Needs to grow.......

Her eyebrows back!! Because she is beautiful, but her drawn on thin brows look crazy!!


Yeah I know! I just saw her in a movie and she has those thin villianous eyebrows that looks like they're Sharpied in. Why? That look is so mid 90's and not attractive imo.


I KNEW you were going to say eyebrows!! Lol!


Good news is she's grown them back!


I really hope so!! She is beautiful but those brows were terrible! Can't say I haven't tried thinner brows myself and it looked ridiculous! Lol


I just watched her in a 2014 TV movie, and believe me, they have NOT grown back. It's a really unfortunate look. Her stylist need to be honest with her!

Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above.


It's 2015 and she still doesn't have any. How are these makeup artists on her movie sets letting her be filmed with no eyebrows? It's very very distracting! Just fill them in!


Maybe she can't grow them back. They could have permanently fell out or burnt off. That happened to my mom. She only had half a eye brow towards the end.


I came here just to see if anyone else had posted about her eyebrows, haha
