MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Not many people are successful enough to...

Not many people are successful enough to become President

Less than 50 people actually - you have to give him credit for such an achievement.

I'm looking forward to a reduction in arguing from people who took personal issue with Trump over everything else.

It's time to play the ball, not the man.


Being rich is never an achievement. You just have to be an asshole to all others without any empathy whatsoever.


I'll have to disagree with this, I've known some self-made millionaires that are not jerks.

They just played the game better than most and got an education that was top notch. Trump was fortunate that he got a good start but it was quite an accomplishment how he grew his father's business.

As far as Trump winning the presidency goes.. yes, it was a helluva an accomplishment. He had everything going against him and he still won. The only downside is that I don't think an outsider will ever win again. They'll just be compared to Trump and that will probably be enough to cast enough doubt in the public eye.


If you have enough money for a campaign, it's extremely easy to win an election in a country populated with poor, uneducated voters who think rich = successful.
You just pull the hate card and start blaming someone else for their poverty and misery. Hitler used Communists, Jews, Blacks, Slavs...Trump used democrats, muslims, mexicans and immigrants. Works every time. Trump didn't get the second term only because he was so awful, most of the people registered to vote only because they didn't want him for 4 more years.


>You just pull the hate card and start blaming someone else for their poverty and misery

Like BLM, AntiFA, Feminists and the Alphabet community do with straight, white men?


Whenever someone mentions how "straight white men" are in danger it's immediately obvious he despises homosexuals. non-whites and women.


No, I despise those who practice identity politics. Now do you care to answer the question or are you going to deny the truth of what I said?


if you blame BLM, AntiFA and Feminists, you are just another Trump worshiping fool.


I said I don't like them using identity politics, much like you did with your Hitler comparison. They are much in the same though you're not intelligent enough to get that


Yeah, i am dumb and you are smart. Dunning & Kruger agree.


>Yeah, i am dumb and you are smart

Big of you to admit what we all know


What they (Antifa/BLM/3rd wave feminism) have in common is they are all unwitting but useful idiots for those cultural marxists who first want to divide America and then conquer it.


Trumpers love their conspiracy theories.


""If you have enough money for a campaign, it's extremely easy to win an election in a country populated with poor, uneducated voters ""

Bloomberg and Steyer couldn't do it. So right there, your entire post falls apart. Billionaire Ross Perot gave it a shot back in the 90s as well and he failed.


They never played the hate card, that's why they failed.
Poor idiots love to blame/hate someone else for their problems.
That's why they worship anyone that tells them hate is the only way to solve their problems.


BLM - white people are sub human

AntiFA - eat the rich

Feminist - all men are pigs

So much hate


Without racism, sexism and fascism there would be no BLM, AntiFA or Feminism.
But yeah, their hate must be wrong, because yours is right.


All the racism, sexism and fascism today comes from the group's mentioned though idiot


Yeah, and slavery was just another economic perk. When did women get voting rights mr. stable genius?


Took you 4 days to come up with this?

Slavery has been over for how long? Women's suffrage for how long?

There is nothing holding back those who want to achieve except themselves and shitty thinking like yours FACT

Cry more


Fun fact - In the UK there was only 10 years between full male suffrage and full female suffrage. You still get people here acting like women were an oppressed class for most of history. The reality is the poor were oppressed male and female, voting rights were primarily tied to land ownership before the suffrage movements. There were even some wealthy land owning women who could vote before the majority of men could.
You're 100% correct, it's victim mentality that holds people back in western countries.


""They never played the hate card""

Neither did Trump. You just allow the media to tell you what to think of him.


I don't need the media to listen to his words coming from his own mouth.


What words were those then?



Quote the relevant parts for me. I mean come on, you post "I don't need the media to listen to his words coming from his own mouth." then try and use the media to answer for you.


Dude, he said he could shoot someone in the street and his fans will still vote for him. You must be one of those fans.


Oh so your example is hyperbole? Not making a great case I'll be honest. You're well suited to the Dems with their impeachment full of the same pathetic hyperbole. Acquitted btw.


You don't understand what the real issues are, and no, I am not going to try and explain them to you.


I think Trump is the first non career politician to win the Presidency, but I would have to so some research.

Quite a accomplishment none the less.


He's not successful.

His show was cancelled. He lost the popular vote twice. ZERO political instincts. All of his casino's have been blown up either with dynamite or the courts.

He's not popular in NYC.

They even just tore down the helicopter pad:

They hate him in FL:


Biden is 1-3 in presidential elections. Hillary is 0-2, while Trump won his first time running and was not even a career politician.


He was when he lost.


2016 was actually his second time running. He ran under the Reform Party in 2000.


Are you claiming The Apprentice was an unsuccessful show? You lot really don't live in reality.


A common mistake that people make is thinking that being successful in the business world will automatically make that person a fine President, since running the country is just like running a business. It is not.

CEO'S and entrepreneurs can run a business like a king, what they say goes, no questions asked. America's government is set up to be anti-king, with checks and balances. The skill set needed of a good professional politician is much different from the skill set of running a business.


Added difficulty - the presidency was his very first government position. That feat has never been accomplished before and it will probably never happen again.


One need not be successful. Just look at Biden and Obama. 2 totally unaccomplished losers. Worthless in every sense in the real world.


Biden won through fraud. Obama, had the mantle of being the first black major party presidential candidate, and that gave him a boost. Also, he campaigned in 2008 on a pretty moderate platform, but once he won, he just handed over power to the globalist cabal that backed his campaign.


That’s standard Democrat media/party playbook. Easy to do when you have ABCNNBCBS gaslighting the ignorant in the country 24/7.
