MovieChat Forums > Gore Verbinski Discussion > new Steven Spielberg?

new Steven Spielberg?

I think that Gore Verbinski is a "new Spielberg", his directing style is similar to Spielberg, Gore Verbinski like SPilberg make a great adventure movies!


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No, the guy's forty five and he's only made a decent horror remake and 2 out of 3 good movies in a Pirates trilogy.

By the time Spielberg was 45 he'd made: Jaws, Close Encounters, ET, The Color Purple, and the Indiana Jones trilogy.

"How's Annie?"-Agent Dale Cooper/BOB


He potentially could be. He's got the directing style of being actor focused while still finding a way to explore the imagination and let it explode onto the screen. His shooting style, especially for action scenes, is very spielberg. And the Indiana Jones films were influences on Pirates (at least the production style, so I;ve heard.)


Spielberg uses his blockbusters to fund films like Schindlers list, Saving Private Ryan etc. What has Gore done?


After seeing a Rango, I think this guy definitely has a bright future ahead of him.

"Beauty is the means which we use to measure our own vanity."
