MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Jussie Smollett faces a felony charge fo...

Jussie Smollett faces a felony charge for allegedly filing a false police report

Filing a false police report is disorderly conduct, according to Illinois code. A class 4 felony is punishable by one to three years,

It appears Jussie has gone to the Split side.


I wonder which personality did the interview. Maybe it was Jessie?


Wow, Jussie was arrested and not one post in 11 hours.

Sad times we live in...


Jussie Smollett is a moron and precisely one of the reasons we have Cheeto McTweeto for president: many Americans were sick of overbearing political correctness and self-entitlement syndrome. Trump's election was a symptom of the worsening state of affairs in our country.

All that Smollett accomplished was insulting REAL victims of hate crimes, setting a precedent of distrust now whenever a victim of a hate crime comes forward. Now people will always ask: "Is this a real victim or just another Jussie Smollett?". The moron did a real disservice, emboldened Trump and his psychotic base and made an already bad situation in our country worse.

However, regardless of what he did, it doesn't change our state of affairs and doesn't change the FACT that Donald Trump was NOT the answer any more than Hillary was. Electing Trump to go after PC was like going after a hornet's nest with a bazooka.

Many members on both republican and democrat sides are acting like complete IDIOTS. This is why I refuse to join either party. EVER.


"Many members on both republican and democrat sides are acting like complete IDIOTS. This is why I refuse to join either party. EVER."

Same here! Yay for anti-politics.

I thought of a possibly-new term loosely related to all this. The concept of "white privilege" struck me here when comparing the "outcry" over Jussie's lie by the same kinds of people who deny/ignore Trump's lies (apparently they hold a random actor to a higher standard than the President).

But the idea of it being simply a white/black dichotomy was not what I wanted... I wanted the overarching concept that applies to everything, not just race and not just "white."

So I think the core concept is "Tribal privilege," but the recognition of who qualifies for tribal privilege can be either through "looking the part," "playing the part," or a balance of both.

One who would qualify for the greatest privilege would be one who not only looks the part, but openly endorses the tribe's standards/goals/etc.

This causes Trump to be given so many passes. He's exempt from in-tribe criticism over all kinds of stuff: Lying, latent racism, fiscal irresponsibility, sexual immorality, harassing women, etc.

The Smollett situation is such a great example because it's fueling the fervent, ongoing Right-wing crusade to create a defensive posture of essentially "Republicans are perfect, and liberals fake everything bad you hear about the poor victimized Right wing."

It's like an abusive husband who catches his wife falsely reporting abuse just once and then uses that to convince everyone that he never abused her at all.


Well said and very true!

I see examples of this online every day. Just the other day, I saw a Trump supporter on a comments page saying that "all liberals are indoctrinated, easily-emotional when confronted or proven wrong and are aggressively opposed to people's viewpoints that are different from their own!"

I thought to myself: "This guy just described most Trumpers perfectly".

You're right--both sides of the aisle are doing this and both sides claim their side is "the perfect one".

I've had people from both sides (mainly the Trumper side) tell me that I have no "right" to voice my political opinions unless I "choose a party" and they acted as if my opinion doesn't count since I refuse to commit to a party. People like that only reinforce my reason WHY I will never join a party.


I've had people from both sides (mainly the Trumper side) tell me that I have no "right" to voice my political opinions unless I "choose a party" and they acted as if my opinion doesn't count since I refuse to commit to a party

They are even announcing their tribalism, lol.

I've dealt with the related but inverse sentiment, of "a person really can't complain about X if they voted for him/her/it" and that only those who voted otherwise have a place to complain about X.

Thus, my refusal to vote for X or its opposition, Z, means I am reserving a right to complain about both!


"Jussie Smollett is a moron and precisely one of the reasons we have Cheeto McTweeto for president: "

This makes no sense really, how does Jussie being a moron get Trump elected? Trump got elected because people didn't want Hillary to be President. Its as simple as that.

It doesn't matter who is President, because half the Country will always hate him or her.


How could you not understand what I meant? Jesus...

Jussie Smollett is an example of the suffocating political correctness in our country, entitlement complex, etc that many people voted for Trump out of hopes of him curing.

People voted for Trump because of Xmas displays being taken down due to people being "offended".

They voted for Trump because many of them fear whites are becoming a minority.

I could go on and on but my point is people like Jussie Smollett are shining examples of PC taken to toxic levels and many voters turned to Trump as a "cure" for it.


He needs a VERY large book thrown at him. And it seems Chicago is none to please to have their chains jerked. Good for them.


Probably a Websters.
