MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The DJIA has SOARED 7,543.59 points sinc...

The DJIA has SOARED 7,543.59 points since Trump was elected

On election day Nov 8, 2016, the DJIA closed at 18,259.60

On Fri Jan 12, 2017, the DJIA closed at 25,803.19

The Market knows. And you ain't seen nothin' yet. Despite what the idiot Demoncrats say,
the Tax Cuts will continue to spur our economy UP.

Thank you, President Trump and Congress!



Most of it is because of Goldman stock. Do you even know what the djia is?


the offspring of an evil Djinn ages 4-7


Okay. Interesting thought there.



Of course I do. It's the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is composed of the stocks of 30 of the largest companies in the US. Duh! Do you?

Since it's only one of 30 stocks, it's only 1/30 of the average. I fail to see how one stock could drive the average up 7,543 points.



That's not how math works.


Yes it is. Did you fail math in high school, game?



LOL. Trump liver thunks wha? Whaaaaa?


Please consider getting back on your Meds, game.



Trump doesn't care about American citizens. You won't change my opinion. Let's stop attacking each other and let it go.


Yes he does really does. That's why he ran. But okay, sounds like a plan to me.



Truer words were never spoken. All his backwards sheeple thought he was going to 'drain the swamp' and make life easy for them; they would all become rich like him.

Boy, were they duped.


That is an absurd statement, doggie. Nobody thought that electing Trump would make them rich. They just thought that they would get a better shot to make it under Trump rather than the Socialist Crooked Hillary.

And the ARE:

Unemployment has hit a low not seen since 1973. (BUMP)

Taxes have been cut for 85% of the population. I myself went from the 28% bracket to the
new 25% bracket.

Apple is bringing back $350 BILLION dollars from overseas because of the tax cut bill. (BUMP)

The DJIA closed today at 26,017.81. It has SOARED 7,758.21 points since Trump was elected President. (It closed at 18,259.6 on election day Nov 8, 21016.)

Doggie, are you so blinded by hatred of Trump that you're not willing to acknowledge all the good he has done?



"That is an absurd statement, doggie. Nobody thought that electing Trump would make them rich."

He appealed to the same base who bought into T-rump University, thinking they would be rich within a few months. He knows how to market himself to 'the uneducated' and dupe them - and that's exactly what he has accomplished in this election.

"Unemployment has hit a low not seen since 1973. (BUMP)"

Unemployment was falling under Obama, and was hitting new lows as well. What did the Republicans call it? "Fake numbers" and the reason the numbers were so low was because thousands of people who were unemployed had given up looking for a job, and weren't counted any more. If it applied to Obama, it applies to T-rump. Or are Republicans willing to now admit Obama was successful in lowering unemployment?

"Taxes have been cut for 85% of the population. I myself went from the 28% bracket to the
new 25% bracket."

Like Gorge HW Bush said in 1980 when Reagan devised the same plan: "Voo doo economics", and he was right. Cutting the taxes in which the wealthiest saves the most does NOT trickle down to the middle and lower classes, as we have seen for the past 35 years. It wipes out the middle class and allows the wealthy to become wealthier and the poor poorer. "Voo doo economics".

"Apple is bringing back $350 BILLION dollars from overseas because of the tax cut bill. (BUMP)"

Just like Carrier was going to keep all their jobs in America, and not move to Mexico, because of te generous tax incentives Guv Pence gave them right before election day? We all know what happened there. Let us know when all $350B comes back to America from Apple.

"The DJIA closed today at 26,017.81. It has SOARED 7,758.21 points since Trump was elected President. (It closed at 18,259.6 on election day Nov 8, 21016.)"

The DIJA soared 140% under Obama, after he inherited the worst economy since Noah's Ark. Republicans said a President has nothing to do with the stock market.


I don't know what you've been smoking, doggie, but it might be bad for your health.

The DJIA stood at 10,250.52 in Nov 2008 when Dumbo Ears was elected.

The DJIA closed at 18,259.6 on Election Day 2016.

That means it climbed 8,009.08 points in EIGHT YEARS under Dumbo Ears.

It closed today at 26,071.72.

It has gone UP 7,812.12 points under President Trump. Its performance in 14 months under President Trump is almost the same as under Dumbo Ears for EIGHT YEARS! That performance SHATTERS Dumbo Ears'! But that's what happens when you elect a Socialist who wants the economy to fail so that more people will be dependent of the government. That's how Socialist/Democrats obtain and hold power.

And I do not remember any Republican saying that a President has nothing to do with the stock market. I do believe you pulled that out of your ass. And even if a Republican was stupid enough to say that, it's not true.

President Trump has helped the Stock Market by cutting taxes and eliminating economy killing regulations from Dumbo Ears' administration. And you ain't seen nothin' yet! The economy is going to continue to soar, since all it needs to succeed is for the government to get out of the way.

You really should get back on your meds.

PS And if you think this rapid economic growth would have occurred under Crooked Hillary, you are delusional.



Actually, the S&P 500 rose much more during Obama's first year than Trump's.
Obama - 35.3%
Trump - 24%

The regulations which Trump is destroying will eventually lead to death and injury of American citizens since some are designed to protect us. For instance, allowing companies to pollute raises cancer rates and triggers asthma attacks. Do you want to drive an unsafe car? Ride in an airplane with lower safety regulations? Do you want to eat food with less safety regulations? Would you trust a house built with lower standards? How about medication?

The tax giveaway to the rich will inevitably lead to middle income people paying more. For instance, less deductions mean higher taxes. If you have an emergency like a fire or flood, then you won't be able to deduct out of pocket costs anymore. If you have high health care costs, then you can't deduct them. Same thing happened under Reagan. He "lowered" the Federal tax, but local taxes were raised because they received less Federal money. Local workers were also laid-off from their jobs and services lowered like sanitation, libraries closed, senior centers closed, parks closed, etc. Eventually, Reagan raised the "sin" taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, too. So much for the "tax cut".


That was due to the fact that it had fallen so far earlier. It's a natural rebound. Plus, lots of folks were optimistic when he took office. Boy did they find out later that they had been duped!

Despite all the nonsense you babbled about, the fact remains that Trump did in 14 months almost what Dumbo Ears did in EIGHT YEARS, and you can't dispute that. If you do, you're either an idiot, or so blinded by Trump Hatred you won't admit the truth, or maybe both.



You are clueless about how the stock market works which is why you'll lose most of your money during the next major downturn.

Trump is doing more goofing off (aka golfing) than any president including Bush. Is he at Mar-a-Lago while the government is shutting down?

I can't wait for that crooked traitor to be removed from office because of his money laundering with Russian organized criminals.

Funny how he probably spent his supporters campaign contributions to silence his fling of the week. LOL.

'"A number of Wall Street firms only expect the tax cuts to boost growth by about 0.3% this year. If that's right, then a shutdown would reverse most or all of the gain from tax cuts for as long as it continues."


You are so clueless.



How's the government shutdown going for you? Your Great Negotiator failed once again.

Nice to know that Federal workers who depend on a paycheck to feed their families and pay bills won't get paid because Trump decided he wouldn't sign a bipartisan bill. McConnell criticized Trump twice for lack of leadership and direction.

He'd rather see sick children die and deport 800,000 children.

Meanwhile for your reading pleasure:
"I helped create the GOP tax myth. Trump is wrong: Tax cuts don’t equal growth."


I'm just fine. It doesn't really affect me or you. And it's your Demoncrat buddies who caused it. And don't hand me that bullshit about sick children dying. No children are dying, and no children are being deported. You Lefties are so clueless.

And despite what some idiot Leftie says in the Washington Compost, tacx cuts DO equal growth. It did under Reagan, and it is now. You're just too blinded by your irrational Trump Hatred that you will not admit it.

You're pathetic.



Trump rescinded DACA.
Trump rescinded CHIP.
The Republican run Congress and Senate have failed to pass a budget for months. Instead they continue to kick the can down the road by repeatedly asking for continuing resolutions. This would be their FOURTH.

If there is an issue with both programs, it's because Trump created that issue by rescinding them. I blame him for 90% of the shutdown. 10% goes to the Republicans who don't want to face the reality that this budget will raise the deficit for domestic spending. They need to deal with reality and create a budget so that different Fed. institutions can operate properly.

The moderate Republicans need to ignore the extremists nuts in their party and just compromise with the Democrats. Most Americans want CHIP, DACA and support to fight Opioid addiction, finance veteran hospitals, etc.

"I'm just fine. It doesn't really affect me or you."

You sound like a true sociopath. Unlike you, I do care about other people.
And it does effect us since it puts American security at risk. The military was complaining months ago that they can't effectively make plans without knowing what their long term budget is.


"The DJIA stood at 10,250.52 in Nov 2008 when Dumbo Ears was elected."

The DIJA stood at 9625.28 on Election Day, and was 7949.09 when Obama took office on January 20, 2009. It was in a free-fall under Bush / Cheney.

"And I do not remember any Republican saying that a President has nothing to do with the stock market. "

Maybe you weren't paying attention to FAUX NEWS for those eight years? Or you have selected memory?

"You really should get back on your meds."

Indeed you should.


Nope. Wrong again doggie. The DJIA stood at 10,250.52 when Dumbo Ears was elected. So you're either ignorant or a liar. Not sure which is true in this case. Either way, it makes you look really bad, of course that's pretty easy.

Not that I care (hint: I don't), but who is this Republican who was stupid enough to say that the president has nothing to do with the stock market? Or did you just pull that one out of your ass? I'm thinking B.

Wow! Parroting my lines back to me! How original! Did your writer quit, or are you just that dull and unoriginal?



Not sure where you're getting your info from on the stock market, but you're not doing a good job with resourcing. In your earlier ost you were called out for citing something outdated. Could be 'cause you're stupid, or just using the infamous 'alternate facts' to make you look good?

"...but who is this Republican who was stupid enough to say that the president has nothing to do with the stock market? "

The chuckleheads on Faux News.I told you that before.

Not parrotting your lines, directly quoting you. Hence, the quote marks - a direct quote from you. How can you be such an idiot?


You still haven't told me what Republican said that. "Chuckleheads at Faux News" is not an answer. It's an evasion. Therefore, I have to conclude you just pulled that one out of your ass. It doesn't matter anyway, because he was wrong.

I'm getting my info on the stock market from reliable sources, unlike you, since you are dead wrong. Therefore you are the one who is using "alternate facts". You are so blinded by your irrational hate of Trump you refuse to see or acknowledge everything he's accomplished. You are pathetic.

As to being an idiot, you know because you are one.



Once again - Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity stand out as saying that the stock market has nothing to do with the President when it soared under Obama. I do recall those two, as well as other Republican guests on their shows backing that up.

"I'm getting my info on the stock market from reliable sources.."

Kellyanne Conway and the rest of the T-rump administration on not reliable sources. Sorry.


Then those two didn't know what they were talking about.



This post fails.


Wait a minute! I just realized Goldman is NOT a Dow Jones Company. So what are you babbling about, slaves? Apparently you know less than nothing about the DJIA. You must be a Democrat.



LOL. Everyone knows it's on the list. It recently contributed over 200 pts.

Here's the list


No, actually everyone knows it's not on the list. You are apparently woefully ignorant of the DJIA.

Read'em and weep, game!;_ylt=AwrJ7J0DGVxaFGoAEz9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyOXA2Mm50BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjQ0ODFfMQRzZWMDc2M-?qid=20061022082405AAL2rvr

And BTW, your link does not work.



"You are apparently woefully ignorant of the DJIA."
Your link is 10 years old. Presently, Goldman Sachs is on the list. See my link for Jan 2018:

"Since it's only one of 30 stocks, it's only 1/30 of the average. I fail to see how one stock could drive the average up 7,543 points."
The DJIA isn't equally correlated. For example, Goldman Sachs makes up 6.86% of the index.

"Apparently you know less than nothing about the DJIA. You must be a Democrat."
LOL. I believe you owe GameOfSlaves and all Democrats an apology.


Okay, I stand corrected. I couldn't check that out last time because your link did not work. I was not up to date. My bad. Okay so GS makes up 6.68% of the index. What's your point? BTW, my IRA is doing just great, so I don't think it matters what % of the rise is made by any particular stock or stocks.

And no, I'm not a Democrat. I'm a Conservative and a Libertarian.



"Apparently you know less than nothing about the DJIA. You must be a Democrat."

The above was your own quote to GameOfSlaves which is why I wrote you owe him/her an apology along with Democrats.


"And you ain't seen nothin' yet."

Yes, I have. In 2000 and 2007.

This bull market started in March 2009 (under Obama) and is in its final stages. There is usually a topping process involved when the "stupid money' enters and mistakenly believes the market will continue to go up. Ducks are almost all lined up in a row (stupid money invests, interest rates rise, less liquidity, exuberance, topping) for another market crash - probably in the latter part of 2018 or 2019. Expect to lose 50-75% of your 401k... once again. Human nature doesn't change.

BTW, the business cycle is also overdue for a contraction.


Also, lets not forget tramp deregulated everything!! No one is safe!!


One rule is that an advisor doesn't have to invest in your best interest anymore. Now they can give you financial "advice" that helps only themselves without any legal consequences.




I'm shocked, SHOCKED that you think the market will go down again! Of course it will go down again, you incredible nincompoop! Then it will go up again, then it will go down again, and then it will go up again, and then.....have you picked up the pattern yet, Keelai?

And your prediction that we'll lose 50 to 70% of our 401-Ks shows how laughingly ignorant you are. That has never happened in history, dude. The biggest drop in history was on Mon Oct 19, 1987 and the drop was only 22.6%. And the market was back where it had been in just 11 months. So if you were stupid enough to SELL all your stock after the crash, yeah you would have lost pretty much anything. But if you had any brains, and either held on, or better yet bought more since it was cheap, you would have made money hand over fist.

You sound like a guy who's too chicken shit to be in the market, so all you can do is sit on the sidelines as a coward, and say ridiculous shit about the folks who are making tons of money. You are truly pathetic.



I was writing about bear markets, not one day corrections. The worst started in 1929 when the market fell -80% and took 25 years to recover. In 2000, the market fell -45% and 2007 fell -51%.

Many people do make a ton of money during the bull market while singing "Happy Days Are Here Again", and then lose it and more during the bear market because their financial advisors tell them to keep their money in the market no matter what.

The next bear will be especially harsh because the market is more consolidated with fewer stocks spread across 100s of ETFs and index funds and the market bubble has grown so large. The bigger the bubble, the bigger the collapse.

BTW, I got out of the market BEFORE the last crash. I didn't lose any money because I actually pay attention to it.


A fair point, Keelai. You obviously understand investing.

But that's why you don't put all of your investments in stocks. A general guideline is that the % of you investment in stocks should vary inversely with your age. In other words, if you're 60 years old, you should have 40% of your investment in stocks, and the other 60% in bonds or other investments. That protects you against short term volatility. There's an old investment saying "Bulls make money, Bears make money, Hogs get slaughtered."

My IRA is doing just great, and my asset mix is 48.2% stocks, and 51.8% bonds. This has allowed me to weather all the ups and downs of the market since the 1980s. I've gone through the crashes of 1987 and 2008, and have come out just fine.

And what turned the 1929 crash into a recession, and then a depression was the poor handling of the economy by President Roosevelt. And a repeat of 1929 is unlikely because of numerous safeguards which have been put into the system.

And you say you got out of the market before the last crash. So what did you put your money into?



40% in stocks still means a 20% loss in a Bear market. And if that 20% went down by 50% then the market would have to go up 100% for you to break even.
$20 stock - 50% = $10. $10 x 2 = $20. That takes years.

I could never get my head around the advice to continue putting money into an account during a bear market when you're losing money. It sounds like good money after bad to me. It's not for most, but I prefer to invest in individual stocks and I actively trade in and out of the market re:stocks, mutual funds, bonds and ETFs.

"And you say you got out of the market before the last crash."
A banker was advising me to put my money back in. A month later, the market crashed. Same with Real estate. I sold my real estate mutual funds the previous summer and a banker was trying to sell me a real estate mutual fund saying the market will continue up. It crashed 2-3 months later.

"And a repeat of 1929 is unlikely because of numerous safeguards which have been put into the system."
Probably being repealed by Trump.


"This bull market started in March 2009 (under Obama) and is in its final stages. "

Exactly - and no one ever gave Obama credit for it. The stock market increased 140% in the eight years under Obama. All the Rethuglicans could say for 8 years with a thriving market under Obama was:

"The President has NOTHING to do with the performance of the stock market. Nothing at all."

Yep - Sean Insanity, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and the rest of the chuckleheads insisted Obama had nothing to do with the stock market.

Now they want to give T-rump credit? Seriously?


This is like saying Bush is responsible for the 2009 Economic year. He wasn't. That was entirely Barack Obama.

The moment investors saw that Obama was going to win the 2008 election, you'll notice the stock market adjusted accordingly, and it continued to go down further and further and further until March 2009 where the dow went down to 6000 points.

It then took investors to get that stock market up to 18,000 over the course of 8 years, surpassing George W Bush's high of 14,000 along the way.

The US President has everything to do with the stock market, because INVESTORS need to have confidence to INVEST. If they see a US president destroying jobs, raising taxes, and wiping out gains of the businesses around them, they won't invest, or in Obama's case--will be extremely scared to invest large amounts.

Under Trump, and since the week of the November 2016 election, Investors are confident in investing under his leadership. How foolish is it to say that the leader of a nation has nothing to do with its economy. How absolutely foolish.


"This is like saying Bush is responsible for the 2009 Economic year. He wasn't. That was entirely Barack Obama."

Not exactly. The stock market throughout 2009 was still reacting to the Greatest Economic Recession since the stone age, which occurred under Bush/Cheney starting in July, 2007, and culminating in October 2008 when Wall Street was on the brink of collapsing (Bear Stearns, anyone?). The after-effects reverberated throughout the stock market until things started to turn around in late 2009.

So yes - Bush/Cheney was indeed responsible for 2009. Obama had to clean it up his first year in Office.


"The US President has everything to do with the stock market, because INVESTORS need to have confidence to INVEST. If they see a US president destroying jobs, raising taxes, and wiping out gains of the businesses around them, they won't invest, or in Obama's case--will be extremely scared to invest large amounts."

The stock market increased 140% under Obama, and was setting new records while he was in Office. They weren't too scared to invest.


The market went up because of money printing aka: Quantitative Easing #4 and historically low interest rates. The large money supply (liquidity) pushed it up.

But, now the Feds have started to sell bonds creating less liquidity and raising interest rates which usually weakens the market. This is also a very old bull market at 9 years. Most last 3-4 years. The tax break for businesses will extend the market for a few more months or maybe another year, but it's going to eventually become a Bear market probably during Trump's tenure.


You're a real pessimist, Keelai. Lighten up, dude. BTW, since you pulled out of the market, what did you put your money into?



Nah, I'm a realist. I don't think I wrote anything that wasn't true.

Before the market went Bear in 2007, my retirement money went into bonds. Since the Bull started, I do various things - nothing long term. Presently, I'm active trading with individual stocks.

Dude? Maybe, maybe not. I never identified myself one way or the other.


Bonds. Okay, but you'll have to be content earning an average return of 4 to 5% over time, instead of the average return of 10/5% for stocks. Does that work for you? BTW, my Vanguard Index 500 Stock Fund has earned 8.49% since 2007. Over the last year, it has earned 21.79%. The way to make money in the stock market is not timing (it's impossible to time the market), but TIME.

And remember since inflation runs at an average of 3%, if you're earning a 4% return, your real return is a paltry 1%. The chief risk for your money is not stocks, it's inflation. It eats away your earning power over time.

"Dude? Maybe, maybe not." Huh??



8.49% gain for 10 years means that you earned 0.849% each year which doesn't keep-up with inflation. And then you're taxed or will be taxed on it unless it's a Roth.

I don't only do bonds. I had my retirement in mutual funds for a brief time last year and have been trading in and out of individual stocks.

Market timing is possible. It's harder for large institutions that trade in billions of dollars because it takes weeks and/or months for them to buy or sell a stock position. With less money, I'm more nimble so I can buy or sell within a few minutes. I market time by observing what they're buying and selling since their actions effect the charts and then I copy them. I know of people who made millions actively trading so I'm inspired by them to learn.


Perhaps I did not say that correctly. It didn't earn 8.49% over ten years. It earned an average of 8.49% every year, which outpaces inflation by 5.49%. You obviously misunderstood me.

And you're wrong again. Market timing is not possible, because you would have to be able to tell the future. Nobody can do that. You might be lucky once in a while, but it cannot work in the long run.
And most of the gains in the market happen in just a few days or weeks. If you're un-invested on those few days, you will miss them. I'm not saying that you will lose your shirt, but you will miss out on tremendous gains.

Timing the market is impossible.



There's no right or wrong way to invest. It depends on an individual's risk for tolerance, personality and goals. My original caution was about losing any profit made during the Bull market. The Bear market usually will drop to where it originally started. Long-term investing is riskier than short-term investing in my opinion. Scroll down slightly to see the S&P chart:

Famous market timers who made millions:
Dan Zanger, Nicolas Darvas, William O'Neal, Tim Sykes, Jesse Livermore

Timing the market is possible.


If you got out of the stock market in 2007, you've lost a boatload of money in the rising market from 2008 to 2018. Sorry about that.



Don't be. It means I didn't lose -57% of my money in the 2007 stock market crash. It took most people years to get back to even. A waste of time. Meanwhile, I was making a profit since I was never down. Coworkers and relatives were telling me that I was the only one they knew who didn't lose any money.


Okay. Whatever.



Epic failure for MovieMan.


Total ignorance for doggie.



If they see a US president destroying jobs, raising taxes, and wiping out gains of the businesses around them, they won't invest, or in Obama's case--will be extremely scared to invest large amounts.

Yet they didn't see Obama doing this, because the stock market adjusted before he won and before he ever instituted any policies.

What you're basically referring to is all the hardcore Right-wing business owners who publicly vowed not to invest and expand while Obama was in office until they got another Republican elected. They didn't care about policies, they only cared that they get a Republican, which is just further proof that the Republican Party is owned by corporations and business interests. Over the Obama years, the story stayed consistent: Corporations were sitting on unprecedented amounts of cash, but weren't doing anything with it.

They literally played political games with the economy. The ones who don't use their businesses to play political wargames are the ones to thank for the strong economy during Obama's reign.


It's almost at 26k. My goodness, it's going to be well past 50k by the time 2020 rolls around the bend. Talk about the strength of the American people and their economy! Investors are confident in heavy investing, and have been since the week of the November 2016 election. It's good to see.


Amen, volley!



American people and their money?? LOL. More like Russian money!!! Go read up on Citizens United. The direct result of this dark foreign money in our politics and Gov't.


And this has to do with Dumpy???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Yes it does. He and Congress cut taxes and eliminated lots of business killing regulations from Dumbo Ears' administration.
As Rush put it (paraphrasing here): "The rapid rise of the stock market is a result of eight years of pent up frustration and fear during the Obama Administration."

All the markets need to succeed is for the government to get out of the way. If you don't know that, you're ignorant.



You listen to Rush?????????????? Well, that explains it. HAHAHAHAHAHA


I sure do, and I'm proud of it. He's America's True Anchor Man, and he's WAY smarter and more knowledgeable
than you and I, and all your liberal buddies put together! And he tells the unvarnished truth.



Sorry, I can't stop laughing. . . .. .


"And this has to do with Dumpy???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
"You listen to Rush?????????????? Well, that explains it. HAHAHAHAHAHA"
"Sorry, I can't stop laughing. . . .. . "

Notice there's no substantial argument here. No explanation why you shouldn't listen to Rush.

This is how liberals talk among themselves, with no substance. They mention Rush and they laugh at each other. But living in a liberal bubble like that makes them look stupid when they try that in a public forum.


He's an idiot.



You're an idiot.




By the time Trump left office it went up another 10,000 points for a total positive move of plus 15,000 points under Trump.

In 4 years of Biden it’s gone up 3,000.
