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America pays for the wall: Thieves mock Trump by stealing border razor wire

Mexicans are building fences, and America has already paid for them.

In recent months, US authorities have unrolled miles of razor wire along the border with Mexico as part of efforts to “harden” the frontier and deter migrants from entering America illegally.

But thieves in the city of Tijuana have made a mockery of Donald Trump’s attempts at beefing up border security by stealing the razor wire and reselling it to local residents in Mexico.

Residents of barrios abutting the border told XETW 12 television in Tijuana that entrepreneurial individuals have offered to sell them the stolen concertina wire and install it for just 40 pesos per home – barely $2.

Fifteen people have been arrested for stealing concertina wire, according to XETW 12, but none were held for long. The wire they offered to locals matches what was installed on the border and is not sold in Mexican hardware stores, according to local media.

Lulz. Insult to injury.


Well, I'm not a fan of Trump, but you have to admit this particular story does kind of bolster his claims about "criminals" at the border...


I lolled when I read that yesterday too, one of the Tijuana residents in that article said she saw a man who looked American and who didn't speak Spanish very well pushing a cart full of the wire through her neighbourhood. The poor and the desperate trying to profit, don't blame them, governments on both side of the border failed them. It's always been common in dilapidated areas of the US for desperate people to strip abandoned housing and other structures bare to the ground and sell the constituents parts/metals/materials for money/drugs/guns. The excessive concertina wire was asking to be clipped and sold.


So let me get this right...the Mexicans that Trump is trying to keep out because,as he mentioned, many are criminals....are being criminals? Only in liberal fantasy land would this be considered a intentional mockery directed at Trump 🤣. Bro, they are just thieves, doing what thieves do. Next I'm sure you'll say "illegals smuggled 80 tons of heroin into America, just to spite Trump". We could just acknowledge they are acting exactly in the way that the left got so triggered that Trump pointed out.


Only in liberal fantasy land would this be considered a intentional mockery directed at Trump

Only in the head of a Reich Winger with zero creativity or sense of humor would the mockery statement be taken SO literally.


That doesn't make any sense, but not much does coming from the head of TDS-zombified snowflakes.


Of course it doesn't make sense to the illiterati.


Just proving his point. #TRUMPWINNING


How is it "winning" when people cut down parts of the wire (the wire failed, and also, Americans paid for the concertina wire, not Mexico) and wrapped some of it on house as a joke and sold some of it for profit? The wire failed. People cut parts of it out. Had these people planned it carefully, they could have sheered 100% of the new wire, sold it all in one batch, divided the money and ran, never getting caught. The wire did not deter them or scare them. They laughed, sheered parts of it and sold some for money before being caught. One of the persons was believed to be American. (...LOL...). And now your money is going to be used to refurbish all that useless wire, which will no doubt get clipped and sold again.


I was in the Army and I had to mess with that concertina wire often. It's easily defeated with a pair of heavy gloves and some wire cutters. The wire is used to slow the enemy down but it's not going to stop them permanently.


As an ex-army guy, would a electrified fence be better? What do you think? Metal fence with spiked tips - Electric Fence (warning signs) - Border Wall with barbed wire on top.

I've always wondered why border patrol doesn't consider this type of barrier as it's the most heavily fortified. Then have some cheap FLIR UAV's fly high around the border every hour or less. Then the only thing left is tunnels (seismic sensors), legal entry points (better detection), expired visa's (can't really do much on this).


Any barrier can be defeated some just take longer than others to get through. If Trump really wanted to stop illegal immigration then make it a felony with fines and jail time if a company hires illegals. Then enforce it. If companies stop hiring illegals then there is no reason for them to come here.


Trump would have to imprison and fine himself since he hires illegals. The wall is about manipulating his uneducated followers' bigotry.


Actually, most I think come here to escape poverty, violence, and the likes. Even if they don't have jobs, it's way hell of a better place to be than back home. They'd either set up tent cities on the outskirts/city streets or roam around like the homeless. The welfare ministry have shelters, food banks, etc. set up for these types of folks and I am sure some can blend in or get others nearby to help them out. There is a reason why they're called sanctuary cities.


"A fence will keep illegals out because thats what fences do!" - Trumper
"Well shit. Who knew they could rip away wire?" - Also a Trumper

"A wall will keep illegals out because thats what walls do!" - Trumper
"Well shit. Who knew they could chip away bricks?" - Also a Trumper

