MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > This is a Movie Chat site

This is a Movie Chat site

So why is this idiot's board so popular?

Isn't there any place on the internet that we can go to, to get away from this monster?

He appeared in a few films as himself, and he hosted a gameshow a few years back, so it's sad that his should be the most popular board on this site.



"Many on disparate sides of politics have good insights on film, so you will miss seeing those too. Your choice. Easy to do."

In which case, maybe putting all these posters on 'ignore' is not the right answer.



I don't think a lot of those are new users. They are the people on so many other members block list,they create new accounts to have an audience for their trolling. Some phrasing, incorrect spelling of words and sentence structures are hard not to compare to some of the problem posters.



They are obviously from Russia.


I look at this section more like an off-topic, side-bar, political appetizer. Im here mostly for the movies, but cant help but chime in now and again here on the Trump board.

Originally, I wanted to start a "Favorite Trump Cameo" thread, but instead saw something far more amusing, which is this strange animal called the Donald Trump forum.

But, I do find it interesting when I see that some users only post in the Trump section... on a movie forum site. But, thats their right. Im also part of other self-contained political boards, but this one is fun with the stereotypical caricatures from both sides of the left/right spectrum.


No, there is nowhere you can go online to get away from. Trump's name shows up everywhere--even in ads.

Hell--his dumb supporters will bring up Trump in Avengers Infinity War topics, book topics--anything.

He's the corrupt and evil president in US history...his name won't be going away anytime soon and he will leave a long-lasting legacy...of badness.


He's awful, but I'm afraid it's liberals and anti-Trump people who tend to bring up his bloody name just as much as his idiot MAGA supporters.

I'm fed-up with him. Hopefully Mueller will find some dirt on the POS, but if not, well, unfortunately you'll have to wait until 2020 to get rid of him. In the meantime there's nothing much you can do. Obviously protest whenever you can, but don't let him plague your every thought. He'll just drive you to despair. Think about happy things instead.


No, the Trump supporters bring him up all over this site, constantly. They are really pushy with it. Then they complain about anything not-far-Right, complaining about women and feminism and non-white people, etc.

It's like a sickness.


I agree that there is a lot of sickness among the Trump supporters (they would have to be...), but I still see that many of the threads that pop up on this board are authored by Trump haters. Suffice to say, I agree with a lot of those threads. I just wish that people who visited a movie and TV show forum would talk about, you know, movies and TV shows.


Oh yeah, I was meaning all the boards except this one. I definitely expect Trump-related posts here!


"Hell--his dumb supporters will bring up Trump in Avengers Infinity War topics, book topics--anything."

While I do agree (and find it annoying), the same can be said about those who dont support him. I cant help but cringe a little when Im reading about a movie set in the 80s only to be criticized for its non-feminist, chauvinistic dialog promoted by Pres. Trump. Like... really?


Cause idiots like you are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and can't get him out of your head even on a movie site.


Why are you attacking me?

I'm the one objecting to all this talk of Trump.


The reason is because someone who "appeared in a few films as himself, and hosted a gameshow a few years back" became president of the U.S.

If you want to escape, go on foreign sites or watch youtube videos.


But this is a movie site. It should be an 'escape'.

And by the way, foreign sites and youtube is fill of blather about Trump too.


TV site too. This replaced the message board, but it's not as popular so most subjects are void of activity which is a shame.

Comment sections are for self-expression, sharing information and opinions.

I can relate to being sick of Trump talk, but we're about to witness his long downward spiral - like looking at a trainwreck. His actions also negatively effect people, so it's better to be aware of what he's doing to fight back.

Most youtubers don't discuss him. Most foreign countries have their own issues so if sites discuss him, it's brief. Or you can binge watch TV shows.

Trump appears to be a media whore who does things in order to stay in the headlines - like a Kardashian.

Worst than Trump discussion is the 2020 election. Too soon! I change channels pronto.


Trump is hideous. I think you can 'read between the lines' in any of my posts to see where I stand politically and in terms of Trump.

But all this Trump talk is deeply divisive and loaded with contempt. Fair enough with respect to a political site/forum, but entertainment potentially has the power to bring people together and yet it seems that you all seem to enjoy miring yourself in hate (not you particularly but 'you' in the general sense) rather than attempting to find common interests and bonds.


I basically agree with you.

"...deeply divisive and loaded with contempt..."

That's tribalism. It's used by Trump to gain and maintain support. He taps into the fear, hatred and anger which his supporters have, intensifies it and directs it against a group like immigrants. I read that the real purpose of his rallies is to reinforce those emotions. Rationality goes out the window. Perhaps people with low self-esteem or who feel powerless are made to feel better about themselves because they are part of Trump's group.

I think what snaps them out of it is when they realize that Trump is hurting them. Or when they realize that Trump hasn't improved their lives.

"entertainment potentially has the power to bring people together"
So does sports, but notice how Trump used it to escalate racial division.

Unfortunately, this will probably continue until we have a president who is interested in uniting Americans.

I'm convinced that some commenters are Russians, Iranians or some other anti-Democratic group.


Wait, didn't Obama unite America? That's what your media said, just like they said conservatives are Russian bots, and Iraq has WMDs. How utterly clueless are you that you still repeat these lies? It's the first time you've ever lost and it won't be the last.


"your media "

Everything you just wrote is Republican propaganda. You're confusing it for information. I suggest you stop watching Fox and reading Breitbart.


Trump Derangement Syndrome is a helluvan illness. Ignore is your friend.


Or if even he isn't an idiot, his voters don't wanna see this board as it draws flame wars (I voted, but he seems to wind up ,being a an idiot in my minds).


Everything and anything that happens is related and segued to Trump . I think the posters are mostly young and just having fun, or scapegoating Trump-- in the whole 2 years that he's been in office-- for any crisis that hits us.

However, it wasn't a typical game-show, yet other political leaders have been actors (not an intellectual occupation)--and receive no criticism for it. Again, selective-reasoning because it's an excuse to bash Trump. The other reason for their obsession is because he's privileged, rich, very successful, and does not condone illegal activity; most people dont seem to care if illegals pollute our land-- that's the "sad" thing. (and to actually tell the truth is considered "racist").


"Pollute our land"?

That's very inflammatory and, yes, racist language.

If you're saying that illegal immigration deflates wages and poses infrastructure problems, that might conceivably win the sympathies of a few moderates (although I don't get the impression that this is such an issue in the USA as it may be in some parts of Europe where resources, including land, is relatively limited), but in stigmatising and stereotyping illegal immigrants as dangerous criminals, or whatever the term 'pollute our land' is intended to imply (and the only one literally polluting the land is Trump, and his cronies, with his Keystone pipeline, and his decision to turn the country's back on the climate-change reducing Paris Agreement), you are simply displaying bigotry and white supremacy.

And the only other POTUS who was part of the entertainment industry was Reagan, another right-wing populist, albeit one who seems like a relative moderate by today's standards.


(although I don't get the impression that this is such an issue in the USA as it may be in some parts of Europe where resources, including land, is relatively limited)
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Exactly, you don't get the "impression" because you do not live in the USA (much less, California) and are ignorant to the problem and the destruction it causes, yet you come to the board in pompous fashion to falsely accuse one of "bigotry and racism" due to your ignorance. That is very inflammatory.


And if you disagree with ProductionNow (aka ReproductionNever), he’ll run like a little girl to the admins, get your posts deleted and then PM you trying to convince you that YOU deleted them.

True story.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. You can hardly blame a Trump supporter for a moderation system of censorship. 99 times out of a hundred it would be him who gets victimized by your side.


"your side"? Oh, you poor, deluded fool.


But racism isn't an issue for you. You're obviously white. You're just virtue signaling, like George Bush who always made sure to say how great Islam is before slaughtering them.


And you love anti-virtue signaling, aka dog whistles.


"You're obviously white."

Silly Trumpers and their identity politics.


Why isn't racism an issue for me? Firstly, don't assume I am white. Secondly, even if I was white, why do you think a white person is incapable of concerning themselves with racism?


" The other reason for their obsession is because he's privileged, rich, very successful, and does not condone illegal activity!

haha , thats very funny , good one


I know you think illegal immigration is funny
There is where you make light of Trump's stand on illegal "immigration" by citing the accusations against Trump in order to defect and cancel out his good policies.

Manipulative (assuming you have the self-awareness to know you're even doing it), but transparent.


Here in the uk , we are in the EU, which means anyone in europe can walk in legally! crazy eh?
All we have to do to remedet this is leave , but the gubbermint is struggling to do that ..


You, in the "UK", are not living where said problem exists, no more than we are living in the UK where any of your assorted problems exist. Now, repeat that to yourself a few more times.

Your territory (and it's occupants) is not being affected by said Central-American illegal immigration, but you have not looked/lived in our territory in order to know. It's really very elementary, and shouldn't need to be explained. But, at any rate,, we do not need to live by the UK's standards. Good bye.


immigration is a world wide thing, not just a California thing, and "build a big wall" is the most moronic solution I have ever heard . I'm talking even in the most ridiculous of movies , never mind in the actual White House.
What happens when that totally dosent work? build anther one up both coasts?


" because he's privileged, rich, very successful, and does not condone illegal activity"
the funny bits were:
priviliged - yeah , everyone loves an arrogant idiot born with a silver spoon up hi ass
rich - well cant deny that. note: entirely un-self-made
very successful - well , barely more successful with his money than if he'd just left it in the bank, and avoided 6 bankruptcies
illegal activity - That was the really funny bit , nothing proved yet obviously , but the corrupt pathalogical liar belongs in prison! imho .


because he's privileged, rich, very successful, and does not condone illegal activity"
the funny bits were:
priviliged - yeah , everyone loves an arrogant idiot born with a silver spoon up hi ass
rich - well cant deny that. note: entirely un-self-made
very successful - well , barely more successful with his money than if he'd just left it in the bank, and avoided 6 bankruptcies
illegal activity - That was the really funny bit , nothing proved yet obviously , but the corrupt pathalogical liar belongs in prison! imho .
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Refer back to:
"There is where you make light of Trump's stand on illegal "immigration" by citing the accusations against Trump in order to defect and cancel out his good policies."


The stand out moments of Trump policy, ie the only things he's done that i can remember are:
Sack FBI director , in case he finds out about aforementioned "illegal activity"
Bans anyone entering the country from his self proclaimed "shithole countries"
Gets more toadys and lackys to gather round and kiss his ass in the white house - ejects those that fail to do so
Shows his 5yr old mental age by "Build a wall" promises. (gets elected for it by the retard section of the population)
Shuts down the goverment in a tantrum....
sleeps with porn stars, while married to trophy wife ...
So incredibly vain he wears artificial hair and paints himself orange...

not exactly the stuff that gets you put on a bank note is it?
more the type of stuff that ends up with you suiciding, covered in petrol in a shallow grave outside the state building , if you know what i mean.
