That Earring...

Oh Justin, no. You're sexy as hell, but that earring detracts rather than enhances. It's not a good look for you. Is it a good look for anyone? It's reminiscent of Harrison Ford's earring. Remember that? Does he still have it? I hope not. It evokes "I am desperate to be viewed as young and relevant and cool" instead of, you know, actual coolness. I believe that you pull off your style quite well, but this is a step in the wrong direction.


The earing isn't worse than the dressed in black constantly 99 percent of the time.


Or! Or! Or! Or he can be who he wants to be


Who said he can't be who he wants to be? Waste of time comment. The earring sucks.


Sexy as hell?!??? On what planet? He is UGLY, and ill-proportioned. He has a loongg torso, short legs, dresses as a hipster douche with too-tight jeans, black boot-polish hair dye and orange oompa-loompa spray tan. He is so incredibly desperate to be seen as cool that he looks like an ugly orange 'troll doll' (if you were a kid in the 80s/90s you'd know what I am referring to). He is butt ugly and repulsive-looking. He is the opposite of sexy.


Wow, why are you so angry about his looks? Not everybody is going to be attracted to the same physical appearances. I don't know about fake tanning - we just never saw him tan before because he wasn't in the sun as much in NYC as he is in LA and in Mexico now.
