factors, call it luck or the privilege to create something unique

This does not mean this man will produce similar great stuff.
Appreciate what he created with Pirates, it's unique.


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Wait, what? THX 1138 and American graffiti are "half baked movies?" As far as I'm concerned those were the only good films George Lucas ever made.

And I didn't even like Pirates of the Carribean when it came out and I was like ten. The Weatherman was alright, I guess, nothing to go mad over.

"A guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession." - Albert Camus


American Graffiti is a rock solid movie. Dazed and Confused for an earlier generation you could say.

As for Pirates... Mega-franchises like that don't usually come around more than once or twice in a director's career, so yeah it's a unique achievement. Curse of the Black Pearl is one for the ages and will be watched for at least one or two generations. One of the best adventure-comedy movies, well, ever I'd say. Sequels were mostly forgettable.

Looks like he and Depp have another winner on their hands with Rango too.


Wrong Boyo, your name could not be more accurate. Star Wars is an amazing film and anyone who says differently is trying to prove something. You're also showing your ignorance by calling American Graffiti a half baked film.

Then you go on to imply that Pirates of the Caribbean is bad. Do you have any taste at all?

I don't even understand your point. My guess is that Gore Verbinski got the job because he directed Mouse Hunt, which was comic and fun, and also directed The Ring, which was scary and dark, and disney took a relatively low risk project and handed it to him. He had proved that he could handle small effects films and they gave him a medium size one. He took it and helped make it Epic. Simple as that.

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