MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Is there any evidence Russia colluded?

Is there any evidence Russia colluded?

Wikileaks is international, like a corporation. They don't have a nationality, but even if we pretend they are Russian, leaking documents is whistleblowing, not collusion. It's protected by the First Amendment like the free press.

Other than that, are we really going to go with "Hillary lost by a few hundred votes instead of winning by millions of votes like she should have... because some guy in Russia bought a couple Facebook ads"? It's nonsense. You wouldn't even have to prove to me that a Russian bought a Facebook ad. I would just assume it happened, and likewise assume that plenty of people from China or Mexico were posting all over the internet in favor of Hillary. Why wouldn't they? Hillary literally held a fundraiser in Mexico. Germany's largest newspaper ran constant attack ads, as did the BBC. Mainstream politicians in both parties hired a British secret agent to dig up dirt on Trump. Our own government under Obama leveraged our intelligence agencies to spy on Trump. His lawyer's office was raided. We know everything about him.

Facebook itself was in the tank for Hillary. Is that okay because of some pretext about Facebook being an American company? If you want to get technical, then Apple is an Irish company. They moved to Ireland to avoid paying tax here. Apple electioneered for Hillary. What's interesting is Apple Google and Facebook all censor the same people, and they all do it at the same time. Is Facebook part of a wide ranging Irish conspiracy? Liberals, do you see how stupid this sounds?

Anything Russia is even accused of doing, the other side did ten million times more, and did it openly. I don't believe for a second our establishment would have allowed Russian interference if it were actually happening. I'm also not about to give the benefit of the doubt to people who have such obvious ulterior motives for sabotaging our relations with Russia, and who flagrantly oppose the slightest inkling of election integrity. Every other country requires ID to vote.


It was a Russian interference investigation, not a collusion investigation. That was secondary.


Wikileaks isn't Russian but Guccifer 2.0 is. Wikileaks released the hacked emails but they didn't break into people's accounts to acquire them. That was Guccifer 2.0. Guccifer 2.0 released stolen DNC emails to Wikileaks to smear democrats. And Guccifer 2.0 also released stolen RNC emails to DC Leaks to smear anti-Trump republicans.

Facebook was the social media network most susceptible to Russia's troll farm campaign. Russian bots used Cambridge Analytica's Facebook data to target demographics most susceptible to those bots. Thats what brought Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg under fire from Congress. You even had republicans admitting Facebook was too susceptible to Russia's cyber espionage.

Finally I just want to say its a sickness for any American to think we should sit back and let Russia interfere with our elections simply because we do it to other countries. We are in the business of making America great. Thats what Trump's campaign was all about. But the second you find out Russia helped get him elected against the will of the American people all you MAGA tards admit your true colors that you're willing to make Russia great at America's expense if it means Trump is president.


So ..... an ad on facebook is what you're blaming now?

A pro-DT ad on facebook as opposed to the constant hilary pushing in msm for 12 months is more likely to sway people ...

And of course the sly dig at certain 'demographics' - who I'm sure you will support the suppression of should things not go your way in 2020 (ala brexit voters vs libs).

That is laughable.


If you want to call it blame for recognizing Facebook's failure to spot a bunch of bots then fine. I'm not calling it illegal though. That aspect of Russia's interference is on Facebook and Cambridge Analytica but not Trump.

Whats laughable is how you had nothing to say about the first paragraph.


"an ad on facebook"

lulz. You're not the sharpest tool in the drawer are you?


There is, but not for the side that the Democraps want to get in trouble. Now I will agree that Russia had spies planted in both parties to observe what was going on and to report back to the Kremlin. They've been spying on us for decades, so it was not unexpected.

But there appears to be more evidence that Russia was colluding with HILLARY's team, rather than Trump's. They knew what kind of a guy he was, and honestly, Trump has been the worst thing ever to happen to Putin. Putin would have gotten a lot more out of a Hillary presidency than a Trump one, partially due to the fact that she worked extensively with his people during her time as secretary of state as well as campaigning for president. She would have done a lot of favors for the Kremlin, maybe even had more uranium dug from OUR soil to sell to them than they already have now.

They came up with this collusion idea on the very night of the election, right after Hillary lost.


Sounds like you're running late for your QAnon meeting.


Wikileaks just showed the truth who cares if the Russians hacked the emails. The emails unearthed a bunch of rotten stuff the Democrats were doing. Only people they can blame is themselves for acting the way they did.


Wikileaks was working with the Russian military's misinformation and cyberspying arm by accepting their hacked information and decimating it to the American public in order to influence the election and as part of an ongoing attack against democracy. Welcome to the New Cold War.

If we were living during the 40s, Hitler would've won. Americans are too easily fooled these days and there's no real sense of pride and wanting to protect what the Founding Fathers created anymore.


Wikileaks made it apparent they did it for partisan reasons by the timing which they released the email dumps. Assange had also insinuated that Seth Rich was one of the leakers after his murder. Somewhere along the line Assange went from journalist to propagandist.


If Assange insinuated that Seth Rich leaked it then he probably did. I trust Assange over that dudes parents and the fake steam media


You trust Assange over Mueller and Twitter DMs?

Mueller investigated the whole thing and delivered the realtime transcripts between Assange and Russian GRU on twitter DMs conspiring to smear Seth Rich to cover for where he was getting his intel from.

It's all in the Mueller Report.


Yeah I don't even really know who Mueller is. The fake stream media keeps talking about him all the time but i try my best to avoid that rabbit hole. Assange is a credible source, Wikileaks never redacted a story in there history of reporting. In this world of propaganda you cant trust many people but yeah Assange seems like a pretty reputable man




I am not even trolololing. I heard of mueller but i dont know one thing about that man and dont see what is so important about him


Then you're just grossly ignorant and shouldn't be opining on issues you know nothing about.


I know enough to know all this Russia bogus is just that bogus


How can you when you're grossly ignorant?


Actually, the Mueller report makes it very clear that Assange was lying and used Seth Rich's good name to protect himself.

It's unethical and immoral to exploit a murdered man's memory especially when his family is still suffering. But, I don't expect any decency from people who justify putting young children in cages. Pure evil.


Who is this Mueller and stupid report?? Who killed Seth Rich than? Is that in the mueller report?


You can read it for yourself or continue to play stupid.


I searched the report. There's one single paragraph on Seth Rich and it's purely descriptive. You lied.


page 4
"In March 2016, the GRU began hacking the email accounts of Clinton Campaign volunteers and employees, including campaign chairman John Podesta. In April 2016, the GRU hacked into the computer networks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The GRU stole hundreds of thousands of documents from the compromised email accounts and networks. Around the time that the DNC announced in mid-June 2016 the Russian government's role in hacking its network, the GRU began disseminating stolen materials through the fictitious online personas "DCLeaks" and "Guccifer 2.0." The GRU later released additional materials through the organization WikiLeaks."

page 47
"... the GRU staged the stolen Podesta emails for transfer to WikiLeaks (as the GRU had previously done in July 2016 for the DNC emails)."

page 48
"Assange and WikiLeaks made a number of statements about Seth Rich, a former DNC staff member who was killed in July 2016. The statements about Rich implied falsely that he had been the source of the stolen DNC emails."

You're illiterate. And you owe me an apology.


Its not misinformation if its true. The democrats where emailing each other a bunch of weird stuff. All that talk about pizza and hot dogs didn't help them... The founding fathers gave us the Second Amendment because they knew communists were gonna come out of the woodwork and try to steal our guns. God bless the Founding Fathers!


That's why Assange was collaborating with Russian GRU. It's all in the private logs that Twitter turned over.


Who cares if he collaborated with some Russian? I sure don't. The information is true and credible that is all that matters. The democrats keep crying about Russia trying to distract from what actually happened on there end. Also, twitter is trash i don't trust nothing they put out...


Are you Russian, Chinese or Iranian?


No i am Ukrainian based on my race i am supposed to hate Russians but I don't because i am not racist and petty like you


That explains so much.


Nirvana hates freedom and democracy.


I am proud of my heritage. My family lived in a communist gun free hellhole with no freedom. USA gave me rights that my parents never had growing up. God bless America!


Except you're not Ukrainian. You're a Russian troll.


Sure buddy you can keep telling that yourself that...


Just like you keep trying to convince that you're a Russian loving Ukrainian. Sure guy.


I never said nothing about loving Russians. I just hate liberals and don't get trigger by all this Russian nonsense like all you NPCs


You can't say something is nonsense when you know nothing about it.


You're hysterical! Your family fled Russia to come to the U.S. for freedom in order for you to support Russia in trying to destroy freedom. LOL!


They didn't destroy any of my freedoms. Hillary Clinton scared me much more than any Russian ever did. Russians helped freedom by playing a part exposing that evil warmonger for who she is. The world is safer because of this "collusion" and we are more free because of it. Only the truth will set you free


Sounds like you scare really easily. You need to grow up and become a man.


Hillary wanted to keep the Ukraine free and independent of Russia's imperialism.

Trump befriended and appointed numerous men who helped Russia invade the Ukraine.

As a Ukrainian, you're rooting for the wrong person.


Hillary is a warmonger. She would have started many wars if she was elected.


You mean proxy wars. Like the one Trump got us involved in in Yemen. Which Hillary would not have. And Trump got us involved there because of one guy. The Saudi prince. Trump is the very thing you criticize Hillary for. But like most Trumpers you're too stupid to see past the MAGA tagline.


"We came. we saw. he died" - Clinton. Poor Gaddafi got a knife shoved up his butthole and this wicked witch of the west is just laughing about it like its some funny joke. Hitlary is satanic she destroyed that country and loved every minute of it.


Hillary started the war against Yemen.


The war was in Syria. Trump shifted it over to Yemen along with a $400 billion weapons deal with the Saudis.


Why didn't Hillary want to keep Libya free of American imperialism?


France invaded Libya.

Why is Trump in Yemen?


Gaddafi was easy. Freeze his American assets and then he can no longer pay his mercenaries and they all mysteriously disappear.


You hate ALL liberals. Sad little Ukrainian.


Okay hate is a pretty strong word but yeah i am not a fan of liberals. I used to be one back when i was 12 years so I get it some people never grow up. Sorry for the strong word. I don't actually hate you guys just annoyed


So now you're 13 you think you're all grown up? You're not.


I think he's Russian too.


What a weird troll. I think he needs to go back to troll school. He's not very effective.


No self-respecting Ukrainian would like the Russian government after its invasion.


I never said I liked the Russians. I am just saying I don't buy all this bullshit about Russia influencing the election. Truth and freedom of information influenced the election. The fact that a Russian or Russia was behind it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the truth. And the truth is the democrats are fucked


Yeah but you have no credibility because you're grossly ignorant. So your opinion doesn't mean a whole lot.


Okay buddy whatever floats your boat




Keelai. Don't talk on things you know nothing about.


Another Russian?




Nirvana is a troll or sockpuppet. Which are you?


You don't know history. America had no standing army at that time. Instead, they depended on ordinary men to come together to defend the country if the need arose aka: form a militia. These men would need to pay and own their own gun or rifle.

Read the words carefully IN THE CONTEXT OF HISTORY:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Anyway, that plan didn't work out and the U.S. government put a standing army of trained men in place. The Second Amendment is outdated since it no longer applies. We have an army now.

Speaking of the Constitution, Trump is NOT defending the U.S. against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Stop defending this traitor.


The Second Amendment is not outdated. The right for self preservation is a human right that will never go away. To take away a persons right to defend themselves and their family is unconstitutional. The military is there to raid other countries of there resources not to keep me and you safe. You can happily live in ignorance thinking the government cares about you but don't take away my God given birthright to keep myself safe. You can take my guns, from my cold dead hands!!!!


Anti-American nonsense. My family kept your butt safe from the Nazis. And Al Qaeda. Or do you like the idea of hijacked planes flying into American buildings, ingrate!


Haha keep telling yourself that buddy


For a first generation immigrant, you're very anti-American.


I love America!! But that doesn't mean i buy into the blind cult worship of our military like most sheeple here


Can't you distinguish between fighting against a threat like Nazis and "blind cult worship of our military"?


Killin is killin brother. doesn't matter what side you are if everyone loses at the end...


"... God given birthright to keep myself safe. You can take my guns, from my cold dead hands!!!!"

You're a liar and a troll! If you didn't believe in killing then you wouldn't have guns.


I don't believe in invading other countries to kill women and children for the USA oil control of a foreign country but if you invade my castle then its not killing its self defense


Nope. That's not what you wrote:

"Killin is killin brother. doesn't matter what side you are if everyone loses at the end..."

That's pacifism. And you're contradicting yourself.

You're a crappy sockpuppet. What's life like in Russia these days?


Its not killing if its self defense


You can't backtrack now:

""Killin is killin brother. doesn't matter what side you are if everyone loses at the end...""

I think Putin is going to fire you for being such a bad sockpuppet. You have no consistency.


Anti-American nonsense. My family kept your butt safe from the Nazis. And Al Qaeda. Or do you like the idea of hijacked planes flying into American buildings, ingrate!

Your family's militarism is what caused the 9/11 terror attacks.


Your family's cowardice would've had Hitler destroy the United States and other democratic countries. You must be evil to support the Holocaust.


You believe in facts and logic yet you believe in God. Ha!! He's not real.


He is more real than you...


Actually I take that back. He is real. I am God.


Only Allah Snackbar is True Ruler!!!!



Is this a real question or have you just been in a coma for 2.5 years?


Yeah, with the Democrats.


No there wasn't. It was another liberal lie.
