I am shocked

I just binge watched Jessica Jones.

I've never seen (any) Dr Who, I've never had a "fan-girl" mentality about anyone or anything that I've seen in a show/movie.

holy. *beep*

His acting was so incredible in the series I just can't handle it. Scenes where most actors would've needed lines to convey emotion - he didn't need lines. You saw it. It was even more poignant in the context of his character in Jessica Jones.

I will probably be dedicating my free time the next few months watching every goddamn thing he's been in that I can get my hands on. All the actors in Jessica were decent but he just stole the show.


Dr. Who is what made me fall in love with David Tennant but I have loved EVERYTHING he has been in. I've watched clips of the plays he's done and the goofy things like Decoy Bride. Jessica Jones and Broadchurch show him in completely different way than any "fangirl" would ever think of him being in. He is such a versatile actor and I can't wait to meet him someday!!


Love, love, love, David Tennant! My first exposure to him was in Doctor Who. Then i watched Decoy Bride, Broadchurch, and then Jessica Jones. All awesome! I am rewatching him in Doctor Who Season 4 episode 14 and there is one scene where he is getting to see someone special (I don't want to give away spoilers) and he has the most precious expression on his face! Like a kid on Christmas morning or something. He was beautiful! I was totally fangirling.

I loved him in Jessica Jones. Unfortunately I tended to overlook all the bad things he had done...


Not to mention that purple and black suit. HOT DAMN. He's absolutely amazing in everything he does.


I feel the same way. I had seen him in Harry Potter and that's about it. He was breathtaking as Kilgrave and I've spent the last few weeks binging his work. I hope this is the role that propels him to superstardom.


You need to watch Broadchurch ASAP.


My favourite works of his.

Secret Smile
Single Father
The Escape Artist

These really show his range, and the scripts were good. Then work through the rest of his filmography. Even when the scripts aren't great, he always gives his all.


He's an amazing actor. It's why I like him a lot.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


After Doctor Who I am trying to find everything else I can of him- most recently The Politician's Husband, which was okay. Really liked Hamlet, United, Spies of Warsaw, Single Father, St Trinian's 2, Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger, The Decoy Bride, and Casanova. Escape Artist and What We Did On Holiday are good too.
