MovieChat Forums > Gore Verbinski Discussion > Currently the most under-appreciated dir...

Currently the most under-appreciated director ever?

I mean, come on! "The Ring", "Mousehunt", the *entire* Pirates of the Carribbean trilogy just to name a few, all coming from this guy here! I'm surprised he still hasn't become a household name yet, despite making such terrific *and* popular movies, don't you agree?


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I hated all of those movies you mentioned. Well, the first Pirates was good, but then they matrixed the franchise... The two movies i liked that he did you neglected to mention. The Weatherman and the Mexican.


I think he's an underestimated director for the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, but he hasn't done many other things. I think he has a great potential and a lot of imagination, I even think he could be one of the many great directors in Hollywood if he started really making some more awesome movies. He has connections with Jerry Bruckhimer and others, he needs to take advantage of that, then he will get more respect.

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly...stupid. - Captain Jack Sparrow


MOUSE HUNT is terrible. THE RING is a hack-job: just take a film that worked and remake it in English. THE WEATHER MAN and THE MEXICAN are bland, anonymous forgetable, boring Hollywood junk. The first PIRATES is great; the second two are awful.

Under-appreciated? No.


i do 'The Ring' & 'The Weather Man.' if it weren't for all the Pirates of the Carribean movies, i would totally worship him. plus there havn't been any more announced projects from him! he needs something that will get him up there (though major success can ruin someone) life's a [REC]


He is directing the movie adaptation of Bioshock. Seeing this news made me cry (as a huge fan of the game).


The Ring was very good. The rest of his films are crap of different caliber and smell.

my vote history:


It's the only movie made by him that i like...
