Her eyebrows...

make her look ghetto.


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Disagree I think they make look alluring


It depends how she's got them drawn in that day (which drawn in eyebrows are kinda ghetto period, so you're right there). Like in her imdb covet photo they look nice, but scroll to picture 23 - yikes! Totally ghetto and, sorry to say, ugly looking. She is beautiful so I'm not trying to throw shade, but I don't get why so many women pluck out then draw in their eyebrows; it is so unattractive in my opinion.


cover* photo


In more recent stuff she definitely seems to finally be growing them back out again. I guess someone finally got through to her that those pencil thin nasty things were ageing her beyond belief - she definitely looks so much better with thicker brows


yes she does but I'd love her either way.


I am with you. I don't like the pencil brows either!
