Zoolander Cameo

His cameo in Zoolander was hilarious. Seen with a very young Melania. Hilarious movie.


Every time I see his face, even in a non political movie role, I feel like punching something.


Would not have recognized him back then.

Explanation: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11916635
Most of his cameos https://youtu.be/yosAVMB47-Y

Wondering if there was a reason why Donald Trump was in just about every sitcom and movie in the '90s?

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Damon said Trump had a rule that if you wanted to include a shot inside a Trump building, filmmakers also had to include a scene with Trump.

Damon called the "bullshit shots" a waste of everyone's time.


In the context they were showing The Who’s who of the NY fashion scene A list. Which of course included Trump.

Amazing how great of a guy you are until you run as an evil republican. Trump hung out with with everyone. Michael, Oprah, Jessie, to name just a few.



For those that haven't seen it yet. Just look at Melania staring at Trump and smiling.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOs_A-nzesA < - Every cameo appearance list
