The truth is slowly coming to the surface about the Trump-Russia probe
This is starting to get good.
This is starting to get good.
The entire story about these texts is just absurd. There's nothing. I keep reading this ongoing story but I cant comprehend what Republicans see as so alarming.
share"There's nothing."
Like an ostrich with it's head in the ground.
Texts that not only reveal anti-Trump/pro-Clinton biases at the top levels of the Trump and Clinton investigations, but also a willingness to act on those biases.
But no, nothing improper there.
Add to that the fact that the FBI conveniently 'loses' 5 months of texts pertinent to this case. And doesn't seem willing to try and look for them.
No, nothing wrong with that either.
Personal bias shared with a lover is not something that can impact a factual investigation. People have biases, they are people.
Also, there were negative things said against Hillary too, one thing probably fully excluded from the Fox News coverage of this non-troversy.
They have 50,000 texts and yet the worst ones, a tiny handful at best, are still nothing. It's just a fishing expedition that will go nowhere.
"Personal bias shared with a lover is not something that can impact a factual investigation."
Sure it can. When you conclude someone is innocent before you do the actual investigation, and before you interview the accused, and then when you do the interview, you don't put the accused under oath, permitting them to lie all they want, it sure can impact an investigation.
In other words, it's not a 'factual investigation' if you ignore the facts due to your biases.
"They have 50,000 texts and yet the worst ones, a tiny handful at best, are still nothing."
So you have no problem at all with the FBI coincidentally 'losing' five months of texts? This is our premier law-enforcement agency. And you're okay with that?
And I'm supposed to take your opinion seriously?
Yeah see, you're inventing a scenario right there. Emphasis on your "if" at the end, too.
You're literally letting your bias outline a fantasy possibility where you would be correct.
"Yeah see, you're inventing a scenario right there. Emphasis on your "if" at the end, too. "
I'm not inventing anything.
"Comey prepared the draft exoneration for Clinton before conducting interviews with top Clinton aides who were offered immunity for their cooperation, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday in a joint statement, citing transcripts of interviews with former Comey aides obtained by the Senate judiciary committee."
"Hillary Clinton did not swear an oath to tell the truth before meeting with the FBI for three and a half hours last weekend, and the interview was not recorded, FBI Director James Comey told House lawmakers on Thursday."
Seriously. You didn't know that? Once again, why should I take you seriously if you aren't even aware of the facts of the situation?
Another question: Now that you know, has it changed your mind?
Yeah, that last question was rhetorical. Nothing will change the minds of you idiots.
Second post, since you added. The missing texts is more nothing. They weren't lost, they simply weren't recorded due to hardware changes.
The great faith is that there was some actual dirt in those five months, literally because the 50k they already have has NOTHING. It's all being interpreted into some lame meaningless conspiracy.
Your view of my opinion is irrelevant. This will simply fade away. Its a dead end of a street that doesn't even exist in the first place.
I'd put good money on it.
"They weren't lost, they simply weren't recorded due to hardware changes."
And they're nowhere to be found? The NSA doesn't have them? The phone company doesn't have them?
If you believe that, then you're either as gullible as a child, or a left-wing hack who doesn't care about the truth.
If I were Republicans, I'd be more concerned with Sessions' secret testimony with Mueller last week. I bet he squirmed in his seat and shit his pants as he spilled out everything he knows about T-rump and the Russians.
But let's turn our attention to a text message, instead. LOL
Just sayin....
"If I were Republicans, I'd be more concerned with Sessions' secret testimony with Mueller last week. I bet he squirmed in his seat and shit his pants as he spilled out everything he knows about T-rump and the Russians. "
You 'bet'? Another of Doggy's jerk-off fantasies.
You seem to have a lot of those.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
Yeah I think a diversion attempt is a more likely explanation for this odd and desperate texts story. That would make more sense than the supposed controversy that is nowhere near controversial.
share"Yeah I think a diversion attempt is a more likely explanation for this odd and desperate texts story. That would make more sense than the supposed controversy that is nowhere near controversial."
Here is where the libtards start talking to each other, instead of participating in the debate.
They throw everything against the wall (as we saw with Obama in Office) and hope SOMETHING sticks. It never does. And it's a waste of taxpayer dollars.
shareNot just Hillary, add Bernie sanders, eric holder and some others I can't remember. This is totally normal, but repugs want to make a mountain out of a molehill. This is exactly why they want to gut education. They want to keep population dumb, so they can stay in power!
share"add Bernie sanders, eric holder"
When Sanders and Holder are investigated by the same person making these comments, you'll have a point. There is proof that the Hillary investigation was tainted while this guy was one of the people leading it, so there's no reason to believe his bias didn't affect his ability to prosecute Hillary properly. So there's also no reason to believe his bias didn't affect his work on the Trump investigation.
"This is exactly why they want to gut education. They want to keep population dumb, so they can stay in power!"
Now that's funny. Liberals have been in charge of education in this country for decades, resulting in the plummet of the level of our education in respect to the rest of the world.
When it comes to math, U.S. high school students are falling further behind their international counterparts, according to results released Tuesday of an ongoing study that compares academic achievement in 73 countries. And the news is not much better in reading and science literacy, where U.S. high schoolers have not gained any ground and continue to trail students in a slew of developed countries around the globe.
"Add to that the fact that Democrats want to import the dumbest and poorest of those trying to immigrate here,"
LOL! Yes all those uneducated Nigerians....
You really are an idiot. Too bad you dropped out of 7th Grade.
"LOL! Yes all those uneducated Nigerians...."
If we were only importing Nigerians, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
But please, continue to be the dishonest cherry-picking turd we all know you are.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
I do have a point. You think those FBI agents weren't trashing Bill Clinton when he was under investigation back in the 90s?? It's what people do. tramp thinks he is a dictator. He expects NO ONE to have a negative view of him. He needs to move his old ass to Russia. He hates this country b/c it no longer loans him money! He is doing everything to destroy it and make it a rich utopian society. He don't give a fvck abt the middle class and needy!
share" tramp thinks he is a dictator. He expects NO ONE to have a negative view of him. He needs to move his old ass to Russia. He hates this country b/c it no longer loans him money! He is doing everything to destroy it and make it a rich utopian society. He don't give a fvck abt the middle class and needy!"
Just raving liberal lunacy. Come back when you have some facts.
The investigation has been dead for awhile, if they had something it would have come out long before now. This is just nail in the coffin stuff.
shareAgreed. With all the leaks going on, they want us to believe they've kept some 'damaging evidence' secret?
That's funny.
How long did the Bill Clinton investigation take again? And all over a blowjob, right?
share"How long did the Bill Clinton investigation take again? And all over a blowjob, right?"
More proof you have no clue what facts are.
I'll give you another chance. Read up on the Clinton investigation and get back to me.
Four years. And a lot of taxpayer money.
In just months, Mueller got four indictments, two guilty pleas and four cooperating witnesses.
Using a FISA warrant that could have been based on bullshit information.
The memo will be released soon, and we'll get to see how all this started.
Do you think it started with...Hillary's emails? Or Benghazeeee? Or Monica Lewinsky? Whitewater?
Yeah - that's a great idea. Let's go back to Hillary and Bill Clinton, and spend more taxpayer money there.
Nothin' to see with T-rump's White House, right? LOL
"Do you think it started with...Hillary's emails? Or Benghazeeee? Or Monica Lewinsky? Whitewater? "
From what I'm hearing, it started with the fake Trump dossier. Paid for by the Democrats, and paid to foreigners to meddle in our election.
"Nothin' to see with T-rump's White House, right?"
Mueller's got nothing on Trump so far. The indictments have nothing to do with Trump and any Russian collusion.
But keep on dreaming, and keep on stroking.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
Collusion is where the dummycrats get it wrong. Trump is too stupid to collude with anyone on winning anything. He's a doofy crony capitalist who requires people smarter than him to amass his fortune. Paul Manafort got popped in 2005 for the same thing, but because he made such a profit from it, and because Manafort did such a fine job of introducing Trump to those same oligarchs, idiotboy Trump makes Manafort his campaign manager. Derrrrp.
Then idiotboy Trump fires Comey right after Comey catches wind of what Michael Flynn was up to (took bribes from Turkey on multiple occasions, one to kidnap a US citizen, the other to prevent the Kurds from defeating ISIS). "Leave Mike alone. He's a good guy." Derrrrp.
But hey, watch this Fox News (partially owned by Saudi royals btw) clip. Yeah, Tucker Carlson will lay down the real facts for ya. lol.
Time will show how dishonest the Democrats are.
shareRemember when people actually fell for this.