MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > These boards need an anthem, a tune to u...

These boards need an anthem, a tune to unite us in our separate struggles.

I think this should tide us over until AT LEAST Summer.

What do you think?


With T-rump in Office, I think "The Soviet National Anthem / Гимн СССР" would be most appropriate.

Tired of Russia winning.


In Soviet Russia winning is tired of you.


i think that this and some other boards on this site should be closed for good and have no place in a movie forum.


Censorship, you think that's the solution?

I'm against burning books but I don't suppose much of what's posted here falls into a publishable category.


When a celebrity is turned into a politician, it's fair game on a movie forum. Sorry!


If this site continues to allow fake news, it will slowly degrade into somewhere that level headed people do not want to be.
