Wizard World

I have no idea if its true or completely made up but I was reading on a blog that David Tennant hates dealing with Wizard World and never wants to work with them again. This has everything to do with Wizard World and how Wizard World treats fans at Comic Cons. Does anyone know is this is true or not?


No idea but he's done a bunch of different Wizard World cons so he can't hate them that much, or he wouldn't keep on working with them.


I believe he's done three and it was after the second that he made those claims. The third may have been already scheduled and impossible to change. Only time will tell. I'm only referring to the Wizard World brand and not all cons.


What blog is it?


I can only find this and its in the comment section by Jeremy C Hughs. As I said it could be all made up and only time would tell. I was on the WW site and couldn't find him under the guest section which has a lot of future and past guests who had nothing scheduled at this time.



Heres the entry. from the comments on the blog

Jeremy C Hughes says:

17 March, 2016 at 2:25 pm

In the aforementioned issues, I will add my own. I’ve been to many a convention, and worked quite a few as well, sincluding Derpycon South 2013, Bronycon 2014, Bronycon 2015, recently Ichiban Con 2016, and Triad Anime Con 2016, and will be working Colossal Con 2016. I’ve also attended Bronycon 2012, Bronycon 2013, and Anthrocon 2014, plus smaller in-town cons here and there. And never, ever in my con-going experience have I come across such a horrible ‘convention’ in my life.

First off: Money. The ticket prices were outrageous, to say the least. But it didn’t stop there, oh no. To take advantage of *anything* advertised? You had to pay. Pay, pay, pay. Course that was included in VIP, but if you didn’t shell out hundreds upon hundreds for a VIP ticket, you basically should have just had your wallet outstretched in a hand with a sign that read ‘take what you want WW’. I mean they actively tried to stop non-VIPs from taking photos of guests, especially David Tennant-Whom by the way has said he will never attend another WW event, ever.

They even left it up to the staffers if you could just go up to a person and say hello or not, guest wise. Prime example? John Schneider. I saw him at his table, and no-one was so much as even stopping by really. Visibly bored out of his skull. So me and another guy decided, hey, we’ll go up, say hi, talk a bit and thank him for what he did in Dukes of Hazzard as we grew up on that show… Nope. Staffer was incredibly rude, bordering on aggressive. Told me I had to either buy something, or go the hell away. In that exact wording.

So I brought this to the Convention Staff in the office. They kept trying to dodge the issue and make it out like it wasn’t a big deal.

Now do you remember how earlier in this I mentioned all of the cons I work, and attended? Here’s where that comes in. And I shall do this, script style with me and the staff person whom we will name Mary.

Me: Look, I get that, you have security for your guests. However that was -beyond- uncalled for, and there are numerous folks who have had this issue with that exact staffer.
Mary: Well, I’m sorry, but we run a tight ship here-
Me: I -understand- that, however you’re running TOO tight of a ship. You’re running a Cruise Ship which is supposed to be a fun, pleasant getaway, but you’re running it with almost military like harshness and strictness.
Mary: Well, we make sure our guests at our shows are well taken care of, and it’s up to the guest and their manager.
Me: Really? Last I checked some of these guests had zero issue talking to fans. And infact LOVE to. Your staffer is quite out of control, and swearing at con attendees. What is -wrong- with you folks? I have worked at a good number of conventions, and this is without a doubt the worst person I’ve ever seen. If he worked at any of the cons I do? He’d be sent home, that day, posthaste.
Mary: Well, we run very large shows-
Me: Like what? You’re claiming you are larger than Anthrocon 2015? Or Bronycon? We have -thousands- of attendees there, every year and we’re still growing.
Mary: Well, this is one of our smaller shows.
Me: Ok lady, first off, this is a convention, not a show. You want a Show, you go to something like the Circus, a movie theater, and such. This is a convention. And give me numbers. How big? If I’m wrong, I’ll admit it. How big?
Mary: *getting irritated* Well you know, if you don’t like it you don’t have to come back here. Have a good day.
Me: Believe me, I won’t.

So this con thinks behavior like that, is acceptable. They won’t even quote me any numbers of their other cons, for some reason either. So you know what… This “convention’s” attendees were more of an attraction than the convention itself, though a number of them were capital *beep* including this Ironman cosplayer who decided to tell me to screw off when I was getting a video of his working faceplate.


Interesting article, thanks for posting. Wizard World sounds pretty awful. I'm not familiar with WW but personally I wouldn't attend another con since I think they are often exploitative and set up a lot of uncomfortable barriers (saying that as someone who has attended cons twice, once as a fan and once as a invited panel guest).

Otoh I know DT's had problems with obsessed fans and people who absolutely mob him and don't respect his privacy. I tend to side-eye anyone complaining about not being able to get close to him (and then claiming to "know" his personal feelings?).


Yeah its hard to sort out what is fact or fiction. There's always two sides to every story and the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. I could absolutely see celebrities asking their handlers to be the bad person while acting nice as could be to fans to save face.

It never fails either that some fanboy or girl will take things to far and ruin the experience for other fans and the celebrities. Rock concerts are always the worst for this. Big girls always push their way to the front and act like they've got a chance with the lead singer but don't even have a chance with the stagehand.

I've had much more fun with the artists at cons then anyone else. I'm referring to the small time art artist and not the comic artist which I'm sure are super nice as well.

Id be the one dude who met DT and been like "I love you as fugitoid on TMNT and in Jessie Jones." I've never watched a clip of him as the Dr. I tried a few episodes with a different Dr. and just didn't like the show.


I went WW in St.Louis back in April. DT was there and he was nice and smiling as always. However, his handlers were *beep* I stood in an area where apparently "off limits" even though there was no signs or anything. I caught DT walking from his signing booth to his photo op area. I said hi and he said hi back. I asked if I could take a photo with him, before he could say anything his handler said no and guided him to keep walking. What a jerk. I know DT is known for fan friendly and I know it wasn't his decision to ignore his fans. He was one of us for crying out loud. I delt with WW people all day few of which was on my ass for being too close. I wasn't even being pushy. I was just minding my own business and they were having a stick up their asses all day. I was warned about WW that they're all about money and not the fans. I wouldn't be surprise if DT actually decided that wouldn't deal with them anymore. His next appearance is in Alamo City in October and I hope to be able to attend.
