MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Dear White People, You're Dying Out...

Dear White People, You're Dying Out...

Blame yourselves, seriously. Immigration is going to play a big role in the future and you only have yourselves to blame for not pumping out more white kids.

And yes, this report is recent. The vote republican is going null year by year. If this trend continues, the end of the republican party (majority white) is nigh.


After Romney's defeat, a Republican autopsy was commissioned after yet another privileged white Daddy's boy ran for President & lost the popular vote.

In 2013 when the report came out, Republicans had lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections.

This 100 page "autopsy" of the Romney loss added analytic recommendations to grow opportunities. (Sorry, that's GOP-speak -but after 2016, the opportunity for growth GREW!) SMDH.

Reagan was the hero of the GOP but in 2012, no one under the age of 51 was old enough to vote for Reagan.

So the report suggested that they cultivate young voters. And what does the GOP do? They reduce investments in renewables & double down on COAL. Coughers gonna cough!

The report suggested that the GOP cultivate minority voters. So what does the GOP do? Well, Breitbart featured a column on its homepage titled "Black Crime." because haters gonna hate.

The autopsy also had a lot to say about whistleblowing & corporate malfeasance. This is big. The suggestion was that they attack corporate welfare & executives who take bonuses after they liquidate their companies & leave workers unemployed. Yeah. Seriously. They put this in the report. Strait face. So what does the GOP do? Tax cuts for the wealthiest! Let's give Trickle Down Economics another try! What's that you say? We're going to have to cut Social Security & Medicare? Tough tax breaking titties.

The report said the RNC/GOP ought to "foster an environment of intellectual curiosity" & a "culture of data & learning." LOL I could NOT type that with a straight face. "What books have you read, Mr Trump?" "My own!" FAKE NEWS!

And here's my favorite part of this Frankenstein's monster of an autopsy. It concludes that Hispanic Americans perceive that the GOP DOES NOT WANT THEM IN THE US and that the RNC must improve efforts to LEARN HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT THIS IMPORTANT DEMOGRAPHIC.


And they spoke to them by putting infants in jail. Great move!


Poor republicans. They’ve only gained 1250 seats nationwide since 2010. They have a majority of governors. Congress. The US Senate. And the presidency. Yep. They’re doing terrible.

They’re presiding over, and responsible for:
A record stock market.
Record unemployment.
Ecomic growth 400% higher than under Obama.
The highest consumer confidence in 20 years.

Meanwhile the demokkkrat platform: TrumpOrange.

November is coming, and unfortunately for the demokkkrat party, people don’t vote for obsessive hate and blame. The party of no ideas, no solutions.


I would laugh at the Demokkkrats complete incompetence and lack of accomplishments but they are actively trying to destroy Trump's presidency all so that they won't have to admit that they were wrong. They would rather watch America fail than see Trump succeed and it's a very dangerous and disturbed mentality that they have adopted.


Well, to be fair, yes it doing pretty well. Sadly, once you reach the peak, all that's left is down (vice versa).

This is what I found interesting and makes me wonder if Trump will hit a recession after all this peak success and elimination of regulation (instead of just eliminating the over-regulatory ones).

Trump is now giving way for miners to clear forests again.


If that is true than enjoy the third world because successful free cultures aren't generated by geography.


When white people are gone, who becomes the new evil villain of the world? Don't think there won't be a new villain, there always has to be a villain.


The superstitious god that took away welfare will be the new villain.


Asians. They’re educated. Think for themselves politically. Work hard. Successful. Financially independent. Everything the demokkkrat slavemasters hate.


It's the browning of America.


Which is why the only way republicans can win these days is to find a way to skirt the popular vote. But soon even that won't be enough.


With the help of Russia interfering with our elections.


So what? There are conservatives of every background. You choose to ignore them, is all. Don't be surprised if the next Republican megastar isn't a white male. The message applies to anybody who loves freedom and actually wants to make this country a better place. Why is it that the Democrats are always the ones to lump everybody according to their race?
