MovieChat Forums > Gore Verbinski Discussion > 2 CGI projects I'd love to see him helm:

2 CGI projects I'd love to see him helm:

The First: An adaptation of the comic book series Transmetropolitan. If you are unfamilliar with it, the basic premise is a sort of cyberpunk take on the gonzo journalist. The main character, Spider Jerusalem, while an obvious homage to Hunter S. Thompson, is one of my favorite comic characters of all time. It would be great to see Gore delve a little deeper into some of the gonzo themes alluded to but not made explicit in Rango.

The Second: a standalone sequel to A Series of Unfortunate Events. As a huge fan of the book series, I loved the first film, particularly the casting. But as the actors grow older and older, a live-action sequel seems sort of out of the question. But one done with CGI would allow a reunion of the original cast. Maybe I'm dreaming, but this would make me so happy.

