The GOP's dilemma

Trump turned the GOP into the party of cucks it seems. During the run up to the 2016 nominations he made a point of insulting and belittling his fellow competitors until one by one they stepped aside in submission so that Trump could step up and grab their party by the pussy.

The GOP is now Trump's party. He owns it. Which is too bad because there are some good principled people within the party. No matter what they do or accomplish, they will always live in the shadow of Trump's abrasive personality. He will always take centre stage and he will always make it about himself... not the party... not America... just himself.

So my question: Should the party continue to embrace him with a mind to their chances four years from now if he tries to run again, or should they actively move to isolate him and re-build their brand?

Informed, insightful OPINIONS solicited... I probably won't reply to anyone, I'm just curious to know what a cross section of Americans think.

(fwiw I'm not American, don't live there, but I love your country and I've met many good people there from both ends of the political spectrum. I would describe my own politics as slightly right of centre...)


Like I wrote an earlier thread. He owns the party.

Who's going to defeat him?


...The machine?



He's the former President of the United States who has weaved a horror tale of conspiracy and corruption in a fraudulent election.

And who's a bigger star then Trump?

The nomination part is easy...

He'll be the 2024 nominee. Because his ego is to large and he likes to collect Time Magazine covers.
