MovieChat Forums > Indira Varma Discussion > She's right about Rai

She's right about Rai

I read those comments some people say are "hating" or jealousy, but to me she's right on. Since I'm not an Indian woman interested in starring in Bollywood movies maybe some won't dismiss my comments as sour grapes for a more successful career.

Aishwarya Rai has zero range and little talent for much of anything. And she acts like a child who's more or less been told by her parents and husband what to do her whole life. She seems representative of the whole Bollywood system of warmed over matinee idols who'd rather do the same thing over and over and over than try on real acting.


Rai is hotter...


Yeah, that's why she's jealous. She's pretty, but Rai is waaay prettier. Those comments were catty and reaked of haterade.

You're going to have to work for your meal!


Aishwarya Rai is stunningly beautiful. For Indira to comment as she did is stupid because, whether she's right or wrong, the remark just reeks of envy and makes her look bad. It's one thing to say that kind of thing in private and something completely different to do it in public.

And it's not like she's a world-famous actress anyway, as most of her work has been in English TV.


I agree with you. If that's how she really feels about Rai that's fine because it's normal to feel insecure next to another Indian actress/celebrity of such out of earthly beauty, but it's pathetic to make her the subject of a conversation in public. I do not like people like that - extremely hateful and insecure.


can't outrun your own shadow


I fully agree.
