MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump's Hollywood Star smashed into teen...

Trump's Hollywood Star smashed into teeny tiny pieces by man with pickax

Vandalism is petty but in this case the leftover spectacle is deeply emotionally satisfying.

Trump's star has been the repeated target of defacement and destruction since he entered politics and began destroying America.


You know what I find REALLY scary about that?

Finding out that Trump was given a star on Hollywood Boulevard.


Yeah, what is exactly up with that?

Is a bad reality TV show all you need to get a Hollywood star these days?


Everytime I log on and open this board, I laugh at the "known for" bio-message that's below that goofy photo of him with that phony smile:

Known For: Ghosts Can't Do It (Donald Trump), Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (Donald Trump), Two Weeks Notice (Donald Trump), The Apprentice (Producer)

Jesus...that's good enough work to earn a star? I think someone should open a new investigation into just how much Trumpie paid the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to get it.


Yea I totally forgot that he had a reality show about hiring and firing people. :)


So true!
The knucklehead probably bought it


It was nominated and paid for by his company as a gift to him. The board that supervises the Walk of Fame then approved it.


Trump was in the news....

We gotta write about it!

Lets... not care because it's all dumb.


Says the guy so triggered he wants everyone not to care.



...... But Kevin Spacey is apparently still loved by the libs


I've yet to see any proof of this accusation. If it were true he'd be embraced by Hollywood.


You mean like Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein?


You're high. Polanski got expelled from the film academy and no one supports Harvey.


It all evens out... A lot of Trumpholes love Hitler.


Libs love Kevin Spacey so much that they reshot a movie he was working on, spending millions of dollars to take him out of it.


Lol plus fired from his Netflix show despite being the lead.




Says a lot about the OP that thinks this worthy news and completely acceptable behavior.

Ignorant hate, thy name is demokkkrat.


But of course you being a trumptard you don't read or you'd see I said it was petty.

Yes it is newsworthy.


And grabbing pussy is acceptable behaviour? As a drumpf supporter you have no leg to stand on when it comes to taking the moral high road.

Stop pretending you have any morals or ethics and that the alt-right isn't the most hateful group there is.


That's what amazes me about Republicans more than perhaps anything else.

They can still talk like they have some kind of moral high ground after supporting Trump.


Hypocritical ignoramuses the entire lot of them.

That should be their genus; ignoramus hypocritian


I bet you supported Obama when he downplayed the Russian threat during the 2012 debates. "Hypocrisy" is the bread and butter of the Democratic Party.


You'd lose that bet buckwheat


LOL! That's how buckwheat's simple brain works. Just because he will reflexively defend trump to the hilt, he thinks those that oppose him must have reflexively supported Obama.


Consensual pussy grabbing is perfectly acceptable.


Ya so is consensual armed robbery, "they just let you do it".

And don't bother trying to say they are different, sure slightly, but the power dynamic is there and this isn't the forum to discuss that.


Consensual pussy grabbing? Did he really say that?


I'm gonna go grab my girlfriends pussy right now.... Nope she didn't care.


Nor do we.


Wish I could have been there to see it in person.


By any chance, was he a farmer visiting from the midwest who has just seen his income drop 20% in 24 hours, thanks to T-rump?


That's the Leftist way. If you don't agree with something, throw your poop at it, smash it, or try to shame it on Social Media. They have no other weapons in their arsenal besides chanting stupid slogans at Soros rallies.


If that's the leftist way then why is it the right wing neo-nazis that always get busted for hooliganism?


Stop trying to associate neo nazis with the right. And stop pretending leftiests aren't the violent malcontents they are and that activism isn't at their core.


I don't need to associate neo-nazis with the right. Their ideology is right wing and speaks for itself. Unless you're one of those Jonah Goldberg disciples who follow his revisionist thinking of conflating liberalism and fascism when the ideologies are in fact diametrically opposed.

Stop generalizing people on the left as "violent malcontents". At least I correctly stigmatized extremist neo-nazis as guilty of hooliganism while you're hypocritically painting with a ridiculously broad brush what should appropriately fall to left wing extremists.


Stop generalizing people on the left as "violent malcontents". At least I correctly stigmatized extremist neo-nazis as guilty of hooliganism while you're hypocritically painting with a ridiculously broad brush what should appropriately fall to left wing extremists.

The evidence speaks for itself. Look at all the protests riots and violence the left has done and look real hard for that make believe neo nazi you think is infiltrating the right.

you really think those are conservatists toppling police cars? What you pretend to be generalizations I call statistical trends. I Don't expect much from the irrational left. Even though you claim you stigmatized neo nazis with hooliganism that wasn't your point. Your point was to pretend that the one or 2 neo nazis being pin pointed by the media echo chamber can hold a stick to the hundreds of thousand violent extremists on the left. And your original point was to associate neo nazis with the right which is what I'm rejecting. The left can't think and the rest of America should give up any expectation of that ever changing.


WTF are all your absurd assumptions coming from about what I think?

Your point is wrong. I was calling out someone who was trying to characterize violence as the "leftist way". This is clearly wrong in light of neo-nazis being on the right. I fully acknowledge there are extremists on both ends of the spectrum.

You are clearly the irrational one here trying to put words in my mouth as to what I think or what I was saying.

You're also proving you are a right wing casualty by your rejection of neo-nazis belonging to the right. You saying it doesn't make it true. Fascist ideology is right wing, this is a fact that you can't dispute. Nor can you dispute the fact that neo-nazis identify as alt-right. Are you going to reject the alt-right being associated with the right too? Right wing casualties are incapable of logic and empirical reasoning, which is why you resort to blanket assertions that you can't support with empirical facts. All you're doing is demonstrating you're hysterically incoherent.


My problem is you leftivists have no concept of scale. You ignore the heavy violence comming from the left while highligting the rare oddities of neo nazis. At least we reject and toss them out of our group. The left doesn't seem to be doing that they just blame all the rage on the right. Your assertion that fascist ideology is an attribute of the right is your opinion and not a fact to be disoputed. People one the right want freedom to do and say what they want along with smaller government . The left wants to shut down debate and hide behind identity politics and and advocate a larger government. The left is more intrusive and controlling to the lives of the average citizen in that people can't express their true opinions anymore due to irrational left not being able to tolerate different opinnions from them selves. That is fascism.

which is why you resort to blanket assertions that you can't support with empirical facts. All you're doing is demonstrating you're hysterically incoherent.

You made a blanket assertion that nazis are on the right. I point out that we reject nazis in our group and that the microscopic number of nazis pale in comparison to the violence the left advocates in riots(Black Lives Matter) college campuses(The hecklers veto), and general protests. I live in a world of bayesian probability where I weigh the number of neo nazis where ever they are (hard to find actually) and violence comming from the left in areas dominated by left. Any fool will recognize their a huge skew between the two but lefties for some reason always say prove it when the numbers are pretty obvious. Lefties of course will demand a deductive proof when a inductive argument is already sufficient which shows a strong cognitive bias on the side of the left. This makes sense as the left is more passionate about their subjective truth and that passion overwhelms their ability to objectively look at issues like the massive scale difference between neo nazis and rioting on the left.


You "reject and toss them out", suuuuure.

That's why your supreme leader insisted they were great people. Talk about ignoring stuff🤔


Trumps not my leader. Look at my posts and you'll see I don't support trump. To me trump was gonna ruin the election either way. He threatened to run 3rd party if he didn't when the GOP Primary which effecticly means hillary would have won as trump would have split the conservative vote. Trump is no friend of the republican party or conservatives in general. Sure trump has around 30% of conservatives that will follow him like the pied piper to their doom but the rest of conservatists are stuck with him just like you are. Its not ideal but we'll deal with it. :/

I also don't recall donald trump calling neo nazis great people, even he's not dumb enough to do that. Are you sure he wasn't talking about the state as a whole or even the city itself?


Most sensible reply from the right I've seen to date! Thank you for injecting some common sense.

Drumpf said that there were "great people on both sides" one side being tiki torch holding neo-nazis


Drumpf said that there were "great people on both sides" one side being tiki torch holding neo-nazis

Ironic. Trump rarely says anything nice about anyone normally he would normally have been inclined to say "Theres assholes on both sides"

He's approval rating sits at 45% which is pretty high for trump as of now but is still indicative that more then half the country doesn't approve of him.


You are a massive hypocrite that needs to clean up your own tent before pointing fingers. Charlottesville happened because of alt-right neo-nazis marching and chanting "the Jews will not replace us". Or are you going to claim that was really antifa?

It's hilarious you're claiming the right reject that stuff out of hand when Trump openly courted this group and appointed white nationalist Steve Bannon as a senior adviser. So if you're saying the right is rejecting it you're just a shameless liar when the right wing administration and president welcomes them with open arms.

Like it or not, the Republican party is Trump's party now when his Republican approval rating sits at 85%.

So if you oppose Trump you're in the extreme minority among Republicans and you've got a lot of cleaning up to do on your own side of the aisle before you can claim conservatives reject the alt-right.

To drive my point home, here is Paul Ryan at a conservative conference the other day openly discussing the new identity politics of the right happening with the "blood and soil" white nationalist neo-nazi types. The difference is, at least he acknowledges and accepts responsibility for it as a right wing problem while you sit in denial while hilariously accusing me of making assertions. Nope, you're the one making unsupportable assertions while I cite empirical fact; the very ideologically driven conservative Republican Speaker of the House agrees with me, not you. Your denials just make you look very very dense, especially in the age of Trump.

Like I said, at least I accurately characterized the hooligans on the right as neo-nazis. Meanwhile, you prove you're an absolute tool by generalizing violence to the left rather than to left wing extremists.

While you rant like a raging right wing ideologue I'm the moderate, as I've always opposed extremists on the left that push for censorship and condone violence. You're apparently too clueless to know there actually IS significant pushback by some of us on the left against its extremist wing and the public figures I follow all involved in that pushback include Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, Bret Weinstein, and of course Bill Maher.

But of course you think all the left is the same because of your rush to generalize perhaps as an autistic product of your Bayesian simplified worldview. Your assumptions placing me in a box assuming you know I sympathize with extremists demonstrates you have no problem with bigotry in practice even if you deny it in principle. It shouldn't surprise you that white nationalism is a RIGHT WING problem when you can't even avoid stereotyping and wrongly generalizing yourself.

Deal with it.


I don't hear any push back from you. Just your attacks on the right and desperate attempts to try to convince us that white supremacy is a main stay of the right. Your not a moderate by any stretch of the imagination. Your done.


Holy shit, I just cited Paul Ryan acknowledging this issue and discussing it in detail with Goldberg. Sorry but he's a more prolific representative of the right than you are. I don't care if you choose to acknowledge it or not, I'm just pointing out you're in denial when two respected public figures of the right wing literati are openly discussing this.

It's hilarious watching you making accusations that I'm not moderate while being unable to cite empirical facts to prove it. I just told you why I'm moderate left, because I openly oppose violence, political correctness, and censorship pushed by the extremist left. I have past posts that prove my point.


hey eYeDEF I don't care what you think. I'm not convinced you even can think. Your done. I'm not reading passed your first 2 sentences anymore your not entitled to any more of my time.


^Retort of the year award material right here.


I'm tired of refuting the lefts nonsense ad nauseam. I've made my point. And when the left can only focus on one or 2 neo nazis they claim represents the rights base while not even noticing the high amounts of violence spilling out of the left it shows there is too much cognitive bias for that person to be reasoned with.


Except you cite no facts. Paul Ryan and Jonah cite facts.


You should have lead with those from the beggining. Now I'm not even bothering to read more then 2 sentences from you. I think your done.


You're acting like a snowflake.


I'm not obligated to read your posts. Freedom of speech doesn't mean compelled listening or reading in this case.


Of course not. But that also means you haven't refuted anything if you refuse to read the rebuttal.


"I'm not obligated to read"

I think he just supplied the Republitards with a great slogan for their next campaign.



Wow. You have swallowed the Radical Repub ageneda hook-line-and-sinker.
Yes, there are bad actors on the the Lib side who do stupid things, but they aren't sanctioned by the group as a whole. But the Repub side has an entire Evil Agenda, trying to discredit good Americans who want Gun Control, access to abortion, parity among social classes.
Who are these "hundreds of thousand violent extremists on the left"? Are they the hundreds of thousand FOX viewers who get all excited and agitated by inflammatory commenters?
Like Obama said recently, you are just making stuff up out of the thin blue air. You should get a paper bag and breathe in-and-out, try to clam down.


Who are these "hundreds of thousand violent extremists on the left"? Are they the hundreds of thousand FOX viewers who get all excited and agitated by inflammatory commenters?

Really you think FOX viewers get violent or on the left. You ask stupid questions like this and people don't really want to bother answering you. Go be sarcastic or non subtile somewhere else.


He was quoting YOU and asking you to prove your outlandish claim, which of course you can't do.


So what was the point of his second question? It sounded to me like these weren't questions at all but more like an implication that fox viewers are violent or something.


He wasn't implying any violence at all. He was referring to the outrage generated in Fox audiences by "inflammatory commenters" on Fox, a likely reference to guys like Hannity who has a penchant for demagoguery, conspiracy theory, and provoking outrage against liberals and the left on his show.

He was implying that you might have picked up that "hundreds of thousands" claim by an "inflammatory commenter" like Hannity who often plays fast and loose with the facts to provoke outrage at liberals.


I'm not being subtle (and it's not "subtile", Troll!). I think fox viewers are extremists, alt-right Nazis.
Not a question. That's my take. alt-right jerks and fox followers are awful, nasty germs on the face of a rather once wonderful Nation. America was great when it wasn't presided by some dumb-ass Republican who was filling the coffers of his Capitalist buddies with empty lies and crappy tax cuts that only helped the rich.
I don't want jerks like you to answer. I want compassionate, loving people to respond and tell me we still have hope for humanity -- not fox trumpers seething out their butt-holes they don't get the respect they never show any one else.


"I don't want jerks like you to answer. I want compassionate, loving people to respond and tell me we still have hope for humanity -- not fox trumpers seething out their butt-holes"

Your in the wrong place if your looking for an echo chamber to rant off in. Stating that the majority of fox viewers (I don't watch fox by the way) are evil extremists. I also assert that nazis are not right wingers there just nuts. The Alt-right is not the right side of the political spectrum that is why their called "Alt".


This graphic clarifies how the left-right political spectrum is taught in college political science textbooks and conventionally understood.

There are 4 quadrants, not just two. As you move from left to right you go from collectivism to individualism. You'll see the top half quadrants represent more authority to less authority as you move down to the bottom half.

You'll see at the extremes of the top quadrants Stalin and Hitler. Stalin being extreme authoritarianism of a collectivist ideology (communism) on the left and Hitler being extreme authoritarianism of an individualist ideology (fascism) on the right.

I believe from your descriptions of "right wing" you'd fall in the bottom right quadrant, which represents the non-authoritative right. You believe in personal responsibility, individual freedom, and don't want government involved in your affairs? You're in the lower right quadrant.

Alt-right and neo-nazis aren't conservatives, but they are considered to be on the right of the spectrum because fascism sits on the fringes of the top right pro-authority quadrant with Hitler.

I think this is why you're getting confused and rejecting neo-nazis as being on the right, because of the limitations of seeing things only as left-right doesn't take into account the additional dimensions of right in a 4 point model from the right you know and are familiar with.


I figured there were multiple dimensions to the political spectrum which makes me wonder why only left and right politics is heard in the media. I graduated computer science with a minor in math so I woulden't be very are of political science text book teachings. I have to believe that the lower right is what the GOP and other political commentators are refering to when discussing the right. I don't hear alot about people on the right wanting a bigger government or more authority. I'm not libertarian either. I'll have to research this further.


What about hardcore religious conservatives? I think they'd fall in the top right quadrant.

It's fallen out of vogue now, but those on the right wanting bigger, more authoritative government conservatives are considered "classical conservatives" and there were a lot more of them 50 years ago. Pro-military conservatives fall in this camp too.

law & order conservatives, that's still a thing right? They'd fall into that camp.


What about hardcore religious conservatives? I think they'd fall in the top right quadrant. [/quote] Theres not many of them left. The religious community is starting to reform more too as theirs not really many fundamentalists left. Denominations that were once fundamentalist are kind of glossing over the more controversial topics such as persecution of homosexuals.

[quote]It's fallen out of vogue now, but those on the right wanting bigger, more authoritative government conservatives are considered "classical conservatives"

I think that was a relic of the cold war. I've only been around since very late70s and can't speak much of those times.


I see law & order conservatives are very much alive and well today as they swell the ranks of professional law enforcement, military, security, and our intelligence agencies. These are professions that naturally attract far more conservatives than liberals.

And by virtue of their profession, they're definitely going to be more aligned in the pro-authority quadrant of conservatism than non-authority. Their livelihood depends on it.


Do you know who Heather Heyer was?


Do you know the names of any of the 20 cops killed by BLM in 2016?


I'm still interested in hearing you cite ONE credible story about these fictitious "hundreds of thousands" of violent leftists you claimed dwarf the neo-nazis on the right.

If Bayesian probability makes the numbers of leftists that practice violence obvious, you should be easily able to cite a story right? Except you can't.

And in case you're thinking about it, don't bother citing Sean Hannity. He's not a credible source.


Look at the news. Like at the cities that burned in 2016. Even your own liberal media shows covered them. Then look at that one news clip of a guy driving a car into a crowed over and over and over and try to act like they are at the same scale. I don't expect you to be able to count but at least recognize the orders of magnitude between the two violent groups. If you can't even recognize the scale difference the forget it your just wasting my time. You got one or two white supremists and pretending they compare to BLM and Antifa.

And I don't watch or like sean hannity.


Look, I understand your point about violent protesters on the left. They're idiots. I get it.

But if we add up the number of arrests of left wing protesters you really think that number would come out to hundreds of thousands? You don't see that as being a wee bit hyperbolic?

And at the same time, you don't see yourself having any confirmation bias when you only point to Heather Hayer as your example of right wing violence? There's been a number of right wing protests too and arrests of right wing violence. Charlottesville produced more victims of violence than just Heather Hayer. There was this black man beaten by a group of white nationalists:

Again, I understand there was violence on both sides and I hold the police primarily responsible for allowing a lot of it to go unabated. But I can't see how you see things as restricted to the left and lopsided as you appear to. I'm open to seeing things differently if you think I'm misguided and can cite empirical proof.


Here's a study that compares deaths from left wing vs right wing extremism and the numbers aren't even close.

Radical leftists have been dramatically less likely to kill people than their counterparts on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Over the past decade (until 2016), extremists of every stripe have killed 372 Americans. 74 percent of those killings were committed by right wing extremists. Only 2 percent of those deaths were at the hands of left wing extremists.


I just hold that artical suspect as they are identifying Timmothy McVee an admitted anarchist as being a right winger his killings alone are 198 people over half of the 372 mentioned in the article so that already makes me suspicious. I have never considered the oaklahoma bomber to be a right winger. The Sacramento ferguson killing looks more like some dude that went crazy and shot his girlfriend then went on to kill 5 others. I don't see why he's being associated with right wing extremism. I'm looking more into it. Oh wait I see it now.
"Police searched the south Sacramento house where Ferguson had been living with his father and brother and found a cache of weapons, including two shotguns, two assault rifles, two revolvers, a ballistic helmet, a flak jacket and a gas mask. They also discovered an undisclosed assortment of white supremacist paraphernalia." I still say he's not one of us though. I doubt he voted in his life.

Yea I'll conceed there still seems to be a proble with violent racists in this country and I'll even conceed that Trump just riled them up as I've seen east texas become more raciest in these recent 3 years (We don't go there anymore as we are hispanic). But I'm not exusing Antifa and BLM. And being that their attacks are unplanned I'm pretty sure thats why there not being labled as terrorism which seems to be what the article your posting is focusing on.


You'll find BLM and related deaths from black nationalist extremists cited on page 2.

I don't see how it's specifically related to terrorism. The only mention of 'terrorism' in the study is the Institute on Extremism and Terrorism that commissioned it. It appears specific to extremists of all stripes.

Here's a snopes article that addresses antifa vs alt-right violence, and points out there have been no antifa related deaths.

The takeaway is antifa and alt-right tend to tee off their violence against one another and cite the other's violence as a recruiting tool. But Mayo's point is noteworthy that on the Antifa side, they’ve never murdered anyone but there have been many murders done by white supremacists. She's also right to point out there shouldn't be a moral false equivalence drawn between the two groups when one side is fighting against white supremacy in response to protests organized by alt-right. This isn't an excuse of antifa violence, just that the objective aims of the two groups, morally speaking, aren't even in the same ballpark.

I also recognize your point about the ambiguity of McVeigh's political allegiance. He seemed to be foremost an anti-government nut. But, if you're going to call into question the Sacramento killer with white supremacist literature as belonging to the 'right', I'd ask if it's fair to call Dallas shooter Micah Xavier Johnson as being from the 'left' when he was a racist anti-white, anti-Jewish black supremacist who wasn't an official member of BLM and appeared to be foremost a conspiracy nut who belonged a bunch of fringe conspiracy minded groups according to this profile of him in the conservative National Review:

I think it gets pretty dicey when trying to label extremist nuts as belonging to a particular right or left ideology without other evidence of their political ideation. But if we're forced to choose I don't have a problem saying black nationalists are more likely to be aligned to the left just like white supremacists are to the right.


In light of the articles your posting I'll conceed that it appears theirs more violence comming from the right. Untill I see articles asserting otherwise I'll err on your side of the debate for now. :)

Also I agreed with you that joseph was a racist which seems to be what your focusing on so I'll give you that argument although I don't associate militant racists as being conservative. Conservatists don't mess with people they just want to be left alone. Maby there is a difference between right wing and conservatism that I'm focusing on. I do have to admit that there are times I forget the difference between leftists and liberals. With the left being more associated with activism and liberals being more focused on social issues and openness towards identity and protection of minorities. I think we need liberals around to keep a balance with conservatists. Its just that in my life this is the first time I've seen the country so polorized. It all started with Obama but its still just as divided with trump. I want to get back to healthier times when half the country didn't hate the other half and vice versa.

Back in my younger years I actually did vote for Al Gore. But after 9/11 I voted for bushes 2nd term. I stayed out of the election when it was obama vs McCain which is what republicans do to cowardly support the democrat candidate.


Heather Heyer was killed by the American Heart Association which says we need to eat the Food Pyramid with vegetable oils and grain based carbohydrates. Rigorous German scientific research from the 1930's would have saved her, but it was all tossed out and discarded as "Nazi science".


Evidence suggests she died due to a car speeding into her some time before the heart association was successful in their efforts to kill her.


Libs and ANTIFA = Sturmabteilung...... the left are the true fascists


Brilliant comment. I applaud your ... ability to say something so breath-takingly dumb, that you probably believe it. Carry on, wayward son. Freedom isn't Free, keep on keeping on oh wise one.


That's amazing. We feel exactly the same about your non response.


Yes!!!! Good for him!!!!!! I lived in Hollywood for a time and Dumpy's star was a disgrace!
