

It's all about the infrastructure behind it. Religion in general comes from a lack of education. Like you said in your other thread, Christianity is for stupid people. As education continues, religion dies. Islam is also a dying religion except in parts of the world like the Middle East where education barely exists.

There are many places outside the Middle East where Islam is indeed a religion of peace, just like there are places in the world like Venezuela where Christianity is extremely violent. There are Christian regimes in Africa constantly warring with each other, bringing the death tolls way up. Does that make Christianity a violent religion in the modern day? It shouldn't. Yet we label Islam negatively simply because of the Middle East's influence, and we pay billions to the Middle East to ensure it stays that way. It's a giant mess.


"Islam is also a dying religion except in parts of the world like the Middle East where education barely exists. "

Actually it is the fastest growing religion in the world, so not sure where you got that from.

"There are many places outside the Middle East where Islam is indeed a religion of peace"

Sure, there are places where Muslims have a peaceful interpretation of Islam but the real and original Islam is not a religion of peace. Muhammad was not a peaceful man.

"here are Christian regimes in Africa constantly warring with each other, bringing the death tolls way up. Does that make Christianity a violent religion in the modern day?"

They are Christian but that doesn't mean what they do is justified by their religion.
The KKK are Christians but they don't commit crimes IN THE NAME of Christianity.
Nowhere within this religion does it call upon it's followers to wage war on the non believers.
Jesus was a peaceful man whereas Mohammad was not.

"Yet we label Islam negatively simply because of the Middle East's influence"

No, we label Islam negatively because we have look at the origins of the religion and the actions of the prophet Mohammad.
Not mention the actions of the Islamists to follow Islam to it's very core.


"Actually it is the fastest growing religion in the world, so not sure where you got that from."

Only in places where education barely exists. In Europe, it is growing, but it has not reached Christianity, and Christianity is dying in Europe.

"Sure, there are places where Muslims have a peaceful interpretation of Islam but the real and original Islam is not a religion of peace."

Right. Nor were Christianity or Judaism. The three Abrahamic religions are nearly identical and equally violent. However, they are malleable. And because of it, it makes sense to criticize what they are rather than what they were.

"They are Christian but that doesn't mean what they do is justified by their religion."

EXACTLY! Now you're getting it. ISIS uses Islam as a recruitment tool so they can have government power like they had under Saddam Hussein's regime. Saudi Arabian royals teach that exact form of Wahhabism so they can keep their people under their royal boot while they shake hands with the United States and Israel.

If it's all about religion, Israel and ISIS would not be on the same side against Iran and Syria. Jews and Muslims, remember? But it's not about religion. It's about obtaining a power system. And in the Middle East, where there's a natural resource under their feet worth billions, everybody wants a piece of it.

"No, we label Islam negatively because we have look at the origins of the religion and the actions of the prophet Mohammad."

Bullshit. We label Islam negatively because of 911, which not only came from the Middle East, but came from our greatest ally in the Middle East... Saudi Arabia.


"Right. Nor were Christianity or Judaism. The three Abrahamic religions are nearly identical and equally violent. However, they are malleable. And because of it, it makes sense to criticize what they are rather than what they were."

Islam has not evolved over time like other religions have. Islam is the still the same violent, oppressive ideology it has always been. Hence why today, it is Muslims who are blowing up kids at concerts, attacking people on the street with machettes, ploughing vans through crowds of people, raping young white girls etc...And not Christians, Sikhs, Hindus etc...
And before you try to make the point that people of other religions commit these kind of acts too....The difference is they don't do it IN THE NAME of their religion. There is nothing within the religions that justify it like their with Islam.

"EXACTLY! Now you're getting it."

Actually, it is you who isn't getting it lol...I mean quite literally you seemed to of misunderstood my point.
The KKK HAPPEN TO BE christian....But they do not do what they do because of anything that is written within their religion.....Whereas ISIS....Actually do.
It seems like you don't really know much about the actual religion we are discussing...Rather you just seem to be reciting things you have seen in propaganda videos.
I'd recommend you actually read some books on Islam, especially if you wanna go out of your way to be an apologist.

"ISIS uses Islam as a recruitment tool so they can have government power like they had under Saddam Hussein's regime. Saudi Arabian royals teach that exact form of Wahhabism so they can keep their people under their royal boot while they shake hands with the United States and Israel."

It is not entirely about religion but when it comes to the issues we within the UK and Europe. It is absolutely about religion.


"Islam has not evolved over time like other religions have."

BINGO. Like I said in my very first sentence. Infrastructure "evolves" religion, and Christianity has had at least 200 years of an educational head start.

"The KKK HAPPEN TO BE christian....But they do not do what they do because of anything that is written within their religion.....Whereas ISIS....Actually do."

Oh come on, kid. Don't sit there and pretend like you didn't know Jews were the enemy of Christians for nearly two millennia.

The KKK and the Nazis used Christianity to justify their persecution of Jews.

ISIS uses Islam to recruit Muslims living in a post-911 world where people make judgments like "Jesus was a peaceful man whereas Mohammad was not." If you read the bible and you come away with "Christianity is peaceful" then you need a lobotomy. But you didn't read the bible, so I get it. You are basing Christianity on people who don't believe the bible, who just gloss over it to focus on the happy times with Jesus. I'll bet you didn't even know that Jesus plays an identical role in the Quran. Yup. He's in both texts.

"It is not entirely about religion but when it comes to the issues we within the UK and Europe. It is absolutely about religion."

Yeah, get used to backpeddling. You're gonna be doing more of it. :)


What point do you think you are proving here?? lol
So rather than trying to prove that Islam is a religion of peace, you are just trying to prove that other religions are not peaceful? I should've seen that coming really..

""Christianity is peaceful" Don't misquote me, mate lol I said Jesus was a peaceful man....Not Christianity was peaceful.

"I'll bet you didn't even know that Jesus plays an identical role in the Quran. Yup. He's in both texts."
Yes, I am aware of that actually...
Do you really think I would have made a discussion post about Islam if I didn't know anything about it?

"Yeah, get used to backpeddling. You're gonna be doing more of it. :)"

So far you have not made 1 single argument as to why Islam is a religion of peace.


I never saw him trying to argue that Islam was a religion of peace, but only that it comes down to interpretation in the region where it's peddled as to whether its interpreted as a religion of peace.


"it comes down to interpretation in the region where it's peddled as to whether its interpreted as a religion of peace."

It does not come down to interpretation. There is only one correct way to interpret the religion.
Islam is not as cryptic as you may think, you only have to read the scripture to understand this.
Some people interpret it peacefully, yes. But that does not mean that Islam is a peaceful religion.

A lot of muslims will tell you extremists have hijacked their religion and made it violent.
Actually, it is the other way around...


That's total nonsense. It always comes down to interpretation. You have no idea what you're even talking about. Who are you to say that only your reading of the Quran is the correct way to interpret it? You're no better than an extremist to claim there's only one literal interpretation which is the way YOU choose to read it. Christians used to take the bible literally too. Guess how they moderated during the Enlightenment?


You clearly haven't spent much time thinking about this topic or religion in general for you to say what you just said.


Another ignorant American, I'm guessing.
All you have done there is insult me, you haven't put forward any argument or given any valid points.

There is only ONE correct interpretation of Islam, kid.
When Mohammad founded this religion, he did not intent to make things open to intepretation.
It is all pretty clear, all you have to go is go back n look at the original scripture.
You say that is nonsense and I would bet you don't know a single thing about Islam.

"Christians used to take the bible literally too. Guess how they moderated during the Enlightenment? "

By reforming the religion which is something that will never happen with Islam.
Muslims do not want their religion to be reformed.

"ou're no better than an extremist to claim there's only one literal interpretation which is the way YOU choose to read it."

Yeah, because I speak the truth about Islam, that means I'm just as bad as the extremists who murder people.....Are you fucking serious?? There's no way anyone could be that stupid!

"You clearly haven't spent much time thinking about this topic or religion in general for you to say what you just said."

I've been studying Islam for over 10 years, kid......What exactly do YOU know about it?
What you have been told by your friendly Muslim neighbor or what you've heard on the news, I'd imagine.
I'm gonna copy n paste something to you I said to someone else to save me typing it again...

Some facts about Islam.

1. A woman's testimony is worth only half of a man's.
If a woman is raped, she cannot press charges unless she has 2 male witnesses. This is a part of Sharia Law.
2. If a woman does not do as her husband commands, he is allowed to "strike her" Wife beating is encouraged in the Quran.
3. There is no age of consent within Islam. If a father wants to give away his 6 year old daughter to a 50 year old man....That is perfectly fine.
4. Dogs are seen as evil, unclean creatures. One of the first things the prophet mohammad did when he relocated to Medina was have his army slaughter every single dog in the land (He was a lovely man of course)
5. In Sharlia law, leaving Islam is punishable by death. There is no freedom with Islam.
6. The punishment for adultery is stoning to death. That is also apart of sharia Law.
7. Since the origin of Islam, over 260 Millions non believers have been murdered IN THE NAME of this "religion"
8. In Europe and the UK, terror acts are commited almost EVERY DAY in the name of Islam...
9. The prophet Mohammad had 800 Jews beheaded, while he stood back and watched with his SIX YEAR OLD wife....Simply for not being Muslim.
10. Between 85 and 90% of rape gangs in the Uk are Muslims....Even though they only make up roughly 7% of the population. DO THE MATH!
This is because the prophet encouraged his army to take non Muslim women as their sex slaves. All explained in the Hadiths (The documented words and actions of Mohammad)
11. Do I need to go on?



All that time you've supposedly spent studying a religion hasn't made you any more knowledgeable about religion. Islam is just dead text on a page. It's up to its followers to decide how to interpret those texts.

"By reforming the religion which is something that will never happen with Islam.
Muslims do not want their religion to be reformed."

This is why you're ignorant. it's not 'Muslims' in general don't want their religion to be reformed. Some do, some don't. It's the Saudi government that won't allow for anything other than their hard line Wahhabi and Salafi infused doctrine of Islam which they then export to the rest of the Sunni world, which makes up close to 90% of the Islamic demographic. They do and have executed those that have tried to offer competing interpretations and do so in order to cynically maintain their power.

Learn a little about the geopolitics behind religion before making such a fool out of yourself kid.


"Islam is just dead text on a page. It's up to its followers to decide how to interpret those texts."

lol Wrong. People still follow this text, therefore it is not dead...

"Learn a little about the geopolitics behind religion before making such a fool out of yourself kid."

LMAO that is hilarious! How about you learn a little about the ACTUAL religion before you go out of your way to defend something you obviously don't know a thing about, sanctimonious, CLICHE of a lefty!

Muslims IN GENERAL do not want reform. Some do, yes but the majority don't.
Do you know why? Because they see Mohammad as the perfect man.
Mohammad stated many times in islamic scripture that the words of Allah are absolute.
Islam cannot be reformed. It will never be reformed.
You cannot change something that is considered to be perfect.

So, yeah....Maybe learn a little about the religion you choose to defend, before continuing to make a such of fool of yourself.....kid.


By any chance, are you American?


"lol Wrong. People still follow this text, therefore it is not dead..."

Learn to read. The text is dead. It's the followers are the ones who determine what it means. That's what I said the first time, but your problem is you can't read.

"How about you learn a little about the ACTUAL religion before you go out of your way to defend something you obviously don't know a thing about, sanctimonious, CLICHE of a lefty!"

I'm not defending anything. I'm pointing out your ignorance of geopolitics behind Islam. I'm very aware of the problems and dangers of Islam. What I find hilarious is your ridiculously verbose texts as if you're actually educating me about Islam when you're not. Everyone already knows that shit. It's obvious you're a rube who just learned about it for the first time and so you think you're educating anyone here when all you're doing is regurgitating old news.

Where you and I differ is your conviction that Muslims are incapable of reform and undergoing their own Enlightenment. That's absolute nonsense. For Muslims to be open to reform they have to be aware of alternatives, and when the act of openly questioning the Quran is a death sentence in many of these countries, that's not going to happen. Again, it's a problem of geopolitics.

I'm a fan of Sam Harris and British ex-Muslim and now committed activist and reformer Maajid Nawaz and they've spent a lot more time thinking about this issue than you have. It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about or you'd know that with 1.3 billion Muslims you're not going to be able to convert them all to atheism, nor is the solution to kill them all. Your ignorance is hilarious kid.


"Learn to read. The text is dead. It's the followers are the ones who determine what it means. That's what I said the first time, but your problem is you can't read. "

Have you even read any Islamic scripture for yourself?
If you had you would know it is not as cryptic as you seem to think it is.
For example, it states in the Quran, quite clearly to strike your wife if she doesn't obey you....There is no peaceful way to interpret these kind of verses.
All these violenct verses would need to be completely removed.

"I'm not defending anything. I'm pointing out your ignorance of geopolitics behind Islam. I'm very aware of the problems and dangers of Islam. What I find hilarious is your ridiculously verbose texts as if you're actually educating me about Islam when you're not. Everyone already knows that shit. It's obvious you're a rube who just learned about it for the first time and so you think you're educating anyone here when all you're doing is regurgitating old news."

No, clearly not everyone knows about this shit...And I've been informed on Islam for a long time.

"What's even more hilarious about how sanctimonious you are in your absolute ignorance. How would you know this? Did you poll them?"

Polls have been done in the country, yes....So, there's that lol.
They don't believe there is anything wrong with their religion and that the violent verses in the Quran only relate to times of war.
Maajid Nawaz believes Islam can be reformed but he is just one person and most Muslims seem to disagree with him.

"It's clear you have no idea what you're talking about or you'd know that with 1.3 billion Muslims you're not going to be able to convert them to atheism, nor is the solution to kill them all."

Not once did I say they would be converted to atheists, nor did I suggest they should be killed...I am not an extremist simply because you state I am.
The only point I am making is that Islam is a threat to the west.
Not Christianity, Buddism, Sikhism or any other religion. Islam.
This is something a lot of people refuse to believe, hence why I make the post.


"Have you even read any Islamic scripture for yourself?
If you had you would know it is not as cryptic as you seem to think it is."

Of course I have, nor did I ever say it was cryptic. But you're revealing your ignorance of Old Testament texts being just as brutal and graphic, and that these texts were treated as the literal word of "God" by Christians before they underwent their Enlightenment. Any divergence was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church and followers executed. The book of Deuteronomy has very specific verses on when to stone a wife or daughter to death, or children for being disobedient. There are a ton of very explicit rules on when it's appropriate to take slaves, and how to treat one's slave. But the great Schism and subsequent Enlightenment allowed less literal interpretations of Christian scripture to flourish and the advent of modernity means moderate Christians today conveniently disregard barbaric parts of biblical scripture that no longer make any sense.

Islam is presently being prevented from any sort of reform by theocratic governments who act like the Catholic Church did when they executed heretics pre-Enlightenment. But all you need to do is look to the Muslims in cosmopolitan cities that have joined the modern world, like Dubai, or in the countries of Bahrain or Jordan to be aware that Muslim populations are capable of moderating their views with the right types of governments that legally allow alternatives. Even of the Muslims that haven't, so what? That doesn't preclude their kids and future generations from modernizing and shedding adherence to barbaric texts in the Quran as they join the modern world. Its the theocracies that need reforming.

"The only point I am making is that Islam is a threat to the west."

I'm skeptical that anyone who has any knowledge of religion isn't aware of this. Like I mentioned, the anti-western Salafi elements of Sunni Islam are there for all to see, courtesy of the Saudi government.


I am not ignorant about the old testiment, you will see I have address this already in other posts.
But Christianity is not comparable to Islam.

"Islam is presently being prevented from any sort of reform by theocratic governments who act like the Catholic Church did when they executed heretics pre-Enlightenment. But all you need to do is look to the Muslims in cosmopolitan cities that have joined the modern world, like Dubai, or in the countries of Bahrain of Jordan to be aware that Muslim populations are capable of moderating their views with the right types of governments that legally allow alternatives."

I am aware of this and I am not saying Muslims are not capable of reform but evidence suggests that the majority of Muslims in the UK do not want reform.
If there is any chance of reform, it wont be happening any time soon.
All I am currently concerned about is how Islam affects my country.


"Bullshit. We label Islam negatively because of 911, which not only came from the Middle East, but came from our greatest ally in the Middle East... Saudi Arabia. "

Ah, you are American lol that explains it....
Do you realize 9/11 was not the first terrorist attack commited by Muslims in the west?
Where I am from we have terror commited by Muslims IN THE NAME OF ISLAM almost everyday!
Do you know how many attacks we get from Christians, Jews, Hindus etc? Zero.
I'm going to copy and paste something I said in another post...


"Do you realize 9/11 was not the first terrorist attack commited by Muslims in the west?"

Islamic terrorism truly began due to our (and England's) involvement in Iran in 1953, which is also the latter half of the 20th century. But 9/11 is the modern-day reason for the negative sentiment toward Islam.

The reason the Middle East is such a "holy land" is because religion has greater influence than education over there.
And the reason the terrorism is so high is because there is a a constant battle for a natural resource beneath the "holy land" that grants instant wealth.


" 9/11 is the modern-day reason for the negative sentiment toward Islam. "

Maybe in the USA but not over here...I promise you that.


"Religion of peace"

Some facts about Islam:

1. A woman's testimony is worth only half of a man's.
If a woman is raped, she cannot press charges unless she has 2 male witnesses. This is a part of Sharia Law.
2. If a woman does not do as her husband commands, he is allowed to "strike her" Wife beating is encouraged in the Quran.
3. There is no age of consent within Islam. If a father wants to give away his 6 year old daughter to a 50 year old man....That is perfectly fine.
4. Dogs are seen as evil, unclean creatures. One of the first things the prophet mohammad did when he relocated to Medina was have his army slaughter every single dog in the land (He was a lovely man of course)
5. In Sharlia law, leaving Islam is punishable by death. There is no freedom with Islam.
6. The punishment for adultery is stoning to death. That is also apart of sharia Law.
7. Since the origin of Islam, over 260 Millions non believers have been murdered IN THE NAME of this "religion"
8. In Europe and the UK, terror acts are commited almost EVERY DAY in the name of Islam...
9. The prophet Mohammad had 800 Jews beheaded, while he stood back and watched with his SIX YEAR OLD wife....Simply for not being Muslim.
10. Between 85 and 90% of rape gangs in the Uk are Muslims....Even though they only make up roughly 7% of the population. DO THE MATH!
This is because the prophet encouraged his army to take non Muslim women as their sex slaves. All explained in the Hadiths (The documented words and actions of Mohammad)
11. Do I need to go on?

Tell me again how peaceful Islam is, please.
And before you go trying justify all of this by mentioning other religions, keep in my mind.....These things are still relevant today.


All of that is on par with the fire and brimstone of the bible. It's just that people don't practice the real bible any more, because education has taught them not to.

"10. Between 85 and 90% of rape gangs in the Uk are Muslims....Even though they only make up roughly 7% of the population. DO THE MATH!"

You're not talking homegrown Muslims though. You're talking about third-world Muslims who are suddenly trying to fit in with a first world. I've already admitted that third-world Muslims are on a far more primitive level due to a lack of infrastructure in those regions.

The only way to draw a comparison would be to take warring Christian blood diamond regimes from Africa and bring them to an Islamic first world. You would get the same results.


"All of that is on par with the fire and brimstone of the bible. It's just that people don't practice the real bible any more, because education has taught them not to. "

Exactly, this is why the violence in the bible is no longer relevant and not a valid argument to use to justify the violence within Islam. .....Like so many people seem to do.


Since you agree that Christianity has changed due to increased education, why assume that Islam won't or can't? It makes no sense. Islam didn't get the educational head start that Christianity did. Christianity was off fighting Jews, persecuting its own people for disbelieving, provoking them to create America, and then realizing their mistakes of that persecution. Islam had none of that to sculpt it. It was stuck in a desert.


Because Muslims don't want Islam to be reformed.
Mohammad is seen as the perfect man to Muslims.
There was a few polls done in the UK which showed only a very, very small percentange of Muslims actually want Islam reformed.
The only Muslim I have ever know to suggest reform is Maajid Nawaz and he seems to be hated my most other Muslims..


"Because Muslims don't want Islam to be reformed."

Uneducated Muslims don't want Islam to be reformed. Just like uneducated Christians are more likely to be fundamentalists and do not want it reformed.

"There was a few polls done in the UK which showed only a very, very small percentange of Muslims actually want Islam reformed."

It does not matter how many polls in the UK say yes to Sharia Law. Sharia Law, in its Middle Eastern form, will never become a thing in Europe. The infrastructure simply does not allow it. The only way Sharia Law exists there is in a watered-down version of itself like Christianity in the US.


I didn't mention Sharia law, I said most Muslims don't want reform lol.
I don't believe it will ever happen.


It was reformed in Saudi Arabia and Iran up to the early 1950s. Saudi Arabia had become secular and Iranian women were wearing western clothes and driving cars. Then the US and England messed it up with their desire for oil.

The people of those countries are zealots because their governments want them to be. It's all infrastructure. However, their governments are not nearly as zealous. That is how the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia and Turkey shake hands with the Jews of Israel. That is how the Shiites of Iran shake hands with secular Russia and the secular Assad family in Syria.

But the people of those countries all fall in line to the religion. They do it because they were told from birth to do it. But it is not a belief system that the governments actually follow or practice. It's all bullshit to maintain power over the natural resource that gives them instant wealth.

Hey, I don't want Saudi Arabia having libraries full of Wahabism, and television programs dedicated to it. I think the US should demand they shut all of that down. But we don't. We and our politicians completely look away at the Saudi beheadings (mostly against Iranians) while simultaneously complaining about how bad Iran is... because the Saudis/Israel don't get along with Iran. The whole thing is disgusting.


It wont be reformed in the UK. You can't even openly critisize Islam over here.
We are well and truly fucked.

By the way, for furture ref....You aren't supposed to change the topic of the "change my mind" discussion lol.

Anyway, promise I am not running away from the conversation, it's been a long day n I'm ready to unwind n get off my computer now, so I will reply to any other comments you leave tomorrow.


"By the way, for furture ref....You aren't supposed to change the topic of the "change my mind" discussion lol."

If the territory's infrastructure is a peaceful one, Muslims are peaceful. It's not changing the topic. It's changing your mind on where peace comes from. It doesn't come from religion. Never has.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all have histories rooted in violence of each other trying to claim they are the one true Abrahamic religion. Primarily, it was Judaism and Islam for the longest time, and then Christianity appeared as the cool kids club of the Mediterranean. It was self-defeating as they progressed, eventually creating another country on the other side of the planet to avoid persecution. Muslims had no such ability. They were stuck in the desert holy land where all the Abrahamic nonsense started. And they too managed to progress away from fundamentalism. Then the shit hit the fan when money entered the game.

Once all first world countries finally stop dousing the holy land with billions to buy the underlying oil, the violence mysteriously goes away. And when that happens, the stalwarts of radicalism: Saudi Arabia and Iran, will become secular... again... just like they were in the early half of the 20th century before the discovery of petroleum.

Also, like any religion, Islam becomes a religion of violence if it has a religious enemy to defeat. Right now in the Middle East, Islam is at war... with Islam. If you give an ISIS soldier a gun with three bullets, and put him in a room with a Jewish Israeli, a Christian American, and a Shiite Iranian... the ISIS soldier shoots the Iranian three times and throws the gun at him. Is it purely the religion? Or is there, not just a little, but a lot more going on there? Hmmmm....

ISIS' message to the world: Come all ye who have been persecuted by Jews and Christians. Join us in our quest to destroy.... Syria, Iraq and Iran.



Look, I am not suggesting that other religions have not been violent at some point in history.
But the fact is TODAY, Islam is the violent religion in question.
I know you are American because you seem to think 9/11 is the only significant Islamic terrorist attack.
Your country doesn't currently face the same issues that ours does.
And yes, Islam does play a big part in these issues. If you were more informed on the religion and it's roots and the issues from Muslims in the UK and Europe than you would understand. Islam is a threat to the nation. Any EX Muslim will tell you that.

"It's changing your mind on where peace comes from. It doesn't come from religion. Never has. "

Islam still plays a role in this, it is not that black n white. It doesn't stem from just one issue. If we are discussing violence in the middle east, of course it doesn't just come down to religion.
But it is a fact that Muslim terrorists, murder non muslims because they have been brainwashed by their religion and/or a muslim preacher.
To suggest it has nothing to do with the religion Islam is simply false.

Of course this is not relevant to my original question.
"Islam is not a religion of peace"

Instead of trying to change my mind on this, you have tried to change my mind on something in which you don't even know my opinion on? lol

"If the territory's infrastructure is a peaceful one, Muslims are peaceful"

I am not talking about Muslims as people, I am talking about Islam as a religion.
I'm sorry but if you can't make the distinction between then 2, then you do not understand Islam.
A lot of Muslims are peaceful, yes I think we can all agree on that...
But you cannot judge a religion based on the words and actions of moderate Muslims.
People who don't actually know much about their own religion.
Nor can you judge it on the actions of the extremists....The only way you can fairly understand Islam is by looking at the life of the prophet Mohammad and reading the original scripture.

And just to journey back to this comment:

"All of that is on par with the fire and brimstone of the bible."

Thinking about this....I'm not sure any of those things are "on par" with fire n brimstone of the bible!
You believe the suggestion of hell is just as bad as allowing children to get married?
Just as bad as branding all women as inferiors?
Mohammad stated hell is full of women who have disobeyed their wives.
He saw women as objects and this is the man who Muslims are suppposed to look up to..
This why wife beating is so common in the Muslim community.
A good friend of mine was married to a Muslim man for around 10 years and he made her life a living hell.
My girlfriend is an ex Muslim and she experienced a lot of violence from her father towards her and her mother. I am not suggesting every Muslim man beats his wife but it IS common.

1 example of how this is justified by their religion:

Quran (4:34) - "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great." Contemporary translations sometimes water down the word 'beat', but it is the same one used in verse 8:12 and clearly means 'to strike'.

Every religion has a hell but but Islam is the only religion that activity calls upon it's followers to wage war on the non believers (Kafir)
These were the final words of Mohammad.
And since this religion has no evolved through time....It is still an issue, unlike Christianity.


"You're not talking homegrown Muslims though. You're talking about third-world Muslims who are suddenly trying to fit in with a first world."

Right! Because the home grown ones are uneducated about the true origins of their religion.
They were born in to peace so they are generally good people.


So once again, you are agreeing with my original statement that:

It's all about the infrastructure behind it.

Are you ready to admit I changed your mind?


There was never really any dispute on that in the first place.
My post was about Islam as a religion, not the causes behind terrorism, of which there are many (religion incluced)


"Only in places where education barely exists. In Europe, it is growing, but it has not reached Christianity, and Christianity is dying in Europe. "

Logic should follow then, that eventually as Christianity wanes, and Islam grows, that perhaps it is not dying?

"Right. Nor were Christianity or Judaism. The three Abrahamic religions are nearly identical and equally violent. However, they are malleable. And because of it, it makes sense to criticize what they are rather than what they were."

Uh no. They are not nearly identical by any stretch of the imagination. What an absurd thing to say. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. They also believe that the son, the father, and the holy spirit are the same person. Islam teaches the opposite, that not only is Jesus Christ not three separate beings, but also that he is NOT the son of God, but rather, a simple prophet. The bible mentions nothing about Mohammed, meanwhile Mohammed is the focal point of the Koran. How in the living hell did you get that the Christianity and the bible are nearly identical? They literally profess contradictory canons. Muslims follow in the steps of Mohammed, whereas Christians follow in the steps of Christianity. Pray tell how Jesus was similar to Mohammed. I'd love to hear this.

"Bullshit. We label Islam negatively because of 911, which not only came from the Middle East, but came from our greatest ally in the Middle East... Saudi Arabia."

Oh really? So it has nothing to do with all of the terror attacks in Paris? Manchester? London? Nice? Barcelona? Toronto? Orlando? Nothing to do with the mass rape/sexual assault of German women in Cologne on New Years Eve? Nothing to do with all the child rape gangs in the UK, Sweden, Germany? London is the acid attack capital of the west. Malmo is the rape capital of the west. And none of this has anything to do with Islam? Did the early Muslim conquests circa 700 AD have anything to do with Islam either then?


"Oh really? So it has nothing to do with all of the terror attacks in Paris? Manchester? London? Nice? Barcelona? Toronto? Orlando? Nothing to do with the mass rape/sexual assault of German women in Cologne on New Years Eve? Nothing to do with all the child rape gangs in the UK, Sweden, Germany? London is the acid attack capital of the west. Malmo is the rape capital of the west. And none of this has anything to do with Islam? Did the early Muslim conquests circa 700 AD have anything to do with Islam either then?"

Thank you!
If you are also an American then you get double points for that one lol.
It seems a lot of Americans think 9/11 was the only significant act of terrorism done by Muslims.
It is crazy ignorant!


Also keep in mind that Muslims were barely on Christians' radar until halfway through the 20th century when US and England's government made the boneheaded mistake of ousting the democratic Prime Minister in Iran in favor of the religious Shah. That's when the shit hit the proverbial fan. Iranian women were driving cars and wearing western clothing, then we went and messed it all up.

For century after century, Christians had one enemy, the Jews. This is where Nazi Germany and the KKK's disdain for Jews came from... not from Jews themselves. But I agree for the most part. There was an underlying hatred in Nazis and KKK members, and Jews (and blacks) were merely a target for their hateful aggression. So to blame it all on religion is to look away from the real problem. I just wish more people would understand that it's the same deal with Islam.

Also look at Saudi Arabia in the 1920s. Fuckin secular! How the hell did that happen? Because they were free to educate themselves. Then the oil under their feet became instant wealth, and the religious outsiders like Bin Laden and the Mujahideen were the ones willing to die to maintain control of it. Russia found that out the hard way when Reagan paid billions to Bin Laden and the Mujahideen to shoot down Russian helicopters. All that money going to religious fundamentalists... but but but... it's the religion!!!! Bleah


"I just wish more people would understand that it's the same deal with Islam. "

It isn't lol. As Islam is an entirely different religion, not comparable with Christianity at all.

How much of the Quran have you read? Or how about the Hadiths or the Sira?
Is it not logical that if you want to understand a religion, the best way to do so would be to look at the origins and the words/actions of the man who created it?

And you are trying to prove that Islam is a peaceful religion, right?
Okay so, whenever you are ready...


"And you are trying to prove that Islam is a peaceful religion, right?"

No. I'm trying to prove that a religion's violence or peace is based on the infrastructure of the territory it comes from.


To an extent yes, but like I said not all religions are the same.
Either way Islam as an ideology is a threat to western civilization.


Damn, someone's having a shitfit. Calm down and use facts next time.


Who are you talking about?


"Religion in general comes from a lack of education."

This is what gender non-conformists say about gender. We only believe in masculinity and femininity because we are uneducated and in the future everyone will be androgynous.

That's what happens when education increases and religion declines. Education is not intelligence and religion does not go away. Faith based impulses just move somewhere else like science or environmentalism and you get weird moral ideas like it is wrong to eat meat. You still have the same hippy dippy Spaceship Earth idea as the communists about "blank slate" where we can re-educate and remake humanity into something it is not. Prepare to be disappointed no matter how much money corporations poor into stamping out diversity.

Rossane didn't know she was racist for her comment about Planet of the apes. You don't know you're racist for saying that black women like Church because they are uneducated. If you are a baby boomer it would explain why you thought you could virtue signal about atheism without undermining the rest of the left's hierarchy.


i agree



Child, you are not intelligent enough to join in this conversation. You simply cannot comprehend the distinction between Islam and Muslim.
We are not talking about Muslims.....We are talking about Islam. You simple fuck.

I don't watch fox news, I am from the UK and not only have a met more Muslims than you, I am in a relationship with an ex Muslim.
Now for God's sake, stop embarrassing yourself!



"Islam is the religion, a Muslim is someone who follows Islam. Easy, and I've already made that distinction in another thread you buffoon."

Then why are you asking me if I have ever met a Muslim?? You dumbass.

"Ohhh so you're one of the Brexiter's, congrats on making a bone head move!"

LMAO The idiot American thinks he understands Brexit, that is hilarious.
Please stop making me cringe lol I can't take it.


No monotheistic religion is. Each monotheistic religion or its sect followers will kill or go to war with each other to prove that their god is the best even though they are worshiping the same god since there is only one.

Jainism is the true religion of peace. Let's all become Jains!


So, if you know Islam is not a religion of peace.
Why do you think so many people claim it to be a "religion of peace"?


Since religion is a personal connection between the individual and something else, it's going to be impossible to generalize an entire religion as being about something specific like that. As I said above, the best way to look at it is by territory and how developed the infrastructure is there. Otherwise, you'll be trying to claw your way up a steel wall getting nowhere.

I think what you and the right-wing are obsessed over is the fact that the draconian territories of the holy land are majoritively Islamic. But the mistake you make is blaming their draconian nature on Islam. Back in the day, all three Abrahamic religions were equally draconian, but Islam was left in a desert, while Judaism began to disappear, and Christianity was this newer cool kids club that grew on the other side of the Mediterranean via Roman conquest which destroyed everything in its path including Greek mythology.


"I think what you and the right-wing are obsessed over is the fact that the draconian territories of the holy land are majoritively Islamic"

Not once have I mentioned this. I am not right wing and tbh you don't seem to understand what this discussion is supposed to be about.
I am not talking about Islam in middle eastern countries, I am talking about how it affects us in the west.

"As I said above, the best way to look at it is by territory and how developed the infrastructure is there."

So, Muslims committing terrorism in Europe and the UK is all becauase of the infrastructure? lol Doesn't make a lot of sense..
EVERY DAY these crimes are commited. NOT just by immigrants by by home grown Muslims too.
Why are they doing it? Because it is commanded by their prophet.
Do you realize over a million British girls have been raped by these Muslim grooming gangs?
They are not all immigrants, that's not the connection. The connection is they are all Muslim...

I'm not trying to be rude but I don't really understand what point you are trying to make...
Yes, you've said...."It's about the inflastructure. Yes, in some cases.....But that doesn't change the fact that Islam is a threat to the west....So, I don't know the relevance?
It's like you are trying to change the topic of the discussion so that you can "change my mind"
But I don't even know which view of mine you are trying to change? lol
If you haven't read the hadiths, the sira and the Quran, then you simply wont understand.

" As I said above, the best way to look at it is by territory and how developed the infrastructure is there."
The best way too look at what??
What are we even talking about? Islam, yes? Then no...Of course that is not the best way to understand Islam.
Also, the fact that you ignore most of the points I bring up tell me that you are trying to shift the topic in a way that you can come out on top...


"So, Muslims committing terrorism in Europe and the UK is all becauase of the infrastructure?"

Are you really going to sit there and pretend like you don't know that the growth of Islam in Europe is a direct result of the destabilization of the Middle East after 911? Seriously?

"I'm not trying to be rude but I don't really understand what point you are trying to make..."

And this is your only way out. I go through it point by point, and every time you come back with "uhh gee uhh I don't understand uhhh." You're hiding behind ignorance to duck out of the conversation, or to shift it away from the fact you've hit a wall.

Also, you criticized me earlier for being from the west not understanding Islam in Europe, and now you're trying to tell a westerner how much of a threat Islam is to the west. Here in the US, you are far more likely to be shot by a Christian gun nut than you are a Muslim terrorist.


You don't have an relevant points, mate lol.
You have just been rambling on and on just try and make yourself look clever....But really, you just seem like someone indoctrinated by propaganda.

"Are you really going to sit there and pretend like you don't know that the growth of Islam in Europe is a direct result of the destabilization of the Middle East after 911? Seriously?"

Are you seriously going to sit there and pretend that Islamic terrorism is all because of foreign intervention and nothing to do with Islam? Seriously?

"And this is your only way out. I go through it point by point" Youre points are not relevant to anything, you pretentious retard!
You come along n change the topic of discussion just to try and make yourself look clever and show off all the things you know....Even though it has nothing to do with anything.

"Here in the US, you are far more likely to be shot by a Christian gun nut than you are a Muslim terrorist. "

More irrelevant dribble from a pretentious, Amercian twat lol
Doesn't change ANY of the facts I've mentioned about Islam.
yeah, the US isn't suffering from mass immigration so that'll be why that is....

"And this is your only way out." Way out of what?
A boring and uninteresting conversation with some egotistical idiot who's desperately trying to a prove stranger online wrong about something? Anything at all? lol

You: There must be something I can prove this person wrong about!

Again, you are trying to change my mind on something....That you don't even know my opinion on lol.


"Are you seriously going to sit there and pretend that Islamic terrorism is all because of foreign intervention and nothing to do with Islam? Seriously?"

No pretending required. Though "foreign intervention" is a weird way to put it. You already agree Europe's rise of Islam is because of mass immigration, i.e. foreigners.

"Doesn't change ANY of the facts I've mentioned about Islam.
yeah, the US isn't suffering from mass immigration so that'll be why that is...."

There, in your own words. The problem is mass immigration of people from somewhere else. So tell me. Where are they migrating from? What part of the world has been destabilized to the point where a "mass" of individuals require migration? I can't wait for your answer to this one.


So, you are going to suggest that ISLAMIC terrorism is nothing to do with Islam?
When a Muslim runs towards a crowd of people, waving a machette and shouting "Allahu Ackbar" (God is great)
It has nothing to do with the religion he follows? You are wrong.

"There, in your own words. Europe is suffering from the mass immigration of Muslims. Now... tell me. Where are they migrating from? What part of the world has been destabilized to the point where a "mass" of individuals require migration?"

Not every Muslim terrorist has migrated from the middle east. The Manchester Arena bomber was home grown....Radicalized by a Muslim hate preacher....Who was also born here.
He did what he did because of Islam.....Are you even aware of this?
"nothing to do with islam" Give me a fucking break!
Even the ones that have immigrated are following and acting in the name of Islam, so for stop talking crap.

The fact is, the origin of Islam is violent....Another fact is, it is still violent today.
You would literally not be saying half of the crap you are saying now if you were properly educated on Islam.
This is what makes the conversation just frustrating. So are so confident with your bullshit that it's just pointless even speaking to you.
If you are going to suggest that all Islamic terrorism is because of foreign intervention and nothing to do with Islam then......I'm out lol.
Educate yourself on Islam. Read the Hadiths then the Sira, then Quran....And then get ready to blush when you realise you weren't as informed as you believed you were.


"So, you are going to suggest that ISLAMIC terrorism is nothing to do with Islam?"

No, I just understand the difference. Real Islamic terrorism is what happened on 9/11. We used that to invade and destabilize the region. Since the destabilization, Islamic terrorism has changed. We're now talking about regimes (primarily Saddam's which is now called ISIS) trying to get back the power that was taken from them in Iraq. Syria is their target.

"Not every Muslim terrorist has migrated from the middle east."

It doesn't matter. You have tens of thousands of Syrians entering your continent. That is a buttload of draconian influencers that you do not want mass-migrating to a first world, and it's your primary problem. The US created the Syrian problem, but you took them in because we were too stubborn to pay for our mistakes.

"The Manchester Arena bomber was home grown....Radicalized by a Muslim hate preacher....Who was also born here."

And we had the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting. The guy admitted he did it because of our treatment of Syria. Although the guy is a terrible human being who deserved his fate, he is correct that we completely destroyed that country. Yet we get away with it every day. As we do it, people like you only point to Islam... because you don't want to see the big picture. Our government is using the lack of intelligence of people like you to continue ransacking the Middle East. They know people like you AND THE RIGHT WING will just go on pointing their stupid little fingers at Islam.

I can only take you up the mountain and walk you to the fountain. I cannot make you drink.


"No, I just understand the difference. Real Islamic terrorism is what happened on 9/11. We used that to invade and destabilize the region. Since the destabilization, Islamic terrorism has changed. We're now talking about regimes (primarily Saddam's which is now called ISIS) trying to get back the power that was taken from them in Iraq. Syria is their target."

"real islamic terrorism" lol gimme a break, you pretentious fool!
You have clearly been getting your information from the mainstream media.
Stop talking about 9/11 like it is the only significant terrorist attack.
REAL islamic terrorism happens almost every day in my country, you don't even live here and you think you can tell me it has nothing to do with Islam?
You are talking shit and presenting your cringe worthy argument as if it is a fact....Which is just embarrassing, mate.

"And we had the Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting. The guy admitted he did it because of our treatment of Syria. Although the guy is a terrible human being who deserved his fate, he is correct that we completely destroyed that country. Yet we get away with it every day. As we do it, people like you only point to Islam... "

Why did you ignore what I said about the Manchester arena bomber as if it is not relevant but then bring up a shooting that happened in your country like it is relevant?
I wasn't talking about that, was I? So, let's venture back....
He was a home grown muslim who had been indoctrinated by ISLAM!
Understand? Not from watching the news, not because of anything our governments have done in the middles east....Because of his fucked up religion. Fact.
You can't just ignore this fact and bring up a completely different event.

" Our government is using the lack of intelligence of people like you to continue ransacking the Middle East. They know people like you AND THE RIGHT WING will just go on pointing their stupid little fingers at Islam.



" Our government is using the lack of intelligence of people like you to continue ransacking the Middle East. They know people like you AND THE RIGHT WING will just go on pointing their stupid little fingers at Islam."

Your government means nothing to me.
I point my finger at Islam because I am educated on Islam.
You know nothing about it, hence why you believe terrorism is all because of foreign policy...IT ISN'T!

"I can only take you up the mountain and walk you to the fountain. I cannot make you drink."

lol kill yourself.


You are doing the same exact thing that you accuse them of doing by your intolerance and personal attack on a religion.

Only 10% of Christians in the United Kingdom go to church, so obviously religion isn't important to them. Why would you care if Muslims practice theirs?

Your posts are filled with stereotypes. I doubt that you know any Muslims. Just avoid InfoWars (or whatever bigoted sites you frequent) and your paranoia should resolved itself quickly.


Keelai - I see and speak to Muslims every day and did you miss the part where I said my girlfriend is an EX muslim?
I don't watch info wars, all my facts have come from studying the actual religion from it's roots. Something I would advise you ignorants morons to do youtself.

Also, if you could list these apparent stereotypes I have used, that would be great..


"Do you realize over a million British girls have been raped by these Muslim grooming gangs?"

Facts? I think not. Islamophobic nonsense.


Ummm, what? I don't know where you a from but this is absolute fact, you moron!
It is not a conspiracy theory, no one is denying it, it is world wide news ffs lol.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8ZY_WTrRBw "Millions of rapes"

Get your head out of the sand, for fuck sake.
This happened in my own town, you truth denying moron!
I dunno where the fuck you are from by I suggest you start paying attention to what happens in other countries.


Seven men involved in a child prostitution ring between 2007-2009. Perhaps 100 or more victims. Everything else is mass hysteria and exaggeration on your part. Get a grip!


First he says Islam is violent. I tell him it's based on the territory, primarily the Middle East where there is low infrastructure and education. Then he says he disagrees because of the violence in Europe, where he also complained about the mass immigration of Muslims. Then I told him the obvious, that the mass immigration is coming from the Middle East. Then he said no, it's a homegrown problem because of some preacher.

The dots for both problems were connected for him clearly and concisely, but he still said no. This rajh guy is a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


He is also omitting how European and American involvement in the region created the problem in the first place. I guess it's too much to ask of him to open up a history book. The former Soviet Union overthrew Afghanistan's leader and invaded creating a proxy war with the United States which created Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban.

The UK and America overthrew Iran's leader and invaded Iraq. France and NATO killed Gaddafi and invaded Libya. US and Russia are in Syria. Et cetera.

Europe and U.S. destabilized the Middle East which is creating refugees.


Exactly. We put in a puppet in Iran, and it backfires by giving power to the Ayatollah. We give weapons to Saddam Hussein, and it backfires by increasing his dictatorship. We give billions to Bin Laden and the radical Mujahideen to fight the Russians, and it backfires when they attack the WTC in response to us stepping in their holy land to stop Saddam. The WTC gets attacked again, and we use it to go after Saddam again, which backfires into his regime turning into ISIS. ISIS goes after Assad, and innocent Syrians are caught in the middle losing everything they've ever known. It requires a serious mental lapse for someone to examine all of that and believe it's caused by religion.


Man, you 2 are so fucking stupid, it's actually cracking me up.
These things you have mentioned are nothing to do with issues we face with Islam in the Uk.
You continue to insist terrorism is nothing to do with religion while showing clearly that you do not know anything about the actual religion.

And one other thing....Are you actually a Muslim yourself?
If not, then you are literally triggered on behalf of other people, you pathetic, self righteous douche. Same to you, Kaisercunt.


"These things you have mentioned are nothing to do with issues we face with Islam in the Uk."

Except you don't even understand what's happening in your own damn country. You see the mass immigration of Muslims, who are Middle-Easterners, and you think Islam is spreading. It isn't. Christians and Atheists are not being replaced by Muslims. What's happening is Muslims from the Middle East are being transferred to Europe. And that is how Islam dies just like Christianity has been doing for well over a century. Infrastructure and education destroys religion. There are other ways too, but those are the big ones.

"And one other thing....Are you actually a Muslim yourself?"

No. I understand religion is a system of control, used to prey on people who have questions about the afterlife without any answers. And it's all because of the simple fact that an afterlife cannot be disproved... just like unicorns and leprechauns. As education becomes more prominent, people begin to understand the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. Education eventually switches the default to "there is no man in the sky until it is proven there is a man in the sky." And as we know, education of that sort is extremely rare in the Middle East.


"Except you don't even understand what's happening in your own damn country. You see the mass immigration of Muslims, who are Middle-Easterners, and you think Islam is spreading. It isn't. Christians and Atheists are not being replaced by Muslims. What's happening is Muslims from the Middle East are being transferred to Europe. And that is how Islam dies just like Christianity has been doing for well over a century."

You really are clueless and this is how I know you don't live in the UK.
Islam IS spreading in the UK, we have Muslims all over the country marching for the country to become Islamic. It is not dying, it is spreading.
You don't even live here, you have absolutely no idea what is going on!


dlancer - First of all your obession with me is getting a little concerning....Do you have actual friends in real life or is this website basically your home?

"Then I told him the obvious, that the mass immigration is coming from the Middle East. Then he said no, it's a homegrown problem because of some preacher."

What does that even mean? You fucking idiot, I never said anything like that lmao.
When the fuck did I say that mass immigration its a homegrowjn problem?? That makes no sense, retard.

"The dots for both problems were connected for him clearly and concisely, but he still said no. This rajh guy is a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. "

No, no we've already discovered it is you who has the ol' dunning Kruger, remember?
You may as well have just replied with "I know you are but what am I?"

Anyway, everything you have just said is shit lol I never said anything as such as what you are suggesting.


"dlancer - First of all your obession with me is getting a little concerning"

Says the guy who made three replies to me back-to-back. I haven't responded to you in like three days, lol.


"First he says Islam is violent. I tell him it's based on the territory, primarily the Middle East where there is low infrastructure and education. Then he says he disagrees because of the violence in Europe, where he also complained about the mass immigration of Muslims. Then I told him the obvious, that the mass immigration is coming from the Middle East. Then he said no, it's a homegrown problem because of some preacher. "

Fine, I'll address your shitty post lol.

Yes, Islam is violent. Fact.

"I tell him it's based on the territory, primarily the Middle East where there is low infrastructure and education"

Well, no it's based on the original scripture, which Muslims still follow today, regards of infrastructure.
HENCE WHY we have so many home grown Muslims committing terrorism.

" Then I told him the obvious, that the mass immigration is coming from the Middle East. Then he said no, it's a homegrown problem because of some preacher. "

Obviously mass immigration is coming from the middle east, you moron lol.
You're actually suggesting that in response to you saying this....I said "No, it is a home grown problem because of a preacher"?? Da fuck are you talking about?

Mass immigration is coming from the middle east....Yes, this fact does not say anything about the religion which we are discussing.
Islam as a poltical ideology is a threat to the west....You disagree with this?


Keelai - Is there something clinically wrong with you?

"even men involved in a child prostitution ring between 2007-2009. Perhaps 100 or more victims. Everything else is mass hysteria and exaggeration on your part. Get a grip!"

Just wow lol You really are thick as shit. As I suspected you don't have a fucking clue about what goes on in other countries, do you?
100 victims? Between 2007-2009??? YOU RETARD! There have been multiple other cases within the last year! Over 60 Muslim men were charged just THIS YEAR for grooming girls, you diobolical moron!
They have been exposed all over the uk from places like Telford, Bristol, Rotherham, Rochdale, Newcastle (Over 700 girls in Newcastle alone..) The muslims in Rotherham got away with their crimes for over ten years because of spineless lefties like you who refused to acknowledge the problem.
And did you not hear Lord Pearson addmitting this himself in the video I showed you? Or did you simply refuse to watch it? It is fucking INSANE that people like you are too pathetic to acknowledge this fact, INSANE!

Now explain to me exactly WHY you choose to believe this is all "mass hysteria" ? Go!



"I'm pretty sure non-muslims make up the majority of the sex trade "groomers", including those involved with underage prostitution."

Is this something you've just assumed for no reason at all?
Here is the ACTUAL fact...

Muslims are responsible for 85% of grooming gangs in the UK.
Muslims only make up around 5 or 7% of the population. Do the math.

This is a fact, Princess. Deal with it.


A police chief, Superintendent Tom Harding of West Mercia police said the claim has been sensationalized in the news.

Link to CREDIBLE sources like court documents supporting your claim: the indictments or judgments of the 60 Muslim men.


https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/huddersfield-child-grooming-gang-charged-15031935 31 men.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/calderdale-grooming-gang-police-arrest-20-men-involvement-child-sexual-abuse-trafficking-girls-add-a8155541.html 20 men

51 men, that's bad enough.
These are stories everyone in the UK are familiar which. All you are doing is proving how clueless you are.

But never mind that, it's obviously down to whatever superintendent Tom Harding says is true (whoever the fuck that is...)
News flash, kid.....Police lie to the public ALL THE TIME!
Wake the fuck up.

I really hope you don't live in the UK..


I don't want links to fake news especially since British papers are notorious for sensationalism and lies.

I want links to court documents for the cases. Which specific criminal courts were these men tried and found guilty in? Where are links to the actual judgements?






Pantheons kinda fight too, but it's more like throwing shade than bombs. 😅


Then we will fight in the shade.


May your god find that as fun as mine would. 😉


I need a saw, a crowbar, and a fresh brain. Then I can change your mind.




I don't think any religion is truly a religion of peace, so what's your point? Hm?


It is Islam that is commonly known as the "religion of peace" though, isn't it?


Who cares? I reiterate--what is your point? Hm?


What is wrong with you? If you aren't interested then why are you commenting?
Who cares? I care....If you don't....Then fuck off, ya little prick lmao


You made a post briefly stating "Islam is not a religion of peace. Prove me wrong" and left it at that.

I say again--what is your point? Hm? Why did you start this thread? What was the purpose? What sort of replies were you expecting to this in a Donald Trump thread? Hm?


I didn't leave it at that, I have debating with someone on the topic since yesterday...
Because you just said you don't care about the fact that people falsely claim Islam is a religion of peace so what do you want from me? lol


You made this thread for PRECISELY one reason, so stop acting like you're here for any serious discussion, kid. :)

You trolls are ALL the same.


It's because he's a Trump supporter, and potentially a right-winger :)

Also, his only friend on here seems to be Tom8 who recently got busted for creating two sock accounts to agree with his posts. The good side is Tom8 actually has a real person to converse with :)

This shit is hilarious. I can't stop smiling :)


LOL! That's funny, but not surprising.

The fact that most Trumpers on the internet are childish trolls says a whole hell of a lot about Trump and the kind of base he has. XD


"It's because he's a Trump supporter, and potentially a right-winger :)"

Everyone who speaks in facts is a Trump supporter to morons like you.
I'll say it one more time....I don't care about Trump lol. I am not even from your ridiculous country lmao.

"Also, his only friend on here seems to be Tom8 who recently got busted for creating two sock accounts to agree with his posts. The good side is Tom8 actually has a real person to converse with"

Awww, look at you 2, bonding lol.
If using me as way to break the sexual tension between you then you keep going!
I don't know who "Tom8" is, I am guessing it is a Trump supporter who you have moronically assumed I must know for some reason....(Idiots)
I don't actually have any friends on this website....I only have real life friends. People I actually know, not disembodied, online text...That is all you retards are to me lol.
The fact, you are apparently sat there on your own, smiling to yourself because you think you have roasted me or something is genuinely cringe worthy and painful to read.


dteam6 If me making this thread upsets you, I suggest you get the fuck outta here and cry about it to someone who gives a fuck :-)


But your point of view is rather twisted here.

You say Islam is not a religion of peace, but you understand that the individual has the ability to make Islam their religion of peace.

So your take is that Islam is not a religion of peace... unless it is?

I mean, help me out here.


"You say Islam is not a religion of peace, but you understand that the individual has the ability to make Islam their religion of peace."

Your point of view is that of a simpleton. Since you literally cannot seperate the religion from the individual even after 3 days of someone trying to explain it to you, you fucking dopey prick lol.

"I mean, help me out here."

No lol.
I am genuinely bored of speaking to moronic lefties, it's just embarrassing.
Me and my friends had a good laugh at some of the hilarious shit, you 2 retards said yesterday...
It's hilarious how much this conversation means to you both lol.
I suggest you try going outside and socialising with real human beings and don't let this conversation keep you up at night.


You are somehow able to separate Islam from the individual, but not Christianity from the individual. Islam is a violent religion to you even if people practice it peacefully, even though that violence has deep roots to the Middle East where chaos is created by powers vying for control of oil. Yet you consider Christianity to be peaceful because its practitioners have changed their violent ways. Both religions contain instructions to commit violence to other religions. In Exodus, there are even instructions to not only own slaves, but to beat them, and in what circumstances it is acceptable to beat them to death. Does that mean I should consider Christianity a religion of violence? No. I'm smarter than that. I know a religion's violence is based on the practitioner. The Quran, the Holy Bible and the Tanakh are all structured in a way that a person can draw violent or peaceful inspiration from them. So now you end up in this fruitless position of wanting to identify exactly how one religious text has more degrees of violence than the others, but have no way to get there due to the effort involved. So instead you just base it on violence that, once again, links to the chaos in the Middle East. The topic of this thread is very misleading. I cannot change a mind that isn't functioning properly.


There's a small community of Muslims in my neighborhood, and we remain peaceful.



You are a fucking retard, son LOL. The only person ignoring facts is you.
Which "facts" have I ignored?
You literally ignored every point I made, you delusional, empty headed monkey boy.


Yeah, that's what I thought!



"Scared little bitch" Ooooh brave internet tough guy lol
Where did that even come from? Triggered kid.

"You ignore all the violence and oppression done in the name of Christianity."

Didn't ignore anything, I addressed this issue, you know this ....You dishonest prick.

"You ignore the moderate Muslims who interpret their religion in a non violent, non oppressive way."

Stated multiple times that most muslims are peaceful....Again YOU DISHONEST PRICK!

"You ignore the fact that all the Abrahamic relegions have their violent tendencies and can/are interpreted in vastly different ways by their 1billion+ followers(a side from Judaism with a few million)"

Wrong. There is nothing violent about Christianity today, since it has been reformed. How many times do I need to repeat this to you?
Islam is the only religion that is a threat to western civilization. Fact.
The issues we face in the UK and in Europe are not anything to do with Christianity or any other religion.
It is not buddists who are killing people in the street, blowing up kids at concerts, ploughing vans though crowds of people or raping young white girls in large gangs......It is Muslims.
And their actions are all justified in their religion....Get it?
You unintelligent, little girl lol
Course you don't get it. And you never will.

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s

Listen and learn, kid.



"You're a scared little bitch when it comes to Muslims obviously."

LOL silly child. My girlfriend comes from a family of muslims...
I am a big fan of several muslim activists. Maajid Nawaaz, Imman Tawahdi to name a few..

You are quite literally the simplest person I have ever spoken to!
Even when I explain 3 times to seperate the religion from the individual, you STILL cannot do it!
It is bizarre, mate lol.

And tell me what do you know about Brexit? Where are you from exactly?



"So you admit there are moderate Muslims but continue to paint the entire religion with the same brush. "

Look, if you genuinely suffer from learning difficulties or any other kind of brain disorder than I apologise but.....Are you actually retarded?
Suggesting that Islam is a threat to the west is not a suggestion that all MUSLIMS are a threat...
For the 4th time you have failed to seperate the religion from the individual and I am actually quite blown away by you to be honest...

"Christianity is responsible for far more violence and oppression but since you insist that it's "reformed" it gets a pass."

What the hell do you mean? "it gets a pass"??
Well, since it is no longer violent and does not pose a threat to the country, why would I still have an issue with it? ISLAM HAS NOT REFORMED OR EVOLVED OVER TIME LIKE OTHER RELIGIONS HAVE!

Just don't even reply again, kid. I promise you, you aren't doing yourself or other liberals any favours by repeatingly demonstrating how difficult you find things to comprehend.
It's just embarrassing, mate. I genuinely feel like I am conversing with a special person..



Good one...



"Well, since it is no longer violent and does not pose a threat to the country, why would I still have an issue with it? ISLAM HAS NOT REFORMED OR EVOLVED OVER TIME LIKE OTHER RELIGIONS HAVE!"

You are showing your bias here. You are applying different standards to each religion. The new testament is still the new testament. You are saying it has reformed because the individuals who practice it have reformed. So you agree it is not religion that is violent, it is the people who draw violence from it that are violent. Good. Now go with that. Islam has more practitioners who are predisposed to violence. But that predisposition occurs long before they recite a single line of violence from the Quran. Their predisposition to violence comes from them being raised raised in a part of the world where chaos and violence was the norm due to its infrastructure and lack of education. So in order to get to the root of the problem, we have to examine that infrastructure. But if we do that, we're talking about the Middle East again, which means we're talking about a territory where powers are vying for control of the oil so they can sell it to first worlds who pay to keep it violent and chaotic. And we know how cranky you get when we get into those details.


all religions are bs
