MovieChat Forums > David Tennant Discussion > My forever favorite Doctor

My forever favorite Doctor

I found out that I've only got a few episodes left until the 10th Doctor regenerates and I'm not excited. I've grown a love for him and his acting because of Doctor Who so I might be weeping like a weeping angel when he leaves.


You can just skip to Series 5 or Series 8, if you want to pretend he's still alive a bit longer. You might actually prefer Matt Smith/Peter Capaldi to Tennant. Some people do. Also, there are some BBC New Series Adventures novels featuring the Tenth Doctor, although they've moved on to 11 and then 12 as well now.


I know how you feel, it took me a long time to warm up to Matt Smith but I eventually did. Now I love him almost as much as David :)

Dark Stefan, may I have this dance?


I know how you feel. I was crying after his final episode on Doctor Who. Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi both do great jobs as the Doctor.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)
