MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The Real Reason People Hate Trump

The Real Reason People Hate Trump

Shortly after the election of Obama, comedian Paul Mooney (s.p.?) said something like, 'White people, it's over! There will never be another white man in the White House!"

I think Paul wasn't alone in believing that. Not by a long shot. I think POC and white liberals, who blame everything that goes wrong with their own, individual lives, on white males, truly thought Obama marked the beginning of rule by women and "minorities" (why are we still pretending white people aren't the only real minority in the world at this point?). The election of Donald Trump, as far as the majority (i.e., POC and white liberals) is concerned, is a massive step backward; they KNOW he's not a racist, misogynist, etc., etc., they just hate him because he's a white male. It's childish and stupid on their part and it proves that the only ACTUAL racists are POC and white liberals.

Don't attack the messenger--think about what's been written here, and attempt to refute the actual argument.



What past actions don't you care for? I'll certainly agree there is a pretty long list of crazy things that have come out of his mouth, but I can't think of anything he's actually done that are really that bad. Certainly nothing that stands out more than any other person of power. I'm asking you because you seem to be pretty level headed,and not super far left.




I actually don't think he was making fun of the reporters disability. He was acting like someone who was flustered and stumbling over his words,but I've always felt that was a huge stretch to assume that's what he was doing. If the reporter wasn't disabled,it wouldn't have seemed out of place to act like that at all when mocking someone for being flustered. That's ambiguous at best. As far as his ex, I also don't agree with abusing women, but I think it's unfair to put more credibility to her statement than his. Everyone knows someone with a bitter ex that might make something up to trash them,that isn't exactly true. Again, I'm not saying it isn't, but I always thought people deserve the benefit of the doubt if no evidence can show the contrary.



To be fair, I think many men of significant wealth and/or power assume that every woman wants them, and that they are above the rules. I also think there are many woman who would lie and embellish something to gain fame and wealth. So I won't say he didn't do it,but I also don't believe a lot of the #metoo accusations. I've just decided to only believe proof when I see it, and with so many people blindly hating Trump, I question unsubstantiated claims even more than I normally would. Weird times we live in.



But right now any woman who accuses a man is instantly brave,a hero, and presumed to be telling the truth regardless of evidence. It's become a cultural movement, and I do believe people like to be a part of movements. Yes, it wasn't that long ago that it was a nightmare for a women to come forward,but the pendulum has swung way back to the other side, to where even questioning the validity of accusations can get you in trouble. Again,and I think we kind of agree on this , extremism of any kind tends to get out of hand.



Proud to say I've never been on Twitter, lol.



Your right. His lack of experience never draws much fire, but it's certainly undisputable.


"they KNOW he's not a racist, misogynist, etc., etc.,"

Except people know that he is a racist,misogynistic,ect,ect because he has made racist misogynistic remarks repeatedly in public.There are women who have come forward and continue to come forward accusing him of sexual misconduct.The whole Billy Bush incident.The Mexican remarks.The fact that Trump is a racist misogynistic blowhard is a matter of public record.You can either look at the facts or you can burry your head in the sand.


Please be specific about his racist comments. Mexican remarks?


I have no first hand account but numerous people involved with The Apprentice stated he would make racist comments including using the N-word. Now you can say this is irrelevant without proof and it's fair of you to feel that way. To the best of my knowledge Trump never even bothered denying it but if he had I personally wouldn't believe him because based on all the verifiable lies he has told over the past couple years I believe him to be a pathological liar who hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt on anything he says. Others may view him differently.


I seriously don't understand why people keep asking for some proof of Trumps racism.All of the below things are a matter of public record.The facts speak for themselves.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

"Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

Before his career as a politician, Trump allegedly wouldn’t rent to black people back in the 1970s. This led to his company being sued twice by the Justice Department for discrimination.

"In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS” and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never “go back to their huts” in Africa."


Trump's policies are harmful and his behavior, especially his relentless use of twitter, is an embarassment to his office.

That's why I hate Trump.


He sounds rediculous on Twitter,that I agree with. Which of his policies are harmful?


To suggest that the reason people hate Trump is simply that he's a white male is ridiculous. I hate Donald Trump because he's demonstrated himself to be a pathological liar.

In your post you say " they KNOW he's not a racist". Actually, I don't know this. I know that he settled a discrimination suit in the 70s which alleged he wouldn't rent one of his developments to black people. There are also numerous accounts of him using the N-word during filming of The Apprentice. And then there's that little issue of him perpetuating the easily debunked (and yes racist) myth that Barack Obama wasn't a U.S. Citizen. So for someone that is not a racist he 1) settled a discrimination suit against him, 2) has used racial slurs, and 3) perpetuated a ridiculous conspiracy theory regarding our country's first black President.

Look at his twitter feed and how many easily verifiable lies he spews on that forum alone. The lies he tells just aren't normal and it makes me thing there is something very wrong with him.


There is a lot of unconfirmed accusations in your statement that you present as fact. I doubt Trump personally handled the renting of his development, just because his company settled doesn't indicate any personal involvement.


I just responded to your other comment about unconfirmed accusations. You're right, they are unconfirmed but enough people claim to have heard them that I formed my own opinion regarding them. I understand others will feel differently.


A lot of people claimed that some pizza place in California had a child sex dungeon in the basement. Enough said it that a man decided to go in with a loaded weapon to liberate the kids. We see that as batshit crazy, but he didn't. I'm not suggesting that the accusations against Trump are that extreme, but it's a slippery slope to listen to the mob and assume it's a fact. A bunch of stupid rednecks we're sure Obama wasn't born in this country, and one of Trumps dumber moments was agreeing with them, but that seems pretty silly from the outside now. I'm not saying he did or didn't make racist remarks, but I think it's fair to question unconfirmed comments regardless if a lot of people repeat them.


I agree it's fair to question unconfirmed remarks. I have seen numerous quotes attributed to Trump that I doubted were true and simple fact checking showed they were not (one popular meme has him commenting on how dumb Republican voters were which I didn't buy for a second). I actually unfollowed a couple instagram pages that consistently posted inaccurate memes about him (intended to be informative not humorous) and commented to the page owners why I was unfollowing as I did. I truly believe facts matter. But I think we also need to be able to trust our instincts and form educated opinions on things as well. I readily admit I have no proof that Trump has made the racist remarks attributed to him by those involved with The Apprentice and it may seem crazy but for some reason I find Tom Arnold trustworthy regarding stuff like this. I couple the accounts of those that claim to have heard this along with Trump's lack of a denial (when reports were there were damning outtakes that might be released) and I've simply drawn my own conclusion. If you read my post to the OP I wasn't saying anything was definitive proof that President Trump was a racist but rather reasons why I don't know that he's not (as was stated in the OP).

Feel free not to answer Burk if you'd rather not but you strike me as an intelligent poster even if we clearly disagree on many things and I'm curious on your opinion. Regarding whether or not Trump has made racist comments, what does your gut tell you?


Honestly, he comes from a era where I would say it's VERY unlikely that he hasn't made racist remarks at some point in his life. I would go even further to say he's probably made some of those comments more recently than others, but I don't believe he actually believes whites are a superior race, or at least the public comments he's made don't make me think that. Personally knowing older men from his generation, I think saying things that were mostly acceptable for much of their life doesn't equal genuine emotions regarding race. I remember as a kid (early 80's) that we'd tell black jokes around our black friends, and they had a few honkey and cracker jokes they'd throw right back. I would NEVER say those things today, because they have much more weight behind them now. Back then, sometimes words were just that,so whether or not he has used the N word doesn't necessarily make him evil or even racist. It also doesn't mean he isn't. Yes, he's probably said it, but he is a VERY successful business man, and understands the importance of a public image. I have very serious doubts that he would say something openly in front of a crew or contestants on his show, particularly in an age of cell phones and recording devices. As far of him not denying it, it's something of a tactic not to, because even acknowledgement of those claims lends credibility,so that could go either way. No doubt he lacks a filter on his mouth, but that's part of his appeal. Unfortunately that means taking the good with the bad.


Fair enough post. And for the record I don't think having said racist things in the past necessarily makes you a racist in the present. I'm not proud of every thing I've ever said in my life and I think people need to acknowledge their own faults before casting stones at others. Like I said my point was that I don't know that Trump isn't a racist and not necessarily that he was.

But I think one of Trump's biggest faults in this area is his seeming inability to disavow even the most vile of racists. I'm not a fan of a group like Antifa in the least but when people are openly marching the streets in white hoods or with swastika flags (like seriously swastikas, how is anyone ok with this) there should be no easier test of decency than to condemn those people immediately and in the harshest possible terms leaving no doubt to your feelings. And while I don't think Trump likes them, he seems afraid to offend them and I think it's because he knows these people are voters of his. But to me it shouldn't be worth the votes to give the appearance that you're kinda ok with those guys.



Thanks,this is the most mature conversation I've seen on these boards in a very long time regarding this topic. It's nice to meet people who are willing to listen and actually consider what the other person has to say, as opposed to waiting to reply with another rediculous talking point.


I don't get into personal insults (although a few posts have brought me close to the edge lol). I think the biggest problem is that people forgot that you can disagree with people you respect and actually even like. Of course that becomes impossible once the insults start being exchanged.


Considering literally ever president before was white and at least publically declared Christian’s. And that the vast majority of senators and congressmen and governors and mayors are white. Potential presidential candidates.

I have no clue who all these other people you are talking about.

What is it with cuckservatives having to create pathetic and transparent straw men?

The lefties are the real racists? This is coming from the party hat constantly tries to gerrymander and make stricter if laws to fight against non existent fake voting.

Derp derp


Wait a minute? You're going to hold it against him that previous Presidents were white? What happened to only seeing an individual,and not letting race be a factor? Kind of a double standard if that only applies to minorities.



Fair enough.


Ya sorry I just reread what I wrote and I was far from clear.

My post was responding to the Op saying “some comedian said that there would never be a white person in the Oval Office and a lot of libs agree with him.”

Which I tried to point out the vast majority of presidents have obviously been white, they never had a problem with that before. And so the OP was simply setting up a strawman, a conservative fantasy of what they want extreme SJWs to be like, and prescribing this to anyone who is left of Center


nobody hate him ....... hes just a joke


And the joke's on him.


A joke that got enough votes to win the Presidency.


BigJack, everything about your topic post is just nutty.

"think about what's been written here, and attempt to refute the actual argument."

There's no actual argument present. You gave a pretty random opinion where you speak for others, and then you pretend that Donald Trump is not actually Donald Trump.

"it proves that the only ACTUAL racists are POC and white liberals"

Yeah, you're crazy.


Another right-wing troll has joined the forum. As if ThreetoTenIQ wasn't enough.


Ad hominem. Try again.


Call 'em as I see 'em.


Then you don't know much about logic.


There was no logic in your OP.


Interesting. All I did was put out a theory. Most of you have assumed I'm a republican, or a fan of Trump, which I'm not. But you've all demonstrated what I feared -- none of you are capable of producing a sound, well-thought out response. But, whatever, carry on, sheep!


Please tell me what in my response above was not well thought out? Nor did I say anything about your political affiliation.



He was just trying to stir the pot, and it blew up in his face.


LOL! Nothing blew up in my face. I wrote something I knew would trigger the histrionic and the histrionic did not disappoint.

Carry on.


Perception is everything. You look at your fail as a win.



Lol yeah I wouldn't mind a hit of that myself...


That I can agree with markdown.


Haha good to know we're not all that different in the grand scheme of things!



This is exactly right. If you don't agree with everything the left believes,they assume you must be a racist,blind Trump follower. They have put themselves in a corner with fewer and fewer people agreeing with them,but act surprised that a fake liberal like Hillary didn't get elected.



I've said it before, the further out you get on either wings guarantees a certain amount of hypocrisy and self delusion. Facts tend to fall somewhere in the middle. That's my biggest problem with politicians,is I think they very intentionally divide this country to implant a firmer voting base.



Libertarian for President 2020!!!!!!!
