The mug

Why is this globulous fatberg who only had a bit cameo in one movie always have his globulous fatberg mug on here?


Because he is a celebrity who makes news across the media every day. That increases his popularity.


He’s a celebrity in that he’s not the president he just plays one on tv?


That's one way of looking at it.


He hosted a reality TV show for 11 years called The Apprentice from 2004 to 2015, if you will recall.


Barely can recall it. I did watch the first seasons when the joe-shmoes were competing, but the show went downhill when the contestants were all D list celebrities begging around for donations. Who talks about shows that fizzled out and went off the air in 2015 anyway? The mug is up there because the US has muddled and muddied its government with a cheesy so-called “reality” show rodeo clown.


Seasons? Good lord.... the commercials alone were enough.... but I did once randomly catch 5 to 10 minutes of an episode when it was still kinda new. These fucking business grads were tasked to make money clipping dogs nails atthe a dog park I think, and it was just a disaster. These business geniuses grab clippers and race to go clip nails, apparently none of them first making sure they knew wtf they were doing. Several dogs were shown yelping as their claws were cut too short, hitting nerve, an injury that takes weeks to heal and the dog ends up limping on it. Oh and hope it doesnt get infected.

It was fucking sadistic, dogs maimed for prime time entertainment.... I hope those dog owners sued Trump and the show for medical expenses.... and seeing these future business leaders rush in with less caution and planning than whats dedicated to a 10 year olds' lemonade stand.... it was such a dumb backward barrel-bottom brain cell slaughtering 10 minutes that it made me realize immediately what a buffoon and joke Trump was for both participating in it and endorsing it but also iirc he created and produced the show as well.

Maybe not creator.... probably, but maybe not.... but definitely a producer.

Now that buffoon is running the country and his GOP loyalists, along with his rotating cabinet, and his associates indicted, he has turned his Presidency into that same stupidity seen on the show. Arrogance, lack of concern, no realistic planning, and just stumbling through even the simplest tasks.


*Claps* Amen to that! All facts! In fact--you were too nice in your assessment!


True, because I left out his racism, misogyny, admitted sexual assault, general abrasive temperament, self avowed Nationalism which is part of what Nazism proclaims, his dictatoresque leanings which is the other half and is alone 100% fascist.... we could spend all day aiming to finish a comprehensive list.


He's literally the embodiment of every unsavory human trait in existence. All of them. Take your pick:

Adultery, gluttony, greed, power struggle, god complex, insecurities, ego, war-hungry, racist, xenophobic, genocidal tendencies (if he could get away with it), sexist, bully...ugh! That man is so filthy and despicable that his soul is permanently stained with runoff muck from his toxicity. Just evil, inside and out. How 60 million Americans love, admire, respect and support him unwavering just floors me.
