MovieChat Forums > Gore Verbinski Discussion > Could he win an Oscar?

Could he win an Oscar?

I mean Rango has an 88% On Rotten Tomatoes and is being hailed by critcs and audiances alike! And its an original story, not a sequel.


it should have been released in december/january. it could have contended for animated film but it wouldn't have made it. though i think it has a stunning score. they should really push it come december, especially if pixar and dreamworks are limping into the barn with Cars 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2

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R.I.P. Spider-man 4


As for Ringo - don't know.

But I think he's got what it takes to make a film that will gain him an Oscar nomination - though from what I've gathered through his character via interviews, I don't think he's got any agenda to go about winning awards, he's just doing what he enjoys and that's cool all on its own. Let the guy do his thing, he's doing a decent job.
