MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Obama would of been crucified if he ha d...

Obama would of been crucified if he ha done 100th of what trump did

Fox News literally ran story’s based on Obama’s eating a hot dog with no ketchup and because he wore a tan suit.

Could you imagine Obama having an affair with a porn star? Republicans would be crying that he has “desecrated the sacred office of the president and must be impeached”

Conservatives are hypocritical partisan hacks.


They would have stormed Washington with their Tiki torches in hand, chanting stuff like "make the White House white again" ;)



Good point... Emperor Orange Julius.


How would people act if they made jokes about the color of Obama's skin. Hypocrite much?



Caucasian aren't white either, but regardless, you are making a point of taking shots at someone based purely on appearance. I thought the world had moved past that mentality,but apparently some people think it's ok to pick and choose when to be progressive. I'm not even saying that it's you or limited to this topic. Picking on an older man for his thin hair, or having a little extra weight in his ass. I see this all if the time on SNL, The Daily show, and John Oliver. It's weak and comes across as childish and bitter to me.



Lol, I don't think even Trump's supporters would call him progressive, but I don't think it's fair to hold a 70 year old to that standard. They grew up in a different time. I'm not personally offended, and I understand you were joking and I'm totally fine with it. I was mostly feigning indignation to show there is a little double standard when it comes to progressives. I don't think you were being an ass, I was just try to make a point too. I think it's fine to make little jokes and point out something obvious like a terrible fake tan. I just want it to be ok both ways.


The hypocrisy from the right is disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves if they had any shame at all.


Right. Imagine if Obama had soiled the Oval Office by having sex with a 19yo intern. Oh I’m sorry that was Bubba.

Keep up the demoKKKRat cause lemming.


"Right. Imagine if Obama had soiled the Oval Office by having sex with a 19yo intern. Oh I’m sorry that was Bubba. "

Imagine if Bubba wanted to close down the 4 year independent investigation by Starr, and threaten to fire him?
Oh, I'm sorry that is T-rump.

Imagine if Bubba called the Starr investigation a 'witch hunt' and he was a 'victim of fake news'? Oh I'm sorry that is T-rump.

Imagine if Bubba paid off Lewinsky with hush money and had his lawyers physically threaten her? Oh I'm sorry that is T-rump.

Imagine if Bubba or Obama did 1/100th of the shit T-rump has done in his first fourteen months in Office?


Remember, Clinton was impeached for far less than what Trump has done. Can we please bring the impeachment charges against Trump!


Yes! Yes! Yes! The sooner the better. I can't believe his BS and how he has gotten away with it. The Blue Wave is coming in November!


Can you imagine what they would say if Obama dropped over 26,000 bombs his last year in office? Oh wait,he did and nobody said shit. I think that's worse than screwing someone.


Can you imagine what the Rethuglikkkans would say if Obama served Bin Laden's head on a plate? Oh wait, he did do that within his first 28 months in Office, and the Rethuglikkans gave Bush / Cheney all the credit.


Bin Laden was killed by a white male Republican. You got a problem with that?


Under a black male liberal's orders. You got a problem with that?


These republicucks literally would not give Obama’s credit if he went there and cut off osama’s
head himself.

They would argue the steel was made in China and made by a white guy so black are lazy.

The mental gymnastics they have to do.

By threetentos logic literally no democrat can do anything good if they didn’t do it themselves even if they ordered it and made it happen


Clinton committed perjury, which is a crime. What crime has Trump committed?


He's committed the crime of winning! We all know that's where this bitterness from the left started.


Clinton was found not guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice by the Senate.


He was found NOT GUILTY of perjury and obstruction of justice by the Senate. Why do you try to rewrite history?


Perhaps you should read the posts before regurgitating. BTW he fessed up to it.


Perhaps ThreetoTenIQ is as simple-minded as T-rump, and needs constant re-emphasis of the most basic facts.


He didn't fess up to perjury and he pled guilty to no crime. He agreed to have his law license suspended in a civil resolution in which they agreed to not file any charges against him. For the record I am not a Bill Clinton fan but facts matter and the fact is he was never found nor pled guilty to any crime.


Obama wasn't cruicified for the crap he did do. Here's the reality sweetie: Politicians are not decent human beings. They all suck. Obama sucked. Trump Sucks. Bush Sucked, Clinton Sucked (or was sucked), and all the rest are the equivalent of a black hole because they suck so much. Politicians are liars and thieves who only survive because they take a cut of the money you earn to pay themselves, their friends, and their crap programs. The news is just as sucky because they have a bias and most won't admit to it. In the end, stop being a sucker and get over the political malarkey. I bet you and a Trump Supporter would have a great time talking about your favorite childhood movies. The problem is, politicians and the news are pitting people against each other to increase ratings and get votes. It sucks.


Democracy guarantees an eternal conflict, and tyranny of the majority. One day governments will become irrelevant and fade away.


Here’s the reality sweetie, I never said Obama’s was a good man, I simply pointed out the ridiculous hypocrisy of running stories and attacking a president for his suit colour, while holding another person to a lesser standard.

Your pessimistic view is basically just a balance falaccy where you say they are all equally criminals and therefore it doesn’t matter.

I’m studying politics at school. I guarantee I know more about politicos than you so maybe you shouldn’t be such a condescending no it all. You added nothing to the conserversation other than the be a trivialist and give fallacies. Congrats for wasting both our time


Your studying politics in school. You don't need me to waste your time. You're doing that well enough as is. Enjoy your studies sweetheart.


Hah in other words “I got embarrassed, I’m going to try and save face”. How embarassing. Your life must be really sad


If that's what you need to think to feel special, be my guest. I'll just assume your projecting. Enjoy your classes sweetheart.

BTW, you should probably learn that the word "know" isn't spelled "no."

Example:" shouldn’t be such a condescending no it all."


Feel special? You are self projecting again.

Ohhh here comes the grammar Nazi. Haha you know you lost all arguements when you have to resort to spell checking on an anonymous Internet forum.

You are an embarassement.


If that makes you happy, sure. Good luck sweetie.


The big three signs you lost an Internet arguement

1.change the subject or move goalposts. Check

2. Become a grammar Nazi. Check

3. Cry the other person is name calling. Check.
You got destroyed child.

Move on to the next person who is going to oublically spank you.


Yep. you're a real winner there sweetie. Please, reply with more of these posts. My co-workers and I are laughing our asses off at you.


You mean you and your imaginary friends. If you show your movie chat online arguements to “friends”, you are a loser.

We all know you are alone


I didn't say "friends," I said "co-workers."

Your reading comprehension needs work as well as your spelling. I think you may need to go back to class and pay attention rather than bitch about politics on a movie forum. But, if you want to keep posting, I don't mind reading all your butthurt sweetie.


So you admitted your coworkers don’t like you.

If they aren’t your friends, why are you showing them a random internet convo. How sad is your life.

Trump is the president you retard. You really think people are going to talk about his film appearances and ignore politics.

You are such a loser. Everything you write just screams pathetic loner no one likes.


Yep. We're bored and you're our entertainment for the afternoon. We do this for kicks when things are slow.

I know President Donald J. Trump is the president. What's great is the fact that Obama is no longer the president. What's even better is the fact that Hillary Clinton lost to President Donald J. Trump. She lost to a TV star who's addicted to twitter. She lost so bad, that she still complains that no one likes her. Her supporters are so butthurt, that anyone who reads their comments just laughs at how pathetic they are. She was so terrible, that the Media outlets that covered for Obama are now disgraced for covering for her. They were so biased, that they ruined their credibility. Now, you're just complaining because they're ineffective against Trumples. Obama was supported by MSNBC, CBS, CNN, and pretty much every TV program out there. Yet, your complaining because one outlet didn't behave the same as the rest. Get over it sweetie. You lost hard and I'm going to continue to laugh at all these stupid comments. BTW, you probably didn't read this whole statement, because your reading comprehension is crap. But I look forward to the personal attacks and moronic replies. MAGA MAGA MAGA.














That sucks man, I thought you had some points to begin with, especially about the media driving us apart, all politicians sucking etc...both of you had good points.
The thing about Fox News IMO, is that they sell indignation...that's their goldmine, and whatever it takes to rally up a little of it, be it. Its "Newsotainment". Obama could somehow single-handedly forge a way to world peace and the following day at Fox News, their programming would still have to revolve around just how much he's good at completely sucking ass. Because that's what the viewers tune in for. Anything else would...well, it'd just be weird, frankly. Oh, and of course to hear about how those delusional liberal morons are tearing America apart, which Hannity especially seems to make a point of hammering on daily.

For someone so aware of the media tearing us apart, surely you know that before the election, several different surveys showed pretty much the same thing...more than half the people that were voting for Trump were only doing so, so that Hillary wouldn't win. And the same for the other way around.

What's interesting is that it seems like the standard way to reply to someone complaining about Trump, is to first accuse them of being a Hillary supporter, which...isn't just a reflexive, deflective personal attack that generally has jack shit to do with the topic at hand, its likely not true.
You seem to first claim some sort of objectivity...before delving into the same bag of bullshit that every other partisan hack pulls his tricks from, so spelling errors and all, ambien was right on track IMO. Which is too bad, really.


My points still stand. Just because the OP is a moron and I engage him with "maga maga maga" doesn't take truth out of a true statement. The label "political hack" means nothing. It doesn't stop the suckage that is all politics and politicians. My next statement is even more jarring. If you're dumb enough to think that a third party is a better option, you're just doing the same thing as any other "political hack" who fought over Trump and the rest of the politicians. In the end, politics are just people talking about politicians who steal our money to pay themselves, their friends, and for their awful programs. They pander and use the media to get people like us to talk politics in inappropriate places, like this movie forum. Then, while we get all riled up and call eachother names like "political hack," the day still passes into night and nothing matters in the end. No big discoveries. Just keyboard warriors commenting about politics because we're bored. So, until the OP is done commenting,I will continue to write "maga maga maga," because the OP is just another "political hack." What's a big sign of maturity is to take truth and follow it regardless of dislike of behavior.


your point doesn't stand. and political hack means you are a partisan, you circle the wagons.

amazing how this sort of politicking you describe isn't near as bad in some other countries.

follow the truth? you are a trump cuck. you have literally denied the truth (that all is not equal, politics is not a false balance fallacy) and have simply decided to dumb down all critical thinking and just follow the old trope of "well they are all corrupt so oh well)

how embarrassing



I get what you're saying and you're right, but I think there's a point where people on the left feel we've gone off the deep end as far as just how insulated from facts the people on the right seem to be.
I'm not saying that it doesn't happen on the left, I'm just saying that if all you do is listen to Limbaugh and watch Fox News, you'd have no idea at all that Trump could do wrong.
When the reality is that Trump has lied his way through his campaign, into office, and continues to lie daily in an effort to keep his base rallied.

He may not know what he's talking about sometimes, but often there's just no way its not purposeful, and you'd never know it with being a follower of his because there's virtually nobody who's going to make a point of telling you.

There's about a lie a day, but the big things, uh...getting out of the Paris Accord on account of it costing the US too much money while other countries get to do what they want. That's not how it works...even a little, and yet people listening to Trump's speech are cheering, waving their signs and chanting MAGA while having zero idea that TRUMP has zero idea of what he's talking about.

We're followers by nature, its in our genome, and Trump has the swagger, but unfortunately there's not much underneath it. And the people behind him...its as if information has become dangerous because now we're dealing with people who want to believe in him, who are personally invested, whose egos are at stake. Its hard not to be frustrated with that.

Especially with Trumps divisiveness, he inserts himself and his opinion into matters that would normally be above a president, bringing inflammatory rhetoric to further divide us, and he does this to rally his base. Again, purposefully. And it seems to be about the opposite of what the leader of a great nation such as ours is supposed to be doing. I feel like half my own family is brainwashed...this is getting personal, you know?


it didn't take long for Quiobys true colours to come out...

I won't deny some outlets were softer on Obama. He was an insanely good campaigner, was charismatic, but often implemented republican lite policies.

however the punch pulling by say MSNBC, was no where equal to the outright lies and propaganda outlets like Fox tried, from the birther thing to as I said the making mountains out of molehills or even non political issues.

yea many people rightfully hated Hillary. heck I do, I call her Shillary.

besides this though, studies showed Trump actually talked more about policy than she did with her platitudes like "I'm with her!". and trump actually talked to peoples economic woes like Free trade and the CPP. Hillary supported both. She ignored her own husbands most famous quote, "its the economy stupid"

yep I could see through his/her guise.... it happens all the time.. they act like fair actors and non partisan. then after about 5 comments, they start accusing you of loving Hilary, start blaming black people, or talking about how I just want free stuff. its predictable.



Dude...yeah, hell yeah. I blame the Dems and Hillary herself for Trump's winning the election, why they chose to put up someone with so much baggage, a politician's politician, and why she chose to help throw Sanders under the bus, its anyone's guess. I just hope she goes the hell away forever, just please God, let Hillary fade into history before she does any more damage lol

Yep, she didn't say shit, right? Her speeches, "We're going to be here for the LITTLE GUY, guys!"...she yeah, exactly, she wasn't saying anything, it was like she was running on the premise of not being Donald and being a woman. Jesus what a choice we had last cycle, huh?

But that is exactly where I'm at as far as bias goes...its one thing to be soft, its a whole other ballgame to tell bold, bald-faced lies and mislead an entire sect of the American population. Screw liberal bias, because it hurts everybody, especially when its something that can be pointed to for ensconcing yourself in an alternate reality where the fact that Trump has an issue with telling the truth would come as a complete shock lol

Yeah well played man, and you know...that's kind of hackery in itself, isn't it? The, "Yeah well they're all bad, brah. Duh" as a means to seem elevated while belittling your point...only to have your own agenda going on behind the scenes. So much for enlightenment lol


hahah now Quioby is spamming all my other comments on other boards with MAGA and even sent me a PM.

proof that mental health needs more funding in America. I feel bad for the kid



You are using Putin's favorite tactic of covering up your guy's weaknesses by claiming that all politicians are like that.

I dare you to try to put forth some basis for saying that Obama was a bad man.



Over-medicated today, or not enough meds?


He is such a characuture if an Alex Jones rush limbaugh cuckservative I make fun of I don’t know if he is being serious or sarcastic


Then why did you report it? What were you afraid of?


It was not reported by anyone.


Okay thanks I’ll try it again then.

But Obama was a secret Muslim from Kenya who had a reputation in Chicago’s finest homosexual bathhouses. How come his eligibility was never used as a pretext to investigate his financial records? Obama killed people. He invaded more countries than George Bush, bailed out more failed banks. That’s why Obama was never crucified. He was their house n-word.


So you cleaned up your language to comply with MovieChat's fairly permissive rules. Congrats. Now all that's left is malicious slander and transparent stupidity.

You really did choose an appropriate username.


Trolls need to choose less obvious names




All I can say is this. Record everything what every republican or Fox news has said about Obama then compare them to what Trump has said. Next, when a democratic president becomes elected again, compare again and see where they stand on the same issues that have been raised/said with Trump. Make a compilation video and boom you got the hypocrisy in action.


We on the right have already been doing this for half a century. That’s what gave birth to conservative talk radio. And Fox News.

Before Rush Limbaugh came along, there was literally 1 conservative in all of national news media. George Will. Who was 1 of a group of political comentatators on This Week with David Brinkley.

The Demokkkrat party has been bastardizing the media, education for over 50 years.

Remember Bill Clinton screwing a 19yo intern in the Oval Office of the White House while he was president? Remember the entire demokkkrat media circling the wagons to protect him insisting it was his private business? Yeah we do too.

And now they want to bring up consensual sex that happened over a decade ago. Yawn.

When you open your mind and really want to find hypocracy, just look at the demokkkrat party and the demokkkrat media and how they cover/ignore any issue involving one of their precious representatives.

Time to open your minds lemmings.


Anyone willing to take a chance and bet against the fact that Gd5150 is not a Russian Bot on this forum? Yeah, didn't think so.
