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Trump offered to fund Obamacare in exchange for WALL money, Schumer shot it down

The greatest negotiator in the history of negotiators born on planet Negotia in the capital city of Negotiation-ville was shot down by Chuck Schumer. The deal he offered was to fund Obamacare in exchange for funding the wall.

I think Trump's on a roll for broken promises. First DACA, now this. All in one week, no less!


Isn't Mexico supposed to pay for the wall?

BTW, the "deal" was a dollar for dollar deal which would not cover payment for Obamacare. Unlike Trump, Schumer knows arithmetic.


If you'd read the article, that's precisely what El Sooper said.

It would take a lot of money to bail out the exchanges and keep Obamacare going. But since they've got a Son of Trumpcare ready, Schumer might have thought it wise to just wait and get almost everything he wanted anyway, and this time when it tanks, he can blame the Republicans. He was probably pretty tired of pointing to a system that couldn't sustain itself and telling us how that was Obama's true legacy, anyhow.


I meant national healthcare would cost more than the 12-15 billion to build a wall so it's a silly deal for Schumer to take. Trump did say that Trumpcare would be more competitive and affordable than Obamacare. If only he kept his campaign promises.


[–] Keelai (24953) 6 years ago
I meant national healthcare would cost more than the 12-15 billion to build a wall so it's a silly deal for Schumer to take. Trump did say that Trumpcare would be more competitive and affordable than Obamacare. If only he kept his campaign promises.
Like having his face on Mount Rushmore Donald Trump realized that a physical artifice would endure him in history. Thus, he really wanted that wall even WHEN the wall wouldn't solve an immigration problem.

DJT and the Republican party NEVER would have gotten to a National Healthcare System because few of them believed in one, many vocal conservatives didn't want it (smacked of Socialism), and it was only a stalking horse and talking point to get elected.


Red state governors didn't want Medicaid expansion so their rural hospitals risk closing from lack of funds.


We have sent Ukriane $150 billion so far, we could have built a wall around the World by now.


The $150 billion came from the military budget. Mexico is paying for the wall, remember?


So Biden is taking money away from protecting us? Thats not very smart.


Nope!!! Each mile of DJT's unfunded wall cost between $10 to $20 million per mile.

I will leave it to you to figure out the circumference of the earth in miles. (Pssst: It's 25,000 miles around the world).

$150 Billion won't cut it.


Remember TrumpCare?

The GOP controlled Congress did not want it. I don't think Trump really wanted it either. I think the only part about TrumpCare that Trump liked was that it would double the number of uninsured people in the USA. You know, f**k the poor, Trump style.


Trump honestly thought the NHS was fantastic. He was always talking about this wonderful health service they had in Scotland, where he had one of his golf courses. Now, of course, you can call the NHS for an ambulance and wait for ages -- one family built a shelter around an elderly relative that had fractured his pelvis so he could wait out of the rain for the ambulance to come. I think it took 15 hours. People in America are appalled at the death panels we hear about in Great Britain, deciding children just aren't worth the money and bother.

But I'll tell you this -- thanks to Trump, my husband got some next-level health care for his neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer that he would NOT have had without Trump signing an EO that allowed stage four cancer patients to get experimental care. Can you imagine? What would it hurt to give people "without hope" that care? I guess Obama wanted to leave them without hope. You know, f**k the sick, Obama style.


Which EO was it?

How did Obama f**k the sick by prohibiting insurance companies from denying care to those with pre-existing conditions?


Oops. My bad. It was called the Right to Try Act of 2017, and it passed Congress.

So a pox on everyone's house who has ever been in Congress for not thinking of it before.
